public bool Create(ReplyPhraseViewModel replyPhraseViewModel) { bool ret = false; try { ReplyPhrase itemdata = new ReplyPhrase(); itemdata.Note = replyPhraseViewModel.Note; itemdata.EventClass = replyPhraseViewModel.EventClass; itemdata.Type = replyPhraseViewModel.Type; itemdata.OrderSeq = replyPhraseViewModel.OrderSeq; itemdata.CreateDateTime = DateTime.Now; itemdata.ModifyDateTime = DateTime.Now; itemdata.CreateUserID = replyPhraseViewModel.CreateUserID; itemdata.ModifyUserID = replyPhraseViewModel.CreateUserID; db.ReplyPhrase.Add(itemdata); db.SaveChanges(); ret = true; } catch { } return ret; }
public IQueryable<ReplyPhraseViewModel> Read(string eventclass,string type) { List<ReplyPhraseViewModel> ret = new List<ReplyPhraseViewModel>(); var qry = db.ReplyPhrase.Where(q => q.EventClass == eventclass); if (type != "" && type != null) { int t = int.Parse(type); qry = qry.Where(x => x.Type == t); } foreach (ReplyPhrase o in qry) { ReplyPhraseViewModel r = new ReplyPhraseViewModel(); r.Seq = o.Seq; r.Note = o.Note; r.EventClass = o.EventClass; r.EventClassStr = o.EventClass + " - " + db.EventClass.Where(x => x.Class == o.EventClass).Select(x => x.Name).First(); r.Type = o.Type; switch (o.Type) { case 0: r.TypeStr = "問題描述"; break; case 1: r.TypeStr = "建議解決方式描述"; break; case 2: r.TypeStr = "備機說明"; break; case 3: r.TypeStr = "回覆說明(拒絕必填原因)"; break; case 4: r.TypeStr = "處理說明"; break; } r.OrderSeq = o.OrderSeq; r.ModifyDTStr = o.ModifyDateTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"); r.CreateDTStr = o.CreateDateTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm"); r.CreateUserName = o.UserData.UserName; r.ModifyUserName = o.UserData1.UserName; ret.Add(r); } return ret.AsQueryable(); }
public bool Delete(ReplyPhraseViewModel replyPhraseViewModel) { bool ret = false; try { int seq = replyPhraseViewModel.Seq; ReplyPhrase replyPhrase = db.ReplyPhrase.Find(seq); db.ReplyPhrase.Remove(replyPhrase); db.SaveChanges(); ret = true; } catch { } return ret; }
public bool Update(ReplyPhraseViewModel replyPhraseViewModel) { bool ret = false; try { int seq = replyPhraseViewModel.Seq; ReplyPhrase replyPhrase = db.ReplyPhrase.Find(seq); replyPhrase.Type = replyPhraseViewModel.Type; replyPhrase.OrderSeq = replyPhraseViewModel.OrderSeq; //replyPhrase.ID = replyPhraseViewModel.ID; replyPhrase.Note = replyPhraseViewModel.Note; replyPhrase.EventClass = replyPhraseViewModel.EventClass; replyPhrase.ModifyDateTime = DateTime.Now; replyPhrase.ModifyUserID = replyPhraseViewModel.ModifyUserID; db.SaveChanges(); ret = true; } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException ex) { // Update the values of the entity that failed to save from the store ex.Entries.Single().Reload(); } catch (DbEntityValidationException ex) { var errorMessages = ex.EntityValidationErrors .SelectMany(x => x.ValidationErrors) .Select(x => x.ErrorMessage); // Join the list to a single string. var fullErrorMessage = string.Join("; ", errorMessages); // Combine the original exception message with the new one. var exceptionMessage = string.Concat(ex.Message, " The validation errors are: ", fullErrorMessage); // Throw a new DbEntityValidationException with the improved exception message. throw new DbEntityValidationException(exceptionMessage, ex.EntityValidationErrors); } return ret; }