private void InitializeOptions() { try { SelectedRenderApiParam = RenderApiParams.First(x => x.Key == RegistrySaver.ReadStringValue(RegistrySaver.RegParamsList, RegistrySaver.RegRenderApiName)); } catch (Exception) { SelectedRenderApiParam = RenderApiParams.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Key == "OpenGL3"); } try { SelectedRenderModeParam = RenderModeParams.First(x => x.Key == RegistrySaver.ReadStringValue(RegistrySaver.RegParamsList, RegistrySaver.RegRenderModeName)); } catch (Exception) { SelectedRenderApiParam = RenderModeParams.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Key == "Mono"); } CustomCommonParams = RegistrySaver.ReadStringValue(RegistrySaver.RegParamsList, RegistrySaver.RegAdditionalParamsName); IsUseAllCores = RegistrySaver.ReadBoolValue(RegistrySaver.RegParamsList, RegistrySaver.RegIsAllCoresName); IsNotextureStreaming = RegistrySaver.ReadBoolValue(RegistrySaver.RegParamsList, RegistrySaver.RegIsNoTextureStreamingName); AppLogger.Add("Application Options initialized"); }
public void DeleteConfig() { Configs.Remove(SelectedConfig); RegistrySaver.RemoveRegistryValue(RegistrySaver.RegConfigList, SelectedConfig); AppLogger.Add("Configuration file [" + SelectedConfig + "] deleted"); SelectedConfig = Configs.FirstOrDefault(); }
// Copies SrcDir and its content to the DestDir as a new subdirectory on a remote machine. If Node == null, local copying will be performed. private void DeployDir(string SrcDir, string DestDir, ClusterNode Node = null) { if (!Directory.Exists(SrcDir)) { AppLogger.Add("Directory not found: " + SrcDir); return; } string appPath = "robocopy"; string argList = string.Empty; if (Node != null) { // Build arguments with remote destination path argList = string.Format("{0} {1} /e", SrcDir, GenerateRemotePath(Node, DestDir)); } else { // Build arguments with local destination path argList = string.Format("{0} {1} /e", SrcDir, DestDir); } Process proc = new Process(); proc.StartInfo.FileName = appPath; proc.StartInfo.Arguments = argList; proc.Start(); }
private void ProcessCommandStartApp(List <ClusterNode> ClusterNodes) { if (!File.Exists(SelectedConfig)) { AppLogger.Add("No config file found: " + SelectedConfig); return; } if (!File.Exists(SelectedApplication)) { AppLogger.Add("No application found: " + SelectedApplication); return; } // Update config files before application start HashSet <string> NodesSent = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (ClusterNode Node in ClusterNodes) { if (!NodesSent.Contains(Node.address)) { NodesSent.Add(Node.address); DeployFile(Path.GetFullPath(SelectedConfig), Path.GetDirectoryName(SelectedApplication), Node); } } // Send start command to the listeners foreach (ClusterNode Node in ClusterNodes) { string cmd = GenerateStartCommand(Node); SendDaemonCommand(Node.address, cmd); } }
public void DeleteApplication() { Applications.Remove(SelectedApplication); RegistrySaver.RemoveRegistryValue(RegistrySaver.RegAppList, SelectedApplication); AppLogger.Add("Application [" + SelectedApplication + "] deleted"); SelectedApplication = null; }
//Reloading all config lists private void InitializeConfigLists() { Applications = RegistrySaver.ReadStringsFromRegistry(RegistrySaver.RegAppList); SetSelectedApp(); AppLogger.Add("Applications loaded successfully"); Configs = RegistrySaver.ReadStringsFromRegistry(RegistrySaver.RegConfigList); SetSelectedConfig(); AppLogger.Add("Configs loaded successfully"); AppLogger.Add("List of Active nodes loaded successfully"); }
private void deployAppBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (applicationsListBox.SelectedIndex < 0 || configsCb.SelectedIndex < 0) { AppLogger.Add("No application/config selected"); return; } CmdRunner.ProcessCommand(Runner.ClusterCommandType.DeployApp); }
private void stopDaemonsBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (configsCb.SelectedIndex < 0) { AppLogger.Add("No config selected"); return; } CmdRunner.ProcessCommand(Runner.ClusterCommandType.StopListeners); }
private void killBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (configsCb.SelectedIndex < 0) { AppLogger.Add("No config selected"); return; } CmdRunner.ProcessCommand(Runner.ClusterCommandType.KillApp); }
