        private void createFromDir(string path)
            fireDebug("Creating U8 File from: {0}", path);

            if (path[path.Length - 1] != Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)
                path += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;

            fireDebug("   Collecting Content...");
            string[] dirEntries   = getDirContent(path, true);
            int      offsetToName = 1;
            int      offsetToData = 0;

            fireDebug("   Creating U8 Header...");
            u8Header    = new U8_Header();
            rootNode    = new U8_Node();
            u8Nodes     = new List <U8_Node>();
            stringTable = new List <string>();
            data        = new List <byte[]>();

            //Create Rootnode
            fireDebug("   Creating Rootnode...");
            rootNode.Type         = U8_NodeType.Directory;
            rootNode.OffsetToName = 0;
            rootNode.OffsetToData = 0;
            rootNode.SizeOfData   = (uint)dirEntries.Length + 1;

            //Create Nodes
            for (int i = 0; i < dirEntries.Length; i++)
                fireDebug("   Creating Node #{0} of {1}", i + 1, dirEntries.Length);
                fireProgress((i + 1) * 100 / dirEntries.Length);

                U8_Node tempNode = new U8_Node();
                byte[]  tempData = new byte[0];

                string tempDirEntry = dirEntries[i].Remove(0, path.Length - 1);

                if (Directory.Exists(dirEntries[i])) //It's a dir
                    fireDebug("    -> Directory");

                    tempNode.Type         = U8_NodeType.Directory;
                    tempNode.OffsetToData = (uint)Shared.CountCharsInString(tempDirEntry, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); //Recursion

                    int size = u8Nodes.Count + 2;
                    for (int j = 0; j < dirEntries.Length; j++)
                        if (dirEntries[j].Contains(dirEntries[i] + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString()))

                    tempNode.SizeOfData = (uint)size;
                else //It's a file
                    fireDebug("    -> File");
                    fireDebug("    -> Reading File Data...");

                    tempData              = File.ReadAllBytes(dirEntries[i]);
                    tempNode.Type         = U8_NodeType.File;
                    tempNode.OffsetToData = (uint)offsetToData;
                    tempNode.SizeOfData   = (uint)tempData.Length;

                    offsetToData += Shared.AddPadding(offsetToData + tempData.Length, dataPadding);

                tempNode.OffsetToName = (ushort)offsetToName;
                offsetToName         += (Path.GetFileName(dirEntries[i])).Length + 1;

                fireDebug("    -> Reading Name...");
                string tempName = Path.GetFileName(dirEntries[i]);

                if (tempName.ToLower() == "icon.bin")
                    iconSize = getRealSize(tempData);
                else if (tempName.ToLower() == "banner.bin")
                    bannerSize = getRealSize(tempData);
                else if (tempName.ToLower() == "sound.bin")
                    soundSize = getRealSize(tempData);


            //Update U8 Header
            fireDebug("   Updating U8 Header...");
            u8Header.HeaderSize   = (uint)(((u8Nodes.Count + 1) * 12) + offsetToName);
            u8Header.OffsetToData = (uint)Shared.AddPadding((int)u8Header.OffsetToRootNode + (int)u8Header.HeaderSize, dataPadding);

            //Update dataOffsets
            fireDebug("   Calculating Data Offsets...");

            for (int i = 0; i < u8Nodes.Count; i++)
                fireDebug("    -> Node #{0} of {1}...", i + 1, u8Nodes.Count);

                int tempOffset = (int)u8Nodes[i].OffsetToData;
                u8Nodes[i].OffsetToData = (uint)(u8Header.OffsetToData + tempOffset);

            fireDebug("Creating U8 File Finished...");
        private void addEntry(string nodePath, byte[] fileData)
            //Parse path
            if (nodePath.StartsWith("/"))
                nodePath = nodePath.Remove(0, 1);
            string[] path = nodePath.Split('/'); //Last entry is the filename

            int        nodeIndex    = -1;
            int        maxIndex     = (u8Nodes.Count > 0) ? u8Nodes.Count - 1 : 0;
            int        currentIndex = 0;
            List <int> pathIndices  = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < path.Length - 1; i++)
                for (int j = currentIndex; j <= maxIndex; j++)
                    if (stringTable[j].ToLower() == path[i].ToLower())
                        if (i == path.Length - 2)
                            nodeIndex = j;

                        maxIndex     = (int)u8Nodes[j].SizeOfData - 1;
                        currentIndex = j + 1;


                    if (j == maxIndex - 1)
                        throw new Exception("Path wasn't found!");

            //Get last entry in current dir
            int lastEntry;

            if (nodeIndex > -1)
                lastEntry = (int)u8Nodes[nodeIndex].SizeOfData - 2;
                lastEntry = (rootNode.SizeOfData > 1) ? (int)rootNode.SizeOfData - 2 : -1;

            //Create and insert node + data
            U8_Node tempNode = new U8_Node();

            tempNode.Type         = (fileData.Length == 0) ? U8_NodeType.Directory : U8_NodeType.File;
            tempNode.SizeOfData   = (uint)((fileData.Length == 0) ? lastEntry + 2 : fileData.Length);
            tempNode.OffsetToData = (uint)((fileData.Length == 0) ? Shared.CountCharsInString(nodePath, '/') : 0);

            stringTable.Insert(lastEntry + 1, path[path.Length - 1]);
            u8Nodes.Insert(lastEntry + 1, tempNode);
            data.Insert(lastEntry + 1, fileData);

            //Update rootnode and path sizes (+1)
            rootNode.SizeOfData += 1;

            foreach (int index in pathIndices)
                if (u8Nodes[index].Type == U8_NodeType.Directory)
                    u8Nodes[index].SizeOfData += 1;

            for (int i = lastEntry + 1; i < u8Nodes.Count; i++)
                if (u8Nodes[i].Type == U8_NodeType.Directory)
                    u8Nodes[i].SizeOfData += 1;