public static RichTextBox getAuthorAndTitles_GroupByAuthor() { BooksDataContext dc = new BooksDataContext(); var authTitle = (from author in dc.GetTable<Author>() orderby author.LastName, author.FirstName let name = author.FirstName + " " + author.LastName let titles = from book in author.AuthorISBNs orderby book.Title.BookTitle select book.Title.BookTitle select new { Name = name, Titles = titles }); RichTextBox temp = new RichTextBox(); temp.AppendText("Titles Grouped by Author:\n"); // display titles written by each author, grouped by author foreach ( var author in authTitle ) { // display author's name temp.AppendText("\t" + author.Name + ":\n"); // display titles written by that author foreach ( var title in author.Titles ) { temp.AppendText("\t\t" + title+"\n"); } // end inner foreach } // end outer foreach return temp; }
public static void DeleteAuthor(int authorID) { BooksDataContext dc = new BooksDataContext(); var matchedAuthor = (from a in dc.GetTable<Author>() where a.AuthorID == authorID select a).SingleOrDefault(); dc.Authors.DeleteOnSubmit(matchedAuthor); dc.SubmitChanges(); }
public static void deleteTitle(string isbn) { BooksDataContext dc = new BooksDataContext(); var matchedTitle = (from t in dc.GetTable<Title>() where t.ISBN == isbn select t).SingleOrDefault(); dc.Titles.DeleteOnSubmit(matchedTitle); dc.SubmitChanges(); }
public static void DeleteAuthorISBN(string isbn, int id) { BooksDataContext dc = new BooksDataContext(); var matchedAuthorISBN = (from authorisbn in dc.GetTable<AuthorISBN>() where authorisbn.ISBN == isbn && authorisbn.AuthorID == id select authorisbn).SingleOrDefault(); dc.AuthorISBNs.DeleteOnSubmit(matchedAuthorISBN); dc.SubmitChanges(); }
public static void getAuthorAndTitles() { BooksDataContext dc = new BooksDataContext(); var authTitle = (from title in dc.GetTable<Title>() from book in title.AuthorISBNs let author = book.Author orderby author.LastName, author.FirstName, title.BookTitle select new { author.FirstName, author.LastName, title.BookTitle }); // return authTitle; }
public static void insertOrUpdateTitle(string isbn, string title, int edition, string copyright) { BooksDataContext dc = new BooksDataContext(); Table<Title> titles = Accessor.getTitlesTable(); Title t = new Title(); t.ISBN = isbn; t.BookTitle = title; t.EditionNumber = edition; t.Copyright = copyright; titles.InsertOnSubmit(t); titles.Context.SubmitChanges(); dc.SubmitChanges(); }
public static void InsertOrUpdateAuthorISBN(string isbn, int id) { BooksDataContext dc = new BooksDataContext(); Table<AuthorISBN> authorISBNs = dc.GetTable<AuthorISBN>(); AuthorISBN a = new AuthorISBN(); a.AuthorID = id; a.ISBN = isbn; authorISBNs.InsertOnSubmit(a); authorISBNs.Context.SubmitChanges(); dc.SubmitChanges(); }
public static void InsertOrUpdateAuthor(string first, string last) { BooksDataContext dc = new BooksDataContext(); Table<Author> authors = Accessor.GetAuthorsTable(); Author au = new Author(); au.FirstName = first; au.LastName = last; authors.InsertOnSubmit(au); authors.Context.SubmitChanges(); dc.SubmitChanges(); }
public static System.Data.Linq.Table<Title> getTitlesTable() { BooksDataContext dc = new BooksDataContext(); return dc.GetTable<Title>(); }
public static System.Linq.IQueryable getAuthorISBNTable() { BooksDataContext dc = new BooksDataContext(); var authISBN = (from author in dc.GetTable<Author>() join book in dc.GetTable<AuthorISBN>() on author.AuthorID equals book.AuthorID orderby author.LastName, author.FirstName select new { author.FirstName, author.LastName, book.ISBN }); return authISBN; }
public static System.Linq.IQueryable getTitleList() { BooksDataContext dc = new BooksDataContext(); var titleList = (from title in dc.GetTable<Title>() orderby title.BookTitle select title); return titleList; }
public static System.Linq.IQueryable getBooksByTitle(string bookName) { BooksDataContext dc = new BooksDataContext(); var bookByTitle = (from title in dc.GetTable<Title>() where title.BookTitle.Contains(bookName) select title); return bookByTitle; }
public static System.Data.Linq.Table<Author> GetAuthorsTable() { BooksDataContext dc = new BooksDataContext(); return dc.GetTable<Author>(); }
public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<linqdb.Author> getAuthorsByTitle(Title currentTitle) { BooksDataContext dc = new BooksDataContext(); var authByTitle = (from book in currentTitle.AuthorISBNs select book.Author); return authByTitle; }
public static RichTextBox getAuthorsAndTitles() { BooksDataContext dc = new BooksDataContext(); var authTitle = (from title in dc.GetTable<Title>() from book in dc.GetTable<AuthorISBN>() let author = book.Author orderby author.LastName, author.FirstName, title.BookTitle select new { author.FirstName, author.LastName, title.BookTitle }); RichTextBox temp = new RichTextBox(); temp.AppendText("Authors and titles:\n\n"); foreach (var element in authTitle) { temp.AppendText(String.Format("\t{0,-10} {1,-15} {2}\n", element.FirstName, element.LastName, element.BookTitle)); } return temp; }
public static System.Linq.IQueryable getAuthorList() { BooksDataContext dc = new BooksDataContext(); var auth = (from author in dc.GetTable<Author>() orderby author.LastName, author.FirstName let name = author.FirstName+" "+author.LastName select new linqdb.ChildForms.MasterDetail.AuthorBinding {Author = author, name = name}); return auth; }
public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<linqdb.Title> getTitlesByAuthor(Author currentAuthor) { BooksDataContext dc = new BooksDataContext(); var titleByAuth = (from book in currentAuthor.AuthorISBNs select book.Title); return titleByAuth; }
public static System.Linq.IQueryable getTitlesByCopyright() { BooksDataContext dc = new BooksDataContext(); var titleByCR = (from title in dc.GetTable<Title>() orderby title.Copyright select title); return titleByCR; }
public static String getAuthorByID(string id) { BooksDataContext dc = new BooksDataContext(); var authID = (from author in dc.GetTable<Author>() where author.AuthorID == Int32.Parse(id) select author.FirstName+" "+author.LastName).SingleOrDefault<System.String>(); return authID; }
public static String getAuthorByLastName(String last) { BooksDataContext dc = new BooksDataContext(); var authLast = (from author in dc.GetTable<Author>() where author.LastName.CompareTo(last) == 0 select author.AuthorID + ", " + author.FirstName + " " + author.LastName).First<System.String>(); return authLast; }