/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> public ResultInfo(int qid, double qtype, string qraw, SearchCost cost, TimeSpan time, IResult res) { this.qid = qid; this.qtype = qtype; this.qraw = qraw; this.cost = new SearchCost (0, 0); this.time = TimeSpan.FromTicks (0); this.result = new List<ResultPair> (); this.Extend (res, cost, time); }
/// <summary> /// Search shell (not interactive at this level) /// </summary> public static void Search(Index index, IEnumerable<CommandQuery> qReader, ShellSearchOptions searchOps) { BinaryWriter ResultOutput = null; if (searchOps.ResultName != null) { ResultOutput = new BinaryWriter (File.Create (searchOps.ResultName + ".tmp")); } int qid = 0; long totaltime = 0; SearchCost totalCost = new SearchCost (0, 0); if (ResultOutput != null) { var reslist = new ResultList (searchOps.IndexName, searchOps.QueryName); // Dirty.SerializeBinary (Output, reslist); reslist.Save (ResultOutput); } foreach (CommandQuery qItem in qReader) { long tstart = DateTime.Now.Ticks; SearchCost startCost = index.Cost; IResult res; var qobj = qItem.QObj; if (qobj == null) { qobj = index.DB.Parse (qItem.QRaw, true); } if (qItem.QTypeIsRange) { res = index.SearchRange (qobj, qItem.QArg); } else { res = index.SearchKNN (qobj, (int)qItem.QArg); } var qraw = qItem.QRaw; if (qraw.Length > 1024) { qraw = "<very-large-qraw>"; } SearchCost finalCost = index.Cost; finalCost.Internal -= startCost.Internal; finalCost.Total -= startCost.Total; totalCost.Internal += finalCost.Internal; totalCost.Total += finalCost.Total; long time = DateTime.Now.Ticks - tstart; totaltime += time; ResultInfo info = new ResultInfo (qid, qItem.EncodeQTypeQArgInSign(), qraw, finalCost, new TimeSpan (time), res); Console.WriteLine ("== qid: {0}", qid); Console.WriteLine ("== index: {0}, db: {1}, result: {2}", index, index.DB.Name, searchOps.ResultName); if (ResultOutput != null) { // Dirty.SerializeBinary (ResultOutput, info); info.Save (ResultOutput); } Console.WriteLine (info.ToString (searchOps.ShowMaxResult, null)); qid++; } if (ResultOutput != null) { ResultOutput.Close (); if (File.Exists (searchOps.ResultName)) { File.Delete (searchOps.ResultName); } File.Move (searchOps.ResultName + ".tmp", searchOps.ResultName); } Console.WriteLine ("Number queries: {0}", qid); Console.WriteLine ("Average total-numdists: {0}", (totalCost.Total + 0.0) / qid); Console.WriteLine ("Average internal-distances: {0}", (totalCost.Internal + 0.0) / qid); Console.WriteLine ("Average external-distances: {0}", (totalCost.Total - totalCost.Internal + 0.0) / qid); Console.WriteLine ("Total search time: {0}", (new TimeSpan (totaltime)).TotalSeconds); Console.WriteLine ("Average search time: {0}", (new TimeSpan (totaltime / qid)).TotalSeconds); }
/// <summary> /// Search shell (not interactive at this level) /// </summary> public static void Search(Index index, IEnumerable<CommandQuery> qReader, ShellSearchOptions searchOps) { var summary = new ResultSummary () { ResultName = searchOps.ResultName, IndexName = searchOps.IndexName, QueriesName = searchOps.QueryName }; int qid = 0; long totaltime = 0; SearchCost totalCost = new SearchCost (0, 0); foreach (CommandQuery qItem in qReader) { long tstart = DateTime.Now.Ticks; SearchCost startCost = index.Cost; IResult res; var qobj = qItem.QObj; if (qobj == null) { qobj = index.DB.Parse (qItem.QRaw); } if (qItem.QTypeIsRange) { res = index.SearchRange (qobj, qItem.QArg); } else { res = index.SearchKNN (qobj, (int)qItem.QArg); } var qraw = qItem.QRaw; SearchCost finalCost = index.Cost; finalCost.Internal -= startCost.Internal; finalCost.Total -= startCost.Total; totalCost.Internal += finalCost.Internal; totalCost.Total += finalCost.Total; long time = DateTime.Now.Ticks - tstart; totaltime += time; var query = new Query () { QueryID = qid, QueryType = qItem.EncodeQTypeQArgInSign(), QueryRaw = qraw, SearchCostTotal = finalCost.Total, SearchCostInternal = finalCost.Internal, SearchTime = (new TimeSpan(time)).TotalSeconds, Result = new List<ItemPair>(res) }; Console.WriteLine ("----- QueryID: {0}, QueryType: {1} -----", query.QueryID, query.QueryType); if (res.