public void AddRange(Info[] cInfo) { foreach (Info cI in cInfo) { List.Add(cI); } }
public InterfaceControl(Control Parent, Base Protocol, Info Info) { try { this.Protocol = Protocol; this.Info = Info; this.Parent = Parent; this.Location = new Point(0, 0); this.Size = this.Parent.Size; this.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Top; InitializeComponent(); } catch (Exception ex) { Runtime.MessageCollector.AddMessage(Messages.MessageClass.ErrorMsg, (string) ("Couldn\'t create new InterfaceControl" + Constants.vbNewLine + ex.Message)); } }
private static void CreateADSubNodes(TreeNode rNode, string ldapPath) { try { string strDisplayName; string strDescription; string strHostName; string ldapFilter = "(objectClass=computer)"; //"sAMAccountName=*" DirectorySearcher ldapSearcher = new DirectorySearcher(); SearchResultCollection ldapResults; string[] ResultFields = new string[] { "securityEquals", "cn" }; ldapSearcher.SearchRoot = new DirectoryEntry(ldapPath); ldapSearcher.PropertiesToLoad.AddRange(ResultFields); ldapSearcher.Filter = ldapFilter; ldapSearcher.SearchScope = SearchScope.OneLevel; ldapResults = ldapSearcher.FindAll(); foreach (SearchResult ldapResult in ldapResults) { System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry with_2 = ldapResult.GetDirectoryEntry(); strDisplayName = (string)(with_2.Properties["cn"].Value); strDescription = (string)(with_2.Properties["Description"].Value); strHostName = (string)(with_2.Properties["dNSHostName"].Value); TreeNode adNode = Tree.Node.AddNode(Type.Connection, strDisplayName); Info nConI = new Info(); Info.Inheritance nInh = new Info.Inheritance(nConI, true); nInh.Description = false; if (rNode.Tag is Container.Info) { nConI.Parent = rNode.Tag; } nConI.Inherit = nInh; nConI.Name = strDisplayName; nConI.Hostname = strHostName; nConI.Description = strDescription; nConI.TreeNode = adNode; adNode.Tag = nConI; //set the nodes tag to the conI //add connection to connections Runtime.ConnectionList.Add(nConI); rNode.Nodes.Add(adNode); } } catch (Exception ex) { Runtime.MessageCollector.AddMessage(Messages.MessageClass.ErrorMsg, (string) ("CreateADSubNodes failed" + Constants.vbNewLine + ex.Message), true); } }
public static TreeNode Find(TreeNode treeNode, Info conInfo) { TreeNode tmpNode; try { if (treeNode.Tag == conInfo) { return treeNode; } else { foreach (TreeNode childNode in treeNode.Nodes) { tmpNode = Find(childNode, conInfo); if (tmpNode != null) { return tmpNode; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Runtime.MessageCollector.AddMessage(Messages.MessageClass.ErrorMsg, (string)("Find node failed" + Constants.vbNewLine + ex.Message), true); } return null; }
public Info Add(Info cInfo) { this.List.Add(cInfo); return cInfo; }
void TestAsync(Info con1) { try { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(state => { bool result = TestStatus(con1); lstStatus.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => { foreach (ListViewItem i in lstStatus.Items.Cast<ListViewItem>().Where(i => i.Tag == con1)) { i.SubItems[2].Text = result ? "Up" : "Down"; i.ForeColor = result ? Color.Green : Color.Red; } lstStatus.Sort(); })); }); } catch (Exception) { } }
void TestAsync(Info con1) { try { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(state => { try { bool result = TestStatus(con1); lstStatus.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => { foreach (ListViewItem i in lstStatus.Items.Cast<ListViewItem>().Where(i => i.Tag == con1)) { i.SubItems[2].Text = result ? "Up" : "Down"; i.ForeColor = result ? Color.Green : Color.Red; } lstStatus.Sort(); })); } catch (Exception ex) { Runtime.MessageCollector.AddMessage(Messages.MessageClass.ErrorMsg, "lstStatus.Invoke at TestAsync failed" + Constants.vbNewLine + ex.Message, true); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { Runtime.MessageCollector.AddMessage(Messages.MessageClass.ErrorMsg, "TestAsync failed" + Constants.vbNewLine + ex.Message, true); } }
public QuickHostScanner(Info info) { InitializeComponent(); = info; }
private bool IsConnectionOpen(Info[] ConnectionInfos) { try { if (ConnectionInfos != null) { if (ConnectionInfos.Any(conI => conI.OpenConnections.Count > 0)) { return true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Runtime.MessageCollector.AddMessage(Messages.MessageClass.ErrorMsg, (string) ("IsConnectionOpen (UI.Window.Tree) failed" + Constants.vbNewLine + ex.Message), true); } return false; }
