public bool DeleteBrand(int BrandId) { ProductsDS.BrandsRow brand = this.GetBrand(BrandId); string path = WebContext.Server.MapPath(WebContext.Root + lw.CTE.Folders.BrandsImages); BrandsAdp adp = new BrandsAdp(); adp.DeleteBrand(BrandId); if (brand.Image != "") { if (GetBrands("Image='" + brand.Image + "' and BrandId<>" + BrandId.ToString()).Count == 0) { if (System.IO.File.Exists(path + "/" + brand.Image)) { System.IO.File.Delete(path + "/" + brand.Image); } } } return(true); }
public int AddBrand(string Title, System.Web.HttpPostedFile Image) { BrandsAdp adp = new BrandsAdp(); adp.Insert(Title, "", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now); int BrandId = GetBrand(Title).BrandId; string PartName = lw.Utils.StringUtils.ToURL(Title); if (PartName.Length >= 35) { PartName = PartName.Substring(0, 35); } if (Image != null && Image.ContentLength > 0) { string pathTo = WebContext.Root + lw.CTE.Folders.BrandsImages; pathTo = WebContext.Server.MapPath(pathTo); string extension = lw.Utils.StringUtils.GetFileExtension(Image.FileName); string ImageName = PartName + "_" + BrandId + "." + extension; string Large = pathTo + "/" + ImageName; Image.SaveAs(Large); Config cfg = new Config(); Dimension dim = new Dimension(cfg.GetKey(Settings.BrandsImagesSize)); if (dim.Valid) { lw.GraphicUtils.ImageUtils.Resize(Large, Large, dim.IntWidth, dim.IntHeight); } adp.UpdateImage(ImageName, BrandId); } return(BrandId); }
public int UpdateBrand(int BrandId, string Title, bool DeleteImage, System.Web.HttpPostedFile Image) { ProductsDS _ds = new ProductsDS(); if (GetBrands(string.Format("Title='{0}' and BrandId <> {1}", Title, BrandId)).Count > 0) { return(-1); } ProductsDS.BrandsRow row = GetBrand(BrandId); row.Title = Title; row.LastModified = DateTime.Now; string path = WebContext.Server.MapPath(WebContext.Root + lw.CTE.Folders.BrandsImages); if (DeleteImage && row.Image != "") { if (GetBrands("Image='" + row.Image + "' and BrandId<>" + BrandId.ToString()).Count == 0) { if (System.IO.File.Exists(path + "/" + row.Image)) { System.IO.File.Delete(path + "/" + row.Image); } } row.Image = ""; } string PartName = lw.Utils.StringUtils.ToURL(Title); if (PartName.Length >= 35) { PartName = PartName.Substring(0, 35); } if (Image != null && Image.ContentLength > 0) { if (!DeleteImage) { if (GetBrands("Image='" + row.Image + "' and BrandId<>" + BrandId.ToString()).Count == 0) { if (System.IO.File.Exists(path + "/" + row.Image)) { System.IO.File.Delete(path + "/" + row.Image); } } } string extension = lw.Utils.StringUtils.GetFileExtension(Image.FileName); string ImageName = PartName + "_" + row.BrandId + "." + extension; string Large = path + "/" + ImageName; Image.SaveAs(Large); Config cfg = new Config(); Dimension dim = new Dimension(cfg.GetKey(Settings.BrandsImagesSize)); if (dim.Valid) { lw.GraphicUtils.ImageUtils.Resize(Large, Large, dim.IntWidth, dim.IntHeight); } row.Image = ImageName; } BrandsAdp adp = new BrandsAdp(); adp.Update(row); return(BrandId); }
public ProductsDS.BrandsDataTable GetBrands(string cond) { BrandsAdp adp = new BrandsAdp(); return(adp.GetBrands(cond)); }