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine ("- results> empty result set"); } else { Console.WriteLine ("- results> count: {0}, first-dist: {1}, last-dist: {2}", res.Count, res.First.Dist, res.CoveringRadius); } Console.WriteLine ("- search-time: {0}, cost-internal-distances: {1}, cost-total-distances: {2}", query.SearchTime, query.SearchCostInternal, query.SearchCostTotal); Console.WriteLine ("- index: {0}, db: {1}, result: {2}", index, Path.GetFileName(index.DB.Name), Path.GetFileName(searchOps.ResultName)); summary.Add (query); qid++; } summary.ComputeSummary (); if (searchOps.ResultName != null) { File.WriteAllText (searchOps.ResultName, JsonConvert.SerializeObject (summary, Formatting.Indented)); } Console.WriteLine ("Number queries: {0}", qid); Console.WriteLine ("Average total-numdists: {0}", (totalCost.Total + 0.0) / qid); Console.WriteLine ("Average internal-distances: {0}", (totalCost.Internal + 0.0) / qid); Console.WriteLine ("Average external-distances: {0}", (totalCost.Total - totalCost.Internal + 0.0) / qid); Console.WriteLine ("Total search time: {0}", (new TimeSpan (totaltime)).TotalSeconds); Console.WriteLine ("Average search time: {0}", (new TimeSpan (totaltime / qid)).TotalSeconds); }
/// <summary> /// Extends the current result set with a new result (increasing time and search's cost) /// </summary> public void Extend(IResult res, SearchCost cost, TimeSpan time) { this.cost.External += cost.External; this.cost.Internal += cost.Internal; this.time = this.time.Add (time); foreach (ResultPair p in res) { this.result.Add (p); } }
/// <summary> /// Search shell (not interactive at this level) /// </summary> public static void Search(Index index, IEnumerable<CommandQuery> qReader, ShellSearchOptions searchOps, IEnumerable<string> args) { string names = null; string[] dbnames = null; if (searchOps.Names != null) { dbnames = File.ReadAllLines (names); } BinaryWriter ResultOutput = null; if (searchOps.ResultName != null) { ResultOutput = new BinaryWriter (File.Create (searchOps.ResultName + ".tmp")); } SortedDictionary<double, int> avg_hist = new SortedDictionary<double, int> (); int qid = 0; long totaltime = 0; SearchCost totalCost = new SearchCost (0, 0); if (ResultOutput != null) { var reslist = new ResultList (searchOps.IndexName, searchOps.QueryName); // Dirty.SerializeBinary (Output, reslist); reslist.Save (ResultOutput); } foreach (CommandQuery qItem in qReader) { long tstart = DateTime.Now.Ticks; SearchCost startCost = index.Cost; IResult res; if (qItem.QTypeIsRange) { res = index.ParseSearch (qItem.QRaw, qItem.QArg); } else { res = index.ParseKNNSearch (qItem.QRaw, (int)qItem.QArg); } SearchCost finalCost = index.Cost; finalCost.Internal -= startCost.Internal; finalCost.External -= startCost.External; totalCost.Internal += finalCost.Internal; totalCost.External += finalCost.External; long time = DateTime.Now.Ticks - tstart; totaltime += time; if (searchOps.Filter != null) { res = searchOps.Filter (qItem.QRaw, qItem.QArg, res, index); } SortedDictionary<double, int> hist = new SortedDictionary<double, int> (); if (searchOps.ShowHist) { foreach (ResultPair p in res) { if (hist.ContainsKey (p.dist)) { hist [p.dist]++; } else { hist [p.dist] = 1; } } foreach (var p in hist) { if (avg_hist.ContainsKey (p.Key)) { avg_hist [p.Key] += p.Value; } else { avg_hist [p.Key] = p.Value; } } if (avg_hist.Count > 1000) { searchOps.ShowHist = false; Console.WriteLine ("WARNING: Histogram of distances was disabled because there are too many bins"); } } ResultInfo info = new ResultInfo (qid, qItem.EncodeQTypeQArgInSign(), qItem.QRaw, finalCost, new TimeSpan (time), res); if (ResultOutput != null) { // Dirty.SerializeBinary (ResultOutput, info); info.Save (ResultOutput); } Console.WriteLine (info.ToString (searchOps.ShowMaxResult, dbnames)); if (searchOps.ShowHist) { Console.WriteLine ("Distance histogram (dist => counter)"); foreach (KeyValuePair<double, int> xp in hist) { Console.Write ("({0} => {1}), ", xp.Key, xp.Value); } Console.WriteLine ("<TheEnd>"); } Console.WriteLine ("Number Results: {0}", res.Count); qid++; } if (searchOps.ShowHist) { Console.WriteLine ("Average Distance histogram (dist => counter)"); foreach (KeyValuePair<double, int> xp in avg_hist) { Console.Write ("({0} => {1}), ", xp.Key, ((double)xp.Value) / qid); } Console.WriteLine ("<TheEnd>"); } if (ResultOutput != null) { ResultOutput.Close (); if (File.Exists (searchOps.ResultName)) { File.Delete (searchOps.ResultName); } File.Move (searchOps.ResultName + ".tmp", searchOps.ResultName); } Console.WriteLine ("Number queries: {0}", qid); Console.WriteLine ("Average numdists: {0}", (totalCost.Internal + totalCost.External + 0.0) / qid); Console.WriteLine ("Total search time: {0}", (new TimeSpan (totaltime)).TotalSeconds); Console.WriteLine ("Average search time: {0}", (new TimeSpan (totaltime / qid)).TotalSeconds); }