public ApiCACert(string FileName) { data = File.ReadAllText(FileName); var Cert = CertStore.GetCert(data); hash = Cert.Thumbprint; name = CertStore.GetName(data); pubkey = CertCommands.GetPubKey(data, true); start = Cert.NotBefore; end = Cert.NotAfter; }
public ApiCert(string FileName, string[] ParentFiles) { data = File.ReadAllText(FileName); var Cert = CertStore.GetCert(data); hash = Cert.Thumbprint; san = CertStore.GetSan(data); domain = CertStore.GetName(data); name = Cert.Subject; pubkey = CertCommands.GetPubKey(data, true); issuer = CertStore.GetSignerCertHash(data, ParentFiles); start = Cert.NotBefore; end = Cert.NotAfter; }
private void GenCA(HttpListenerContext ctx) { if (ctx.Request.HasEntityBody) { var Req = ctx.Request.InputStream.ReadAllText(ctx.Request.ContentEncoding).FromJson <ApiCaCreate>(); if (Req != null && Req.Valid()) { string Key = null; var KeyFileName = Path.Combine(Base, + ".key"); if (File.Exists(KeyFileName)) { try { Key = File.ReadAllText(KeyFileName); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("HTTP: Unable to read file {0}. Reason: {1}", KeyFileName, ex.Message); SendJson(ctx, "Unable to read key file", false); return; } try { var Cert = CertCommands.GenerateRootCert(Key, Req.exp, Req.sha256,,, Req.l, Req.o, Req.ou,, Req.e); var Id = CertStore.GetThumb(Cert); var CertFileName = Path.Combine(Base, Id + ".ca.crt"); File.WriteAllText(CertFileName, Cert); SendJson(ctx, new ApiCACert(CertFileName), true); return; } catch (Exception ex) { SendJson(ctx, string.Format("CA creation error: {0}", ex.Message), false); return; } } SendJson(ctx, "Invalid Key file ID", false); return; } SendJson(ctx, "Invalid Request Content", false); return; } SendJson(ctx, "Invalid Request Method", false); }
private void GenCert(HttpListenerContext ctx) { if (ctx.Request.HasEntityBody) { var Req = ctx.Request.InputStream.ReadAllText(ctx.Request.ContentEncoding).FromJson <ApiCertCreate>(); if (Req != null && Req.Valid()) { string Key = null; string RootCert = null; string RootKey = null; var KeyFileName = Path.Combine(Base, + ".key"); var RootFileName = Path.Combine(Base, Req.parent.ToString() + ".ca.crt"); if (File.Exists(KeyFileName)) { if (File.Exists(RootFileName)) { try { Key = File.ReadAllText(KeyFileName); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("HTTP: Unable to read file {0}. Reason: {1}", KeyFileName, ex.Message); SendJson(ctx, "Unable to read key file", false); return; } try { RootCert = File.ReadAllText(RootFileName); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("HTTP: Unable to read file {0}. Reason: {1}", RootFileName, ex.Message); SendJson(ctx, "Unable to read CA file", false); return; } //Figure out the matching private key for the given root certificate var RootPub = CertCommands.GetPubKey(RootCert, true); RootKey = Directory.GetFiles(Base, "*.key") .Select(m => File.ReadAllText(m)) .FirstOrDefault(m => CertCommands.GetPubKey(m, false) == RootPub); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RootKey)) { try { var Cert = CertCommands.GenerateCertificate(RootKey, RootCert, Key,, Req.san, Req.exp, Req.sha256,,, Req.l, Req.o, Req.ou, Req.e); var Id = CertStore.GetThumb(Cert); var CertFileName = Path.Combine(Base, Id + ".cli.crt"); File.WriteAllText(CertFileName, Cert); SendJson(ctx, new ApiCert(CertFileName, new string[] { RootCert }), true); return; } catch (Exception ex) { SendJson(ctx, string.Format("CA creation error: {0}", ex.Message), false); return; } } SendJson(ctx, "Unable to locate private key of the give nroot certificate", false); return; } SendJson(ctx, "Invalid root Thumbprint", false); return; } SendJson(ctx, "Invalid Key ID", false); return; } SendJson(ctx, "Invalid Request Content", false); return; } SendJson(ctx, "Invalid Request Method", false); }
static int Main(string[] args) { int RET = SUCCESS; DateTime Start = DateTime.UtcNow; Logger.Info("Application Start at {0}", Start); if (CertCommands.ValidateOpenSSL(true)) { //Launch Webserver if user double clicked the application if (Proc.GetConsoleProcCount() == 1 && args.Length == 0) { Logger.Warn("This is a console application but you did not start it from a console"); Logger.Warn("We simulate that you passed these arguments: /http 29431 /b"); args = new string[] { "/http", "29431", "/b" }; } var A = ParseArgs(args); //Run Webserver //var A = ParseArgs("/http 55555 /b".Split(' ')); //Generate RSA //var A = ParseArgs(@"/rsa 2048 /out Data\Cert.key".Split(' ')); //Generate CA //var A = ParseArgs(@"/ca /key C:\temp\rsa.txt /out C:\temp\CA.crt".Split(' ')); //Install CA //var A = ParseArgs(@"/ca /install C:\temp\CA.crt".Split(' ')); //Check if CA installed //var A = ParseArgs(@"/ca /query C:\temp\CA.crt /F".Split(' ')); //Uninstall CA //var A = ParseArgs(@"/ca /uninstall C:\temp\CA.crt /F".Split(' ')); //Create