public void AddApplication(string appPath) { if (!Applications.Contains(appPath)) { Applications.Add(appPath); RegistrySaver.AddRegistryValue(RegistrySaver.RegAppList, appPath); AppLogger.Add("Application [" + appPath + "] added to list"); } else { AppLogger.Add("WARNING! Application [" + appPath + "] is already in the list"); } }
public void AddConfig(string configPath) { try { Configs.Add(configPath); SelectedConfig = Configs.Find(x => x == configPath); RegistrySaver.AddRegistryValue(RegistrySaver.RegConfigList, configPath); ChangeConfigSelection(configPath); AppLogger.Add("Configuration file [" + configPath + "] added to list"); } catch (Exception) { AppLogger.Add("ERROR! Can not add configuration file [" + configPath + "] to list"); } }
public void ProcessCommand(ClusterCommandType Cmd) { List <ClusterNode> ClusterNodes = GetClusterNodes(); if (ClusterNodes.Count < 1) { AppLogger.Add("No cluster nodes found in the config file"); return; } switch (Cmd) { case ClusterCommandType.RunApp: ProcessCommandStartApp(ClusterNodes); break; case ClusterCommandType.KillApp: ProcessCommandKillApp(ClusterNodes); break; case ClusterCommandType.StartListeners: ProcessCommandStopListeners(ClusterNodes, true); ProcessCommandStartListeners(ClusterNodes); break; case ClusterCommandType.StopListeners: ProcessCommandStopListeners(ClusterNodes); break; case ClusterCommandType.ListenersStatus: ProcessCommandStatusListeners(ClusterNodes); break; case ClusterCommandType.DeployApp: ProcessCommandDeployApp(ClusterNodes); break; default: break; } }
public void ChangeConfigSelection(string configPath) { try { foreach (string config in Configs) { if (config != configPath) { RegistrySaver.UpdateRegistry(RegistrySaver.RegConfigList, config, false); } else { RegistrySaver.UpdateRegistry(RegistrySaver.RegConfigList, config, true); } } } catch (Exception exception) { AppLogger.Add("ERROR while changing config selection. EXCEPTION: " + exception.Message); } }
private int SendDaemonCommand(string nodeAddress, string cmd, bool bQuiet = false) { int ResponseCode = 1; TcpClient nodeClient = new TcpClient(); if (!bQuiet) { AppLogger.Add(string.Format("Sending command {0} to {1}...", cmd, nodeAddress)); } try { // Connect to the listener nodeClient.Connect(nodeAddress, DefaultListenerPort); NetworkStream networkStream = nodeClient.GetStream(); byte[] OutData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(cmd); networkStream.Write(OutData, 0, OutData.Length); byte[] InData = new byte[1024]; int InBytesCount = networkStream.Read(InData, 0, InData.Length); // Receive response ResponseCode = BitConverter.ToInt32(InData, 0); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!bQuiet) { AppLogger.Add("An error occurred while sending a command to " + nodeAddress + ". EXCEPTION: " + ex.Message); } } finally { nodeClient.Close(); } return(ResponseCode); }
private bool SpawnRemoteProcess(string Name, string Dest, string Path, string Args, bool bQuiet = false) { bool bPassed = false; Process proc = new Process(); proc.StartInfo.FileName = Path; proc.StartInfo.Arguments = Args; proc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; proc.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; proc.Start(); bool failed = true; if (!bQuiet) { while (!proc.StandardOutput.EndOfStream) { string line = proc.StandardOutput.ReadLine(); if (line.IndexOf("ReturnValue = ") >= 0) { int result = -1; string value = line.Split('=')[1].Replace(';', ' '); if (int.TryParse(value, out result) && result == 0) { AppLogger.Add(String.Format("{0} successfull on {1}", Name, Dest)); failed = false; break; } } } if (failed) { AppLogger.Add(String.Format("ERROR! {0} failed on {1}", Name, Dest)); } } return(bPassed); }
private void ProcessCommandStartListeners(List <ClusterNode> ClusterNodes) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedApplication)) { AppLogger.Add("ERROR! No selected application"); return; } // It supposed that listener application is exist alongside the application. Let's check it out. string ListenerFilePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(SelectedApplication), ListenerAppName); if (!File.Exists(ListenerFilePath)) { AppLogger.Add(string.Format("Listener application {0} not found", ListenerFilePath)); return; } // Ok, we have listener application available on the local PC. It's possible that some remote machine has no listener available. // To make sure it's available everywhere we deploy listener application. HashSet <string> NodesSent = new HashSet <string>(); // Add local IPs so we don't copy on current host IPAddress[] localIPs = Dns.GetHostAddresses(Dns.GetHostName()); foreach (var LocalIP in localIPs) { NodesSent.Add(LocalIP.ToString()); } // Upload listener foreach (ClusterNode Node in ClusterNodes) { if (!NodesSent.Contains(Node.address)) { // Deploy the listener application if it doesn't exist on remote machine string RemoteListenerPath = GenerateRemotePath(Node, ListenerFilePath); if (!File.Exists(RemoteListenerPath)) { DeployFile(ListenerFilePath, Path.GetDirectoryName(ListenerFilePath), Node); } } } // Now we're ready to start listeners remotely KeyValuePair <string, string>[] SchTaskCmds = new KeyValuePair <string, string>[] { new KeyValuePair <string, string>( String.Format("SCHTASKS /Create /TN StartClusterListener /TR \\\"{0}\\\" /SC ONEVENT /EC Application /MO *[System/EventID=777] /f", ListenerFilePath), "Task registration"), new KeyValuePair <string, string>( "SCHTASKS /RUN /TN StartClusterListener", "Task activation") }; NodesSent.Clear(); foreach (ClusterNode Node in ClusterNodes) { if (!NodesSent.Contains(Node.address)) { foreach (var Cmd in SchTaskCmds) { NodesSent.Add(Node.address); string appPath = "wmic"; string argList = string.Format("/node:\"{0}\" process call create \"{1}\"", Node.address, Cmd.Key); SpawnRemoteProcess(Cmd.Value, Node.address, appPath, argList); } } } // Finally, let's check if all listeners have been started successfully NodesSent.Clear(); foreach (ClusterNode Node in ClusterNodes) { if (!NodesSent.Contains(Node.address)) { NodesSent.Add(Node.address); int ResponseCode = SendDaemonCommand(Node.address, CommandStatus); if (ResponseCode != 0) { AppLogger.Add("Couldn't start the listener on " + Node.address); } } } }
//Config file parser public static VRConfig Parse(string filePath, VRConfig currentConfig) { // refactoring needed List <string> inputLines = new List <string>(); List <string> sceneNodeLines = new List <string>(); List <string> screenLines = new List <string>(); List <string> viewportLines = new List <string>(); List <string> clusterNodeLines = new List <string>(); List <string> cameraLines = new List <string>(); List <string> generalLines = new List <string>(); List <string> stereoLines = new List <string>(); List <string> debugLines = new List <string>(); try { foreach (string line in File.ReadLines(filePath)) { if (line == string.Empty || line.First() == '#') { //Do nothing } else { if (line.ToLower().Contains("[input]")) { inputLines.Add(line); } if (line.ToLower().Contains("[scene_node]")) { sceneNodeLines.Add(line); } if (line.ToLower().Contains("[screen]")) { screenLines.Add(line); } if (line.ToLower().Contains("[viewport]")) { viewportLines.Add(line); } if (line.ToLower().Contains("[cluster_node]")) { clusterNodeLines.Add(line); } if (line.ToLower().Contains("[camera]")) { cameraLines.Add(line); } if (line.ToLower().Contains("[general]")) { generalLines.Add(line); } if (line.ToLower().Contains("[stereo]")) { stereoLines.Add(line); } if (line.ToLower().Contains("[debug]")) { debugLines.Add(line); } if (line.ToLower().Contains("[render]")) { //todo } if (line.ToLower().Contains("[custom]")) { //todo } } } foreach (string line in viewportLines) { currentConfig.ViewportParse(line); } foreach (string line in generalLines) { currentConfig.GeneralParse(line); } foreach (string line in stereoLines) { currentConfig.StereoParse(line); } foreach (string line in debugLines) { currentConfig.DebugParse(line); } foreach (string line in inputLines) { currentConfig.InputsParse(line); } foreach (string line in cameraLines) { currentConfig.CameraParse(line); } foreach (string line in sceneNodeLines) { currentConfig.SceneNodeParse(line); } foreach (string line in screenLines) { currentConfig.ScreenParse(line); } foreach (string line in clusterNodeLines) { currentConfig.ClusterNodeParse(line); } currentConfig.sceneNodesView = currentConfig.ConvertSceneNodeList(currentConfig.sceneNodes); = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath); //AppLogger.Add("Config " + + " loaded"); RegistrySaver.AddRegistryValue(RegistrySaver.RegConfigName, filePath); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { AppLogger.Add("ERROR! Config " + + "not found!"); } catch (System.ArgumentException) { AppLogger.Add("ERROR! Config " + + "not found!"); } return(currentConfig); }