/// <summary>
 /// Causes the screen to lay out its subcomponents again. This is the equivalent of the Java call
 /// Container.validate()
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void SetWorldAndResolution(Minecraft par1Minecraft, int par2, int par3)
     GuiParticles = new GuiParticle(par1Minecraft);
     Mc           = par1Minecraft;
     FontRenderer = par1Minecraft.FontRenderer;
     Width        = par2;
     Height       = par3;
        public virtual void Update(GuiParticle par1GuiParticle)
            PosX      += VelocityX;
            PosY      += VelocityY;
            VelocityX *= AccelScale;
            VelocityY *= AccelScale;
            VelocityY += 0.10000000000000001D;

            if (++TimeTick > TimeLimit)

            TintAlpha = 2D - ((double)TimeTick / (double)TimeLimit) * 2D;

            if (TintAlpha > 1.0D)
                TintAlpha = 1.0D;

            TintAlpha  = TintAlpha * TintAlpha;
            TintAlpha *= 0.5D;