internal void ChangeConProp(Info info, int p, Protocols protocols) { try { var allNodes = new List<TreeNode>(); foreach (TreeNode t in tvConnections.Nodes) { allNodes.AddRange(GetAllNodes(t)); } foreach (var treeNode in allNodes) { var il = treeNode.Tag as Info; if (il != null && il == info) { il.Protocol = protocols; il.Port = p; tvConnections.SelectedNode = treeNode; InitialRefresh(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Runtime.MessageCollector.AddMessage(Messages.MessageClass.ErrorMsg, (string) ("ChangeConProp (UI.Window.Tree) failed" + Constants.vbNewLine + ex.Message), true); } }
public void AddConnection() { try { TreeNode nNode = Node.AddNode(Node.Type.Connection); if (nNode != null) { Info nConI = new Info(); if (tvConnections.Nodes.Count < 1) { System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode treeNode1 = new System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode("Connections"); treeNode1.Name = "nodeRoot"; treeNode1.Text = "Connections"; this.tvConnections.Nodes.AddRange(new[] {treeNode1}); } if (this.tvConnections.SelectedNode == null) { this.tvConnections.SelectedNode = this.tvConnections.Nodes[0]; } if (this.tvConnections.SelectedNode.Tag is Container.Info) { nConI.Parent = this.tvConnections.SelectedNode.Tag; } else { nConI.Inherit.TurnOffInheritanceCompletely(); } nConI.TreeNode = nNode; nNode.Tag = nConI; Runtime.ConnectionList.Add(nConI); if (Node.GetNodeType(this.tvConnections.SelectedNode) == Node.Type.Connection) { this.tvConnections.SelectedNode.Parent.Nodes.Add(nNode); } else { this.tvConnections.SelectedNode.Nodes.Add(nNode); } this.tvConnections.SelectedNode = nNode; this.tvConnections.SelectedNode.BeginEdit(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Runtime.MessageCollector.AddMessage(Messages.MessageClass.ErrorMsg, (string) ("AddConnection (UI.Window.Tree) failed" + Constants.vbNewLine + ex.Message), true); } }
public override bool SetProps() { base.SetProps(); try { ICA_Client = (AxICAClient)this.Control; Info = this.InterfaceControl.Info; ICA_Client.CreateControl(); while (!this.ICA_Client.Created) { Thread.Sleep(10); System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents(); } ICA_Client.Address = Info.Hostname; this.SetCredentials(); this.SetResolution(); this.SetColors(); this.SetSecurity(); //Disable hotkeys for international users ICA_Client.Hotkey1Shift = null; ICA_Client.Hotkey1Char = null; ICA_Client.Hotkey2Shift = null; ICA_Client.Hotkey2Char = null; ICA_Client.Hotkey3Shift = null; ICA_Client.Hotkey3Char = null; ICA_Client.Hotkey4Shift = null; ICA_Client.Hotkey4Char = null; ICA_Client.Hotkey5Shift = null; ICA_Client.Hotkey5Char = null; ICA_Client.Hotkey6Shift = null; ICA_Client.Hotkey6Char = null; ICA_Client.Hotkey7Shift = null; ICA_Client.Hotkey7Char = null; ICA_Client.Hotkey8Shift = null; ICA_Client.Hotkey8Char = null; ICA_Client.Hotkey9Shift = null; ICA_Client.Hotkey9Char = null; ICA_Client.Hotkey10Shift = null; ICA_Client.Hotkey10Char = null; ICA_Client.Hotkey11Shift = null; ICA_Client.Hotkey11Char = null; ICA_Client.PersistentCacheEnabled = Info.CacheBitmaps; ICA_Client.Title = Info.Name; return true; } catch (Exception ex) { Runtime.MessageCollector.AddMessage(Messages.MessageClass.ErrorMsg, Language.strIcaSetPropsFailed + Constants.vbNewLine + ex.Message, true); return false; } }
public Crownwood.Magic.Controls.TabPage AddConnectionTab(Info conI) { try { Crownwood.Magic.Controls.TabPage nTab = new Crownwood.Magic.Controls.TabPage(); nTab.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Top; if (Settings.Default.ShowProtocolOnTabs) { nTab.Title = conI.Protocol.ToString() + ": "; } else { nTab.Title = ""; } nTab.Title += (string)conI.Name; if (Settings.Default.ShowLogonInfoOnTabs) { nTab.Title += " ("; if (conI.Domain != "") { nTab.Title += (string)conI.Domain; } if (conI.Username != "") { if (conI.Domain != "") { nTab.Title += "\\"; } nTab.Title += (string)conI.Username; } nTab.Title += ")"; } nTab.Title = nTab.Title.Replace("&", "&&"); Icon conIcon = mRemoteNC.Connection.Icon.FromString(conI.Icon); if (conIcon != null) { nTab.Icon = conIcon; } if (Settings.Default.OpenTabsRightOfSelected) { this.TabController.TabPages.Insert(this.TabController.SelectedIndex + 1, nTab); } else { this.TabController.TabPages.Add(nTab); } nTab.Selected = true; _ignoreChangeSelectedTabClick = false; return nTab; } catch (Exception ex) { Runtime.MessageCollector.AddMessage(Messages.MessageClass.ErrorMsg, (string) ("AddConnectionTab (UI.Window.Connections) failed" + Constants.vbNewLine + ex.Message), true); } return null; }