public RootTrainingAction(IPlan plan, ContextMaps maps) { foreach (var contained in plan.ContainedPlans) { ChildActions.Add(new TrainingAction(contained, maps)); } }
public virtual void SaveContexts(ContextMaps contextMaps) { SaveContext(contextMaps); foreach (var trainingAction in ChildActions) { trainingAction.SaveContexts(contextMaps); } }
public SentenceLearner(WordVectors vectors, Sentences sentences, ContextMaps contextMaps) { _vectors = vectors; _sentences = sentences; _network = NeuralNetworkFactory.CreateNeuralNetwork( WordVector.VectorLength + MorphoSyntacticContext.VectorLength, MorphoSyntacticContext.VectorLength, WordVector.VectorLength); _contextMaps = contextMaps; MinError = 0.01; }
public TrainingAction(IPlan plan, ContextMaps maps) : base(plan,maps) { _contextMap = maps.For(plan.Word); _weights = _contextMap.NeuronWeights; if (!plan.Output.HasValue) throw new ArgumentException("plan.Output must be set", "plan"); _wordVector = _vectors[plan.Word]; if (_outputArray == null) { _outputArray = OutputToArray(plan.Output.Value); } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Use the unit tests"); var loader = new WordVectorLoader(args[0]); var vectors = loader.LoadVectors(); string fileName; if (args.Length == 1) { Console.WriteLine("Story file:"); fileName = Console.ReadLine(); } else { fileName = args[1]; } var storyReader = new StoryReader(fileName); var sentences = storyReader.ReadStory(); var firstWord = sentences.FirstWords().FirstOrDefault(); Console.Write(firstWord != null ? firstWord.Word : "empty file"); var contextMaps = new ContextMaps(); var sentenceLearner = new SentenceLearner(vectors, sentences, contextMaps); var plan = sentenceLearner.PreparePlan(4); sentenceLearner.ExecutePlan(plan, MorphoSyntacticContext.InitialState()); //sentenceLearner.Learn(1); while (true) { Console.Write("\n> "); var stdinReader = new StoryReader(Console.In); var sentence = stdinReader.ReadSentence(); if (sentence.Words[0].IsEndOfSentence()) break; var result = sentenceLearner.Run(sentence); Console.WriteLine(result); } Console.WriteLine("Quitting"); }
public override void SaveContext(ContextMaps contextMaps) { _contextMap.NeuronWeights = _weights; }
public static ITrainingAction ImplementPlan(IPlan plan, WordVectors vectors, ContextMaps maps) { _vectors = vectors; var action = new RootTrainingAction(plan, maps); return action; }
public virtual void SaveContext(ContextMaps contextMaps) { //overridden in derived class }