// This adds a surface entry to the list of surfaces
        private void AddSurfaceEntryForRendering(SurfaceEntry entry, int tileindex)
            // Determine texture to use
            ImageData img = General.Map.Data.GetImageData(tileindex);

            if (img is UnknownImage)
                img = General.Map.Data.MissingTexture3D;
            // Is the texture loaded?
            else if (img.IsImageLoaded && !img.LoadFailed)
                if (img.Texture == null)
                img = General.Map.Data.WhiteTexture;

            // Store by texture
            if (!surfaces.ContainsKey(img))
                surfaces.Add(img, new List <SurfaceEntry>());
 // This frees the given surface entry
 public void FreeSurfaces(SurfaceEntryCollection entries)
     foreach (SurfaceEntry e in entries)
         if ((e.VerticesCount > 0) && (e.BufferIndex > -1))
             SurfaceBufferSet set = sets[e.VerticesCount];
             SurfaceEntry newentry = new SurfaceEntry(e);
         e.VerticesCount = -1;
         e.BufferIndex   = -1;
 // Constructor that copies the entry, but does not copy the vertices
 internal SurfaceEntry(SurfaceEntry oldentry)
     this.VerticesCount = oldentry.VerticesCount;
     this.BufferIndex   = oldentry.BufferIndex;
     this.VertexOffset  = oldentry.VertexOffset;
        // This adds or updates sector geometry into a buffer.
        // Modiies the list of SurfaceEntries with the new surface entry for the stored geometry.
        public void UpdateSurfaces(SurfaceEntryCollection entries, SurfaceUpdate update)
            // Free entries when number of vertices has changed
            if ((entries.Count > 0) && (entries.TotalVertices != update.VerticesCount))

            if ((entries.Count == 0) && (update.VerticesCount > 0))
                                #if DEBUG
                if ((update.FloorVertices == null) || (update.CeilingVertices == null))
                    General.Fail("We need both floor and ceiling vertices when the number of vertices changes!");

                // If we have no entries yet, we have to make them now
                int vertsremaining = update.VerticesCount;
                while (vertsremaining > 0)
                    // Determine for how many vertices in this entry
                    int vertsinentry = (vertsremaining > MAX_VERTICES_PER_SECTOR) ? MAX_VERTICES_PER_SECTOR : vertsremaining;

                    // Lookup the set that holds entries for this number of vertices
                    SurfaceBufferSet set = GetSet(vertsinentry);

                    // Make sure we can get a new entry in this set
                    EnsureFreeBufferSpace(set, 1);

                    // Get a new entry in this set
                    SurfaceEntry e = set.holes[set.holes.Count - 1];
                    set.holes.RemoveAt(set.holes.Count - 1);

                    // Fill the entry data
                    e.FloorVertices   = new FlatVertex[vertsinentry];
                    e.CeilingVertices = new FlatVertex[vertsinentry];
                    Array.Copy(update.FloorVertices, update.VerticesCount - vertsremaining, e.FloorVertices, 0, vertsinentry);
                    Array.Copy(update.CeilingVertices, update.VerticesCount - vertsremaining, e.CeilingVertices, 0, vertsinentry);
                    e.FloorTileIndex   = update.FloorTileIndex;
                    e.CeilingTileIndex = update.CeilingTileIndex;

                    vertsremaining -= vertsinentry;
                // We re-use the same entries, just copy over the updated data
                int vertsremaining = update.VerticesCount;
                foreach (SurfaceEntry e in entries)
                    if (update.FloorVertices != null)
                        Array.Copy(update.FloorVertices, update.VerticesCount - vertsremaining, e.FloorVertices, 0, e.VerticesCount);
                        e.FloorTileIndex = update.FloorTileIndex;

                    if (update.CeilingVertices != null)
                        Array.Copy(update.CeilingVertices, update.VerticesCount - vertsremaining, e.CeilingVertices, 0, e.VerticesCount);
                        e.CeilingTileIndex = update.CeilingTileIndex;

                    vertsremaining -= e.VerticesCount;

            entries.TotalVertices = update.VerticesCount;

            // Time to update or create the buffers
            foreach (SurfaceEntry e in entries)
                SurfaceBufferSet set = GetSet(e.VerticesCount);

                // Update bounding box

                if (!resourcesunloaded)
                    // Lock the buffer
                    DataStream   bstream;
                    VertexBuffer vb = set.buffers[e.BufferIndex];
                    if (vb.Tag == null)
                        // Note: DirectX warns me that I am not using LockFlags.Discard or LockFlags.NoOverwrite here,
                        // but we don't have much of a choice since we want to update our data and not destroy other data
                        bstream = vb.Lock(0, set.buffersizes[e.BufferIndex] * FlatVertex.Stride, LockFlags.None);
                        vb.Tag  = bstream;
                        bstream = (DataStream)vb.Tag;

                    // Write the vertices to buffer
                    bstream.Seek(e.VertexOffset * FlatVertex.Stride, SeekOrigin.Begin);