public void test_SBMLDocument_createWith() { SBMLDocument d = new SBMLDocument(1,2); assertTrue( d.getTypeCode() == libsbml.SBML_DOCUMENT ); assertTrue( d.getNotes() == null ); assertTrue( d.getAnnotation() == null ); assertTrue( d.getLevel() == 1 ); assertTrue( d.getVersion() == 2 ); assertTrue( d.getNumErrors() == 0 ); d = null; }
public void test_WriteL3SBML_error() { SBMLDocument d = new SBMLDocument(); SBMLWriter w = new SBMLWriter(); assertEquals( false, w.writeSBML(d, "/tmp/impossible/path/should/fail") ); assertTrue( d.getNumErrors() == 1 ); assertTrue( d.getError(0).getErrorId() == libsbml.XMLFileUnwritable ); d = null; w = null; }
public void test_ReadSBML_notes_sbml() { string s = wrapXML("<sbml level='1' version='1'>" + " <notes>Notes are not allowed as part of the SBML element.</notes>" + "</sbml>"); D = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(s); assertTrue( D.getNotes() != null ); string notes = D.getNotes().getChild(0).getCharacters(); assertTrue( ( "Notes are not allowed as part of the SBML element." != notes ) == false ); assertTrue( D.getNumErrors() > 0 ); }
public void test_ReadSBML_invalid_default_namespace() { string valid = wrapXML("<sbml xmlns=\"\" level=\"2\" version=\"4\"> " + " <model>" + " <notes>" + " <p xmlns=\"\">Some text.</p>" + " </notes>" + " <annotation>" + " <example xmlns=\"\"/>" + " </annotation>" + " <listOfCompartments>" + " <compartment id=\"compartmentOne\" size=\"1\"/>" + " </listOfCompartments>" + " <listOfSpecies>" + " <species id=\"S1\" initialConcentration=\"1\" compartment=\"compartmentOne\"/>" + " <species id=\"S2\" initialConcentration=\"0\" compartment=\"compartmentOne\"/>" + " </listOfSpecies>" + " <listOfParameters>" + " <parameter id=\"t\" value = \"1\" units=\"second\"/>" + " </listOfParameters>" + " <listOfConstraints>" + " <constraint sboTerm=\"SBO:0000064\">" + " <math xmlns=\"\">" + " <apply>" + " <leq/>" + " <ci> S1 </ci>" + " <ci> t </ci>" + " </apply>" + " </math>" + " <message>" + " <p xmlns=\"\"> Species S1 is out of range </p>" + " </message>" + " </constraint>" + " </listOfConstraints>" + " <listOfReactions>" + " <reaction id=\"reaction_1\" reversible=\"false\">" + " <listOfReactants>" + " <speciesReference species=\"S1\"/>" + " </listOfReactants>" + " <listOfProducts>" + " <speciesReference species=\"S2\">" + " </speciesReference>" + " </listOfProducts>" + " </reaction>" + " </listOfReactions>" + " </model>" + " </sbml>"); string invalid = wrapXML("<sbml xmlns=\"\" level=\"2\" version=\"4\"> " + " <model xmlns=\"http://invalid/custom/default/uri\">" + " <notes xmlns=\"http://invalid/custom/default/uri/in/notes\">" + " <p xmlns=\"\">Some text.</p>" + " </notes>" + " <annotation xmlns=\"http://invalid/custom/default/uri/in/annotation\">" + " <example xmlns=\"\"/>" + " </annotation>" + " <listOfCompartments>" + " <compartment id=\"compartmentOne\" size=\"1\"/>" + " </listOfCompartments>" + " <listOfSpecies>" + " <notes xmlns=\"http://invalid/custom/default/uri/in/notes\">" + " <p xmlns=\"\">Some text.