private void downloadTitle(string titleId, string titleVersion, string outputDir, StoreType[] storeTypes) { fireDebug("Downloading Title {0} v{1}...", titleId, (string.IsNullOrEmpty(titleVersion)) ? "[Latest]" : titleVersion); if (storeTypes.Length < 1) { fireDebug(" No store types were defined..."); throw new Exception("You must at least define one store type!"); } string titleUrl = string.Format("{0}{1}/", nusUrl, titleId); bool storeEncrypted = false; bool storeDecrypted = false; bool storeWad = false; fireProgress(0); foreach (StoreType st in storeTypes) { switch (st) { case StoreType.DecryptedContent: fireDebug(" -> Storing Decrypted Content..."); storeDecrypted = true; break; case StoreType.EncryptedContent: fireDebug(" -> Storing Encrypted Content..."); storeEncrypted = true; break; case StoreType.WAD: fireDebug(" -> Storing WAD..."); storeWad = true; break; case StoreType.All: fireDebug(" -> Storing Decrypted Content..."); fireDebug(" -> Storing Encrypted Content..."); fireDebug(" -> Storing WAD..."); storeDecrypted = true; storeEncrypted = true; storeWad = true; break; } } fireDebug(" Checking for Internet connection..."); if (!CheckInet()) { fireDebug(" Connection not found..."); throw new Exception("You're not connected to the internet!"); } if (outputDir[outputDir.Length - 1] != Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) { outputDir += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; } if (!Directory.Exists(outputDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(outputDir); } string tmdFile = "tmd" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(titleVersion) ? string.Empty : string.Format(".{0}", titleVersion)); //Download TMD fireDebug(" Downloading TMD..."); try { wcNus.DownloadFile(titleUrl + tmdFile, outputDir + tmdFile); } catch (Exception ex) { fireDebug(" Downloading TMD Failed..."); throw new Exception("Downloading TMD Failed:\n" + ex.Message); } fireProgress(5); //Download cetk fireDebug(" Downloading Ticket..."); try { wcNus.DownloadFile(titleUrl + "cetk", outputDir + "cetk"); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!continueWithoutTicket || !storeEncrypted) { fireDebug(" Downloading Ticket Failed..."); throw new Exception("Downloading Ticket Failed:\n" + ex.Message); } storeDecrypted = false; storeWad = false; } fireProgress(10); //Parse TMD and Ticket fireDebug(" Parsing TMD..."); TMD tmd = TMD.Load(outputDir + tmdFile); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(titleVersion)) { fireDebug(" -> Title Version: {0}", tmd.TitleVersion); } fireDebug(" -> {0} Contents", tmd.NumOfContents); fireDebug(" Parsing Ticket..."); Ticket tik = Ticket.Load(outputDir + "cetk"); string[] encryptedContents = new string[tmd.NumOfContents]; //Download Content for (int i = 0; i < tmd.NumOfContents; i++) { fireDebug(" Downloading Content #{0} of {1}... ({2} bytes)", i + 1, tmd.NumOfContents, tmd.Contents[i].Size); fireProgress(((i + 1) * 60 / tmd.NumOfContents) + 10); if (useLocalFiles && File.Exists(outputDir + tmd.Contents[i].ContentID.ToString("x8"))) { fireDebug(" Using Local File, Skipping..."); continue; } try { wcNus.DownloadFile(titleUrl + tmd.Contents[i].ContentID.ToString("x8"), outputDir + tmd.Contents[i].ContentID.ToString("x8")); encryptedContents[i] = tmd.Contents[i].ContentID.ToString("x8"); } catch (Exception ex) { fireDebug(" Downloading Content #{0} of {1} failed...", i + 1, tmd.NumOfContents); throw new Exception("Downloading Content Failed:\n" + ex.Message); } } //Decrypt Content if (storeDecrypted || storeWad) { SHA1 s = SHA1.Create(); for (int i = 0; i < tmd.NumOfContents; i++) { fireDebug(" Decrypting Content #{0} of {1}...", i + 1, tmd.NumOfContents); fireProgress(((i + 1) * 20 / tmd.NumOfContents) + 75); //Decrypt Content byte[] decryptedContent = decryptContent(File.ReadAllBytes(outputDir + tmd.Contents[i].ContentID.ToString("x8")), i, tik, tmd); Array.Resize(ref decryptedContent, (int)tmd.Contents[i].Size); //Check SHA1 byte[] newSha = s.ComputeHash(decryptedContent); if (!Shared.CompareByteArrays(newSha, tmd.Contents[i].Hash)) { fireDebug(@"/!