        static PawnScore EvaluatePawns(Board b)
            int[] eval      = new int[2];
            var   fileMask  = Board.FileMask;
            var   returnVal = new PawnScore();

            for (int side = 0; side < 2; side++)
                ulong pawns         = b.Pawns[side];
                int   xside         = side ^ 1;
                ulong opponentPawns = b.Pawns[side ^ 1];

                //evaluate file by file
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    returnVal.Files[side, i]  = pawns & Board.FileMask[i];
                    returnVal.Files[xside, i] = opponentPawns & Board.FileMask[i];

                    //evaluate my doubled pawns
                    if (returnVal.Files[side, i].Count() > 1)
                        //doubled pawns
                        if (i > 0 && i < 7) //ignoring outside pawns
                                            //check for isolated doubled pawns
                            if ((pawns & Board.FileMask[i - 1]) == 0 &&
                                (pawns & Board.FileMask[i + 1]) == 0)
                                eval[side] += 4 * DoubledPawnPenalty;
                                eval[side] += 2 * DoubledPawnPenalty;

                //individual pawns
                var p = pawns;
                while (p > 0)
                    var pawnsq = p.BitScanForward();
                    p ^= BitMask.Mask[pawnsq];
                    //passed pawns
                    if ((PassedPawnMask[side, pawnsq] & opponentPawns) == 0)
                        var distanceMultiplier = side == 1 ? pawnsq.Rank() : 8 - pawnsq.Rank();
                        eval[side] +=
                            PassedPawnBonus * distanceMultiplier;

                    //blocked pawns
                    if (side == 0 && pawnsq > 7)
                        if ((b.AllPieces & BitMask.Mask[pawnsq - 8]) > 0)
                            eval[side] += BlockedPawnPenalty;
                        else if (side == 1 && pawnsq < 56)
                            if ((b.AllPieces & BitMask.Mask[pawnsq + 8]) > 0)
                                eval[side] += BlockedPawnPenalty;

            returnVal.Eval = eval[b.SideToMove] - eval[b.SideToMove ^ 1];
        static int EvaluateKingSafety(Board b, PawnScore pawnScore)
            int[] eval = new int[2];

            for (int side = 0; side < 2; side++)
                var xside = side ^ 1;
                if ((kingside & b.King[side]) > 0)
                {                                                // if my king is on the kingside
                    if ((b.Rooks[side] & Board.FileMask[7]) > 0) // if I have a rook in the corner
                        //if the opponent has a queen and rook on the board, evaluate castle status

                        if ((b.Queens[xside] > 0) &&
                            (b.Rooks[xside] > 0))
                            eval[side] += NotCastledPenalty;
                        //king looks safely tucked
                        //evaluate the pawns in front of my king
                        for (int f = 5; f < 8; f++)
                            //if I have no pawns on the file
                            if (pawnScore.Files[side, f] == 0)
                                eval[side] += OpenFileInFrontOfCastledKingPenalty;

                                // //look for case where the opponent has an opening
                                // //and a major piece, and has not castled in that direction
                                // if (pawnScore.Files[xside, f] == 0 && //opponent has opened  the file
                                //     ((b.Rooks[xside] | b.Queens[xside]) & Board.FileMask[f]) > 0 && //heavypiece
                                //     ((b.King[xside] & queenside) > 0))//opponents king is safely on the other side
                                // {
                                //     //major probjem
                                //     eval[side] += KingUnderAttack;
                                // }
                else if ((queenside & b.King[side]) > 0)
                    //my king is on the queenside
                    if ((b.Rooks[side] & Board.FileMask[0]) > 0) //there is a rook in the corner
                        //if the opponent has a queen and rook on the board, evaluate castle status

                        if ((b.Queens[xside] > 0) &&
                            (b.Rooks[xside] > 0))
                            eval[side] += NotCastledPenalty;
                        //king is tucked
                        //evaluate the pawns in front of my king
                        for (int f = 2; f >= 0; f--)
                            //if I have no pawns on the file
                            if (pawnScore.Files[side, f] == 0)
                                eval[side] += OpenFileInFrontOfCastledKingPenalty;

                                // //look for case where the opponent has an opening
                                // //and a major piece, and has not castled in that direction
                                // if (pawnScore.Files[xside, f] == 0 && //opponent has opened  the file
                                //     ((b.Rooks[xside] | b.Queens[xside]) & kingside) > 0 && //heavypiece
                                //     ((b.King[xside] & kingside) > 0)) //opponents king is safely on the other side
                                // {
                                //     //major probjem
                                //     eval[side] += KingUnderAttack;
                                // }
                    //king is in the middle of the board
                    if ((b.Queens[xside] > 0) &&
                        (b.Rooks[xside] > 0))
                        eval[side] += NotCastledPenalty;
            return(eval[b.SideToMove] - eval[b.SideToMove ^ 1]);