</p>" + " </notes>" + " <annotation xmlns=\"http://invalid/custom/default/uri/in/annotation\">" + " <example xmlns=\"\"/>" + " </annotation>" + " <species id=\"S1\" initialConcentration=\"1\" compartment=\"compartmentOne\"/>" + " <species id=\"S2\" initialConcentration=\"0\" compartment=\"compartmentOne\"/>" + " </listOfSpecies>" + " <listOfParameters>" + " <parameter id=\"t\" value = \"1\" units=\"second\"/>" + " </listOfParameters>" + " <listOfConstraints>" + " <constraint sboTerm=\"SBO:0000064\">" + " <math xmlns=\"\">" + " <apply>" + " <leq/>" + " <ci> S1 </ci>" + " <ci> t </ci>" + " </apply>" + " </math>" + " <message xmlns=\"http://invalid/custom/default/uri/in/message\">" + " <p xmlns=\"\"> Species S1 is out of range </p>" + " </message>" + " </constraint>" + " </listOfConstraints>" + " <listOfReactions>" + " <reaction id=\"reaction_1\" reversible=\"false\">" + " <listOfReactants>" + " <speciesReference xmlns=\"http://invalid/custom/default/uri\" species=\"S1\"/>" + " </listOfReactants>" + " <listOfProducts>" + " <speciesReference species=\"S2\">" + " <notes xmlns=\"http://invalid/custom/default/uri/in/notes\">" + " <p xmlns=\"\">Some text.</p>" + " </notes>" + " <annotation xmlns=\"http://invalid/custom/default/uri/in/annotation\">" + " <example xmlns=\"\"/>" + " </annotation>" + " </speciesReference>" + " </listOfProducts>" + " </reaction>" + " </listOfReactions>" + " </model>" + " </sbml>"); D = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(valid); assertTrue( D.getNumErrors() == 0 ); D = null; D = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(invalid); assertTrue( D.getNumErrors() == 9 ); }
public void test_ReadSBML_FunctionDefinition_OnlyBVars() { FunctionDefinition fd; SBMLError error; int numErrors; ASTNode math; string formula; string s = wrapSBML_L2v1("<listOfFunctionDefinitions>" + " <functionDefinition id='invalid'>" + " <math xmlns=''>" + " <lambda>" + " <bvar><ci> x </ci></bvar>" + " <bvar><ci> y </ci></bvar>" + " <bvar><ci> z </ci></bvar>" + " </lambda>" + " </math>" + " </functionDefinition>" + "</listOfFunctionDefinitions>"); D = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(s); M = D.getModel(); D.checkInternalConsistency(); D.checkConsistency(); numErrors = (int)D.getNumErrors(); assertTrue( numErrors == 1 ); error = D.getError(0); int errorId = (int)error.getErrorId(); assertTrue( errorId == libsbml.NoBodyInFunctionDef ); assertTrue( M.getNumFunctionDefinitions() == 1 ); fd = M.getFunctionDefinition(0); assertTrue( fd != null ); assertEquals( true, fd.isSetId() ); assertEquals( false, fd.isSetName() ); assertTrue(( "invalid" == fd.getId() )); assertTrue( fd.getBody() == null ); assertEquals( true, fd.isSetMath() ); math = fd.getMath(); formula = libsbml.formulaToString(math); assertTrue( formula != null ); assertTrue(( "lambda(x, y, z)" == formula )); }
public void test_ReadSBML_annotation_sbml_L2() { string s = wrapXML("<sbml xmlns=\"\" level=\"2\" version=\"1\"> " + " <annotation>" + " <rdf xmlns=\"\">" + " </rdf>" + " </annotation>" + " <model>" + " </model>" + " </sbml>"); D = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(s); M = D.getModel(); assertTrue( D.getNumErrors() == 0 ); }
public void test_ReadSBML_annotation_sbml() { string s = wrapXML("<sbml level=\"1\" version=\"1\">" + " <annotation xmlns:jd = \"\">" + " <jd:header>" + " <VersionHeader SBMLVersion = \"1.0\"/>" + " </jd:header>" + " <jd:display>" + " <SBMLGraphicsHeader BackGroundColor = \"15728639\"/>" + " </jd:display>" + " </annotation>" + "</sbml>"); D = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(s); assertTrue( D.getNumErrors() > 0 ); }
public void test_ReadSBML_notes_sbml_L2() { string s = wrapXML("<sbml xmlns=\"\" level=\"2\" version=\"1\"> " + " <notes>" + " <html xmlns=\"\">" + " </html>" + " </notes>" + " <model>" + " </model>" + " </sbml>"); D = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(s); assertTrue( D.getNotes() != null ); assertTrue( D.getNumErrors() == 0 ); }