public static LTLFormula parse(ltl2ba.Node LTLHeadNode, APSet predefined_apset) { // boost::char_separator<char> sep(" "); //ltl_seperator sep; tokenizer tokens(formula, sep); APSet apset = new APSet(); //tokenizer::iterator it = tokens.begin(); //LTLNode ltl = parse(apset, predefined_apset); //if (it != tokens.end()) //{ // THROW_EXCEPTION(Exception, "Unexpected character(s) at end of LTL formula: '" + *it + "'"); //} LTLNode ltl = TranslateLTL(LTLHeadNode, apset, predefined_apset); APSet apset_ = predefined_apset ?? apset; return(new LTLFormula(ltl, apset_)); }
public static bool HasSyntaxSafeOperator(ltl2ba.Node CurrentNode) { if (CurrentNode == null) { return(true); } bool currentSafe = true; switch ((Operator)CurrentNode.ntyp) { case Operator.ALWAYS: break; case Operator.AND: break; case Operator.EQUIV: break; case Operator.EVENTUALLY: currentSafe = false; break; case Operator.FALSE: break; case Operator.IMPLIES: if (CurrentNode.lft != null) { if ((Operator)CurrentNode.lft.ntyp != Operator.PREDICATE) { currentSafe = false; } } break; case Operator.NOT: Debug.Assert(CurrentNode.rgt == null); if (CurrentNode.lft != null) { if ((Operator)CurrentNode.lft.ntyp != Operator.PREDICATE) { currentSafe = false; } } break; case Operator.OR: break; case Operator.TRUE: break; case Operator.U_OPER: currentSafe = false; break; case Operator.V_OPER: break; case Operator.NEXT: break; case Operator.PREDICATE: break; default: break; } if (currentSafe) { return(HasSyntaxSafeOperator(CurrentNode.lft) && HasSyntaxSafeOperator(CurrentNode.rgt)); } return(false); }
private static LTLNode TranslateLTL(ltl2ba.Node CurrentNode, APSet apset, APSet predefined_apset) { if (CurrentNode == null) { return(null); } type_t nodeType = type_t.T_TRUE; switch ((Operator)CurrentNode.ntyp) { case Operator.ALWAYS: nodeType = type_t.T_GLOBALLY; break; case Operator.AND: nodeType = type_t.T_AND; break; case Operator.EQUIV: nodeType = type_t.T_EQUIV; break; case Operator.EVENTUALLY: nodeType = type_t.T_FINALLY; break; case Operator.FALSE: nodeType = type_t.T_FALSE; break; case Operator.IMPLIES: nodeType = type_t.T_IMPLICATE; break; case Operator.NOT: nodeType = type_t.T_NOT; break; case Operator.OR: nodeType = type_t.T_OR; break; case Operator.TRUE: nodeType = type_t.T_TRUE; break; case Operator.U_OPER: nodeType = type_t.T_UNTIL; break; case Operator.V_OPER: nodeType = type_t.T_RELEASE; break; case Operator.NEXT: nodeType = type_t.T_NEXTSTEP; break; case Operator.PREDICATE: nodeType = type_t.T_AP; string ap =; char ch = ap[0]; if (ch == '"') { // std::cerr << ap << std::endl; Debug.Assert(ap[ap.Length - 1] == '"'); // last char is " if (ap.Length <= 2) { // empty ap! throw new Exception("LTL-Parse-Error: empty quoted string"); } ap = ap.Substring(1, ap.Length - 2); // cut quotes } else if ((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')) { // nop } else { throw new Exception("LTL-Parse-Error"); } int ap_i; // the AP index if (predefined_apset != null) { if ((ap_i = predefined_apset.find(ap)) != -1) { return(new LTLNode(ap_i)); } else { // not found in predefined APSet! //std::cerr << "[" << (int)s[2] << "]" << std::endl; throw new Exception("Can't parse formula with this APSet!"); } } else { if ((ap_i = apset.find(ap)) != -1) { // AP exists already return(new LTLNode(ap_i)); } else { // create new AP ap_i = apset.addAP(ap); return(new LTLNode(ap_i)); } } break; default: break; } LTLNode newNode = new LTLNode(nodeType, TranslateLTL(CurrentNode.lft, apset, predefined_apset), TranslateLTL(CurrentNode.rgt, apset, predefined_apset)); return(newNode); }
/** * Parse the formula and return an LTLFormula_ptr * @param formula the formula string * @param predefined_apset if specified, use this APSet and don't * add new atomic propositions * @return the LTLFormula_ptr */ public static LTLFormula parse(ltl2ba.Node LTLHeadNode) { return(parse(LTLHeadNode, null)); }