public async Task <JToken> cdcallDriverAllocPUT(DriverAllocation dalloc) { cdCallAPI mycallAPI = new cdCallAPI(); var response = await mycallAPI.cdCallPutAPI(App.cdDriverAllocURLPutPost, dalloc, App.cdDriverAllocationKey); return(response); }
async void callGetDriver(Account logAccount) { try { cdQueryAttr qryAcct = new cdQueryAttr(); qryAcct.ColIndex = "IndexName"; qryAcct.IndexName = "StudentIDindex"; qryAcct.ColName = "StudentID"; qryAcct.ColValue = logAccount.UserName; getDriver myDriverArray = new getDriver(); DriverAllocation pubDriverInfo = new DriverAllocation(); cdCallAPI mycallAPI = new cdCallAPI(); var jsreponse = await mycallAPI.cdcallDriverAllocGET(qryAcct); myDriverArray = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <getDriver>((string)jsreponse); pubDriverInfo = myDriverArray.DriverAllocation[0]; DriverName.Text = "Driver Name: " + pubDriverInfo.DriverName; CarType.Text = "Car Type: " + pubDriverInfo.Attr3; LicensePlate.Text = "License Plate: " + pubDriverInfo.Attr4; DestinationAddress.Text = "Address: " + pubDriverInfo.Attr1; DestinationAddress2.Text = " " + pubDriverInfo.Attr2; } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("End of Clubs Loop " + ex); await DisplayAlert("Action", "Update Status Failed", "OK"); } }
async void cdTrack(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Clicked Track Button"); cdQueryAttr qryAcct = new cdQueryAttr(); qryAcct.ColIndex = "IndexName"; qryAcct.IndexName = "StudentIDindex"; qryAcct.ColName = "StudentID"; qryAcct.ColValue = mystudAccounts.Account[counter].UserName; getDriver myDriverArray = new getDriver(); DriverAllocation pubDriverInfo = new DriverAllocation(); cdCallAPI mycallAPI = new cdCallAPI(); var jsreponse = await mycallAPI.cdcallDriverAllocGET(qryAcct); myDriverArray = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <getDriver>((string)jsreponse); pubDriverInfo = myDriverArray.DriverAllocation[0]; String trackkey = pubDriverInfo.DriverID + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Tracking " + mystudAccounts.Account[counter].UserName + "with the key " + trackkey); var tpage = new cdTrackRiders(trackkey, loginAccount); await Navigation.PushModalAsync(tpage); } catch (Exception ex) { await DisplayAlert("No Tracking", "No Tracking information available for this student", "OK"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Exception is " + ex); } }
async void getStudentData(Account logAccount) { //Getting Student Information try { cdQueryAttr qryAcct = new cdQueryAttr(); qryAcct.ColIndex = "IndexName"; qryAcct.IndexName = "DriverIDAllocationIDindex"; qryAcct.ColName = "DriverID"; qryAcct.ColValue = logAccount.UserName; counter = 0; getDriver myStudentArray = new getDriver(); DriverAllocation pubStudentInfo = new DriverAllocation(); cdCallAPI mycallAPI = new cdCallAPI(); var jsreponse = await mycallAPI.cdcallDriverAllocGET(qryAcct); myStudentArray = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <getDriver>((string)jsreponse); mystudArray = myStudentArray; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Get response for students is " + jsreponse); try { foreach (var dalloc in myStudentArray.DriverAllocation) { maxarray = maxarray + 1; } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("End of Array " + ex); } System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Assigning student name. Max array " + maxarray); StudentName.Text = "Student Name: " + mystudArray.DriverAllocation[counter].StudentName; DestinationAddress.Text = "Destination Address : " + mystudArray.DriverAllocation[counter].Attr1; DestinationAddress2.Text = " " + mystudArray.DriverAllocation[counter].Attr2; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Assigned dest address "); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("End of Array " + ex); await DisplayAlert("No Student Allocation Found", "No Student Allocation Found " + ex, "ok"); } if (counter >= maxarray) { PreviousButton.IsEnabled = false; NextButton.IsEnabled = false; } else { PreviousButton.IsEnabled = false; NextButton.IsEnabled = true; } }
async Task <JToken> cdMapStdDrv(String myCurrentEventID) { List <EventSignup> drveventsignups = new List <EventSignup>(); List <EventSignup> stdeventsignups = new List <EventSignup>(); cdAllEventSignups curreventsignups = new cdAllEventSignups(); cdCallAPI mycallAPI = new cdCallAPI(); cdUpdateEventMembers updem = new cdUpdateEventMembers(); cdQueryAttr qryAcct = new cdQueryAttr(); qryAcct.ColIndex = "IndexName"; qryAcct.IndexName = "EventIDIndex"; qryAcct.ColName = "EventID"; qryAcct.ColValue = myCurrentEventID; int esmaxarray = -1; int drvarray = -1; int stdarray = -1; var response = await mycallAPI.cdcallEventMembersGET(qryAcct); curreventsignups = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <cdAllEventSignups>((string)response); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Event Signup payload is " + response); try { foreach (var divsignup in curreventsignups.EventSignup) { esmaxarray = esmaxarray + 1; try { if (divsignup.MemberRole.Contains("D") == true) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Adding Driver " + divsignup.MemberAccountID); drvarray = drvarray + 1; drveventsignups.Add(divsignup); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Added Driver " + divsignup.MemberAccountID); } else { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Adding Student " + divsignup.MemberAccountID); stdarray = stdarray + 1; stdeventsignups.Add(divsignup); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Added Student " + divsignup.MemberAccountID); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Out of loop " + ex); } } System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Event signups devided. Max array is " + esmaxarray); int stdcounter = 0; foreach (var allsignup in drveventsignups) { int rcount = Convert.ToInt32(allsignup.RiderCount); try { for (stdcounter = 0; stdcounter <= stdarray && rcount > 0; stdcounter++) { rcount = rcount - 1; //Do student driver allocation DriverAllocation myDriverAlloc = new DriverAllocation(); myDriverAlloc.AllocationID = allsignup.MemberAccountID + stdeventsignups[stdcounter].MemberAccountID + myCurrentEventID; myDriverAlloc.EventID = myCurrentEventID; myDriverAlloc.ClubID = allsignup.ClubID; myDriverAlloc.DriverID = allsignup.MemberAccountID; myDriverAlloc.StudentID = stdeventsignups[stdcounter].MemberAccountID; myDriverAlloc.EventName = allsignup.EventName; myDriverAlloc.ClubName = allsignup.ClubName; myDriverAlloc.StudentName = stdeventsignups[stdcounter].MemberName; myDriverAlloc.DriverName = allsignup.MemberName; myDriverAlloc.Attr1 = allsignup.Attr1; myDriverAlloc.Attr2 = allsignup.Attr2; myDriverAlloc.Attr3 = allsignup.Attr3; myDriverAlloc.Attr4 = allsignup.Attr4; myDriverAlloc.Attr5 = "None"; myDriverAlloc.Attr6 = "None"; myDriverAlloc.Attr7 = "None"; myDriverAlloc.Attr8 = "None"; myDriverAlloc.Attr9 = "None"; myDriverAlloc.Attr10 = "None"; var daresponse = await mycallAPI.cdcallDriverAllocPUT(myDriverAlloc); if (daresponse.ToString().Contains("ValidationException")) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Put API Call failed " + daresponse); } else { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Put API Call Successful "); } //Set Student to Allocated updem.EventMemberID = stdeventsignups[stdcounter].EventMemberID; updem.ColumnName = "AllocationStatus"; updem.ColumnValue = "ALLOCATED"; updem.ColumnName1 = "RiderCount"; updem.ColumnValue1 = "0"; updem.ColumnName2 = "Attr1"; updem.ColumnValue2 = "None"; updem.ColumnName3 = "Attr2"; updem.ColumnValue3 = "None"; updem.ColumnName4 = "Attr3"; updem.ColumnValue4 = "None"; daresponse = await mycallAPI.cdEventMembersPOST(updem); if (daresponse.ToString().Contains("ValidationException")) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Post API Call failed " + daresponse); } else { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Post API Call Successful "); } } if (rcount <= 0) { //Set driver to allocated updem.EventMemberID = allsignup.EventMemberID; updem.ColumnName = "AllocationStatus"; updem.ColumnValue = "ALLOCATED"; updem.ColumnName1 = "RiderCount"; updem.ColumnValue1 = "0"; updem.ColumnName2 = "Attr1"; updem.ColumnValue2 = "None"; updem.ColumnName3 = "Attr2"; updem.ColumnValue3 = "None"; updem.ColumnName4 = "Attr3"; updem.ColumnValue4 = "None"; var dauresponse = await mycallAPI.cdEventMembersPOST(updem); if (dauresponse.ToString().Contains("ValidationException")) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Post API Call failed " + dauresponse); } else { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Post API Call Successful "); } } else { updem.EventMemberID = allsignup.EventMemberID; updem.ColumnName = "AllocationStatus"; updem.ColumnValue = "UNALLOCATED"; updem.ColumnName1 = "RiderCount"; updem.ColumnValue1 = rcount.ToString(); updem.ColumnName2 = "Attr1"; updem.ColumnValue2 = "None"; updem.ColumnName3 = "Attr2"; updem.ColumnValue3 = "None"; updem.ColumnName4 = "Attr3"; updem.ColumnValue4 = "None"; var dauresponse = await mycallAPI.cdEventMembersPOST(updem); if (dauresponse.ToString().Contains("ValidationException")) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Post API Call failed " + dauresponse); } else { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Post API Call Successful "); } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Out of loop " + ex); } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("End of Loop " + ex); } return("success"); }