Certificate with CA //var A = ParseArgs(@"/cert /key Data\01b72657-c0fb-4738-ae1d-b9a1736f14e9.key /CAC Data\ /CAK Data\8a7f4b5a-fe00-4212-ac7e-9fb1aa1f3347.key /CN /DN * /IP /IP ::1 /out Data\Cert.crt".Split(' ')); if (A.Mode == { Help(); RET = SUCCESS; } else if (A.Valid) { #region Webserver if (A.Mode == Mode.server) { using (Server S = new Server(A.Port, A.OpenBrowser)) { if (S.IsListening) { do { Logger.Info("Press [ESC] to exit"); } while (WaitForKey() != ConsoleKey.Escape); } else { RET = GENERIC_ERROR; } } } #endregion #region RSA else if (A.Mode == Mode.rsa) { var Key = CertCommands.GenerateKey(A.RsaSize); if (A.Output != null) { try { File.WriteAllText(A.Output, Key); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("Unable to write key to {0}. Reason: {1}", A.Output, ex.Message); //Log the key to console so it's not lost Console.WriteLine(Key); RET = GENERIC_ERROR; } } else { Console.WriteLine(Key); } } #endregion #region CA else if (A.Mode == { if (A.IsFile && (A.Action == Action.query || A.Action == Action.uninstall)) { A.Thumbprint = ReadAll(A.Thumbprint); if (A.Thumbprint != null) { try { A.Thumbprint = CertStore.GetThumb(A.Thumbprint); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("Unable to read certificate {0}. Reason: {1}", A.Thumbprint, ex.Message); RET = GENERIC_ERROR; } } else { RET = GENERIC_ERROR; } } else { switch (A.Action) { case Action.create: A.Key = ReadAll(A.Key); if (A.Key == null) { RET = GENERIC_ERROR; } else { string CACert = null; try { CACert = CertCommands.GenerateRootCert(A.Key, A.Expiration, A.Sha256, A.CC, A.ST, A.L, A.O, A.OU, A.CN, A.E); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CACert)) { throw new Exception("Openssl did not return a result"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("Unable to create CA certificate. Reason: {0}", ex.Message); RET = GENERIC_ERROR; } if (CACert != null) { if (A.Output != null) { try { File.WriteAllText(A.Output, CACert); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("Unable to write cert to {0}. Reason: {1}", A.Output, ex.Message); //Log the key to console so it's not lost Console.WriteLine(CACert); RET = GENERIC_ERROR; } } else { Console.WriteLine(CACert); } } } break; case Action.install: A.CAC = ReadAll(A.CAC); if (A.CAC != null) { CertStore.InstallRoot(A.CAC, A.LM); } else { Logger.Error("Unable to read Certificate file"); RET = GENERIC_ERROR; } break; case Action.query: if (CertStore.HasCert(A.Thumbprint)) { Logger.Info("Certificate {0} is installed", A.Thumbprint); } else { Logger.Info("Certificate {0} is NOT installed", A.Thumbprint); RET = GENERIC_ERROR; } break; case Action.uninstall: if (CertStore.RemoveRoot(A.Thumbprint, A.LM) > 0) { Logger.Info("Certificate {0} uninstalled", A.Thumbprint); } else { if (!CertStore.HasCert(A.Thumbprint)) { Logger.Warn("Certificate {0} not found in store", A.Thumbprint); } else { Logger.Info("Certificate {0} not uninstalled", A.Thumbprint); } RET = GENERIC_ERROR; } break; } } } #endregion #region Cert else if (A.Mode == Mode.cert) { switch (A.Action) { case Action.create: A.Key = ReadAll(A.Key); A.CAC = ReadAll(A.CAC); A.CAK = ReadAll(A.CAK); if (A.Key == null || A.CAC == null || A.CAK == null) { RET = GENERIC_ERROR; } else { string Cert = null; try { Cert = CertCommands.GenerateCertificate(A.CAK, A.CAC, A.Key, A.CN, A.IPs.Concat(A.Domains).ToArray(), A.Expiration, A.Sha256, A.CC, A.ST, A.L, A.O, A.OU, A.E); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Cert)) { throw new Exception("Openssl did not return a result"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("Unable to create certificate. Reason: {0}", ex.Message); RET = GENERIC_ERROR; } if (Cert != null) { if (A.Output != null) { try { File.WriteAllText(A.Output, Cert); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error("Unable to write cert to {0}. Reason: {1}", A.Output, ex.Message); //Log the key to console so it's not lost Console.WriteLine(Cert); RET = GENERIC_ERROR; } } else { Console.WriteLine(Cert); } } } break; } } #endregion else { Logger.Error("Unimplemented Mode: {0}", A.Mode); } } else { Logger.Error("Invalid Arguments"); } } else { Logger.Error("openssl can't be found. Files needed:\r\nopenssl.exe\r\nssleay32.dll\r\nlibeay32.dll"); Logger.Info("Trying to obtain filesn now..."); if (CertCommands.Obtain("<proc>", true)) { Logger.Info("Files downloaded and ready"); } else { Logger.Warn("Unable to download at least one file. You can try again or put them here manually."); } } Logger.Log("Application Runtime: {0}ms", (ulong)DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(Start).TotalMilliseconds); //Wait for a user key press if we are the only process attached to this terminal if (Proc.GetConsoleProcCount() == 1) { Logger.Info("#END - Press any key to exit"); WaitForKey(); } return(RET); }