\ /!\ /!\ Hashes do not match /!\ /!\ /!\"); throw new Exception(string.Format("Content #{0}: Hashes do not match!", i)); } //Write Decrypted Content File.WriteAllBytes(outputDir + tmd.Contents[i].ContentID.ToString("x8") + ".app", decryptedContent); } s.Clear(); } //Pack Wad if (storeWad) { fireDebug(" Building Certificate Chain..."); CertificateChain cert = CertificateChain.FromTikTmd(outputDir + "cetk", outputDir + tmdFile); byte[][] contents = new byte[tmd.NumOfContents][]; for (int i = 0; i < tmd.NumOfContents; i++) { contents[i] = File.ReadAllBytes(outputDir + tmd.Contents[i].ContentID.ToString("x8") + ".app"); } fireDebug(" Creating WAD..."); WAD wad = WAD.Create(cert, tik, tmd, contents); wad.Save(outputDir + tmd.TitleID.ToString("x16") + "v" + tmd.TitleVersion.ToString() + ".wad"); } //Delete not wanted files if (!storeEncrypted) { fireDebug(" Deleting Encrypted Contents..."); for (int i = 0; i < encryptedContents.Length; i++) { if (File.Exists(outputDir + encryptedContents[i])) { File.Delete(outputDir + encryptedContents[i]); } } } if (storeWad && !storeDecrypted) { fireDebug(" Deleting Decrypted Contents..."); for (int i = 0; i < encryptedContents.Length; i++) { if (File.Exists(outputDir + encryptedContents[i] + ".app")) { File.Delete(outputDir + encryptedContents[i] + ".app"); } } } if (!storeDecrypted && !storeEncrypted) { fireDebug(" Deleting TMD and Ticket..."); File.Delete(outputDir + tmdFile); File.Delete(outputDir + "cetk"); } fireDebug("Downloading Title {0} v{1} Finished...", titleId, (string.IsNullOrEmpty(titleVersion)) ? "[Latest]" : titleVersion); fireProgress(100); }
private void downloadTitle(string titleId, string titleVersion, string outputDir, string wadName, StoreType[] storeTypes) { fireDebug("Downloading Title {0} v{1}...", titleId, (string.IsNullOrEmpty(titleVersion)) ? "[Latest]" : titleVersion); if (storeTypes.Length < 1) { fireDebug(" No store types were defined..."); throw new Exception("You must at least define one store type!"); } string titleUrl = string.Format("{0}{1}/", nusUrl, titleId); bool storeEncrypted = false; bool storeDecrypted = false; bool storeWad = false; fireProgress(0); foreach (StoreType st in storeTypes) { switch (st) { case StoreType.DecryptedContent: fireDebug(" [=] Storing Decrypted Content..."); storeDecrypted = true; break; case StoreType.EncryptedContent: fireDebug(" [=] Storing Encrypted Content..."); storeEncrypted = true; break; case StoreType.WAD: fireDebug(" [=] Storing WAD..."); storeWad = true; break; case StoreType.All: fireDebug(" [=] Storing Decrypted Content..."); fireDebug(" [=] Storing Encrypted Content..."); fireDebug(" [=] Storing WAD..."); storeDecrypted = true; storeEncrypted = true; storeWad = true; break; case StoreType.Empty: break; } } /* * fireDebug(" - Checking for Internet connection..."); * if (!CheckInet()) * { fireDebug(" + Connection not found..."); throw new Exception("You're not connected to the internet!"); } */ if (!Directory.Exists(outputDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(outputDir); } if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(outputDir, titleId))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(outputDir, titleId)); } outputDir = Path.Combine(outputDir, titleId); string tmdFile = "tmd" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(titleVersion) ? string.Empty : string.Format(".{0}", titleVersion)); //Download TMD fireDebug(" - Downloading TMD..."); TMD tmd; byte[] tmdFileWithCerts; try { tmdFileWithCerts = wcNus.DownloadData(titleUrl + tmdFile); tmd = TMD.Load(tmdFileWithCerts); } catch (Exception ex) { fireDebug(" + Downloading TMD Failed..."); throw new Exception("Downloading TMD Failed:\n" + ex.Message); } //Parse TMD fireDebug(" - Parsing TMD..."); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(