private static void StackOfIStrings() { MyGenericStack <String> stack = new MyGenericStack <String>(); stack.Push("Five"); stack.Push("Four"); stack.Push("Three"); stack.Push("Two"); stack.Push("One"); Console.WriteLine("1.1 Size of stack after push operations: " + stack.Size()); Console.WriteLine("1.2. Pop elements from stack.."); while (!stack.IsEmpty()) { stack.Pop(); } Console.WriteLine("\n1.3. Size of stack after pop operations : " + stack.Size()); }
private static void StackOfIntegers() { MyGenericStack <Int32> stack = new MyGenericStack <Int32>(); stack.Push(5); stack.Push(4); stack.Push(3); stack.Push(2); stack.Push(1); Console.WriteLine("2.1. Size of stack after push operations: " + stack.Size()); Console.WriteLine("2.2. Pop elements from stack.."); while (!stack.IsEmpty()) { stack.Pop(); } Console.WriteLine("\n3.3 Size of stack after pop operations : " + stack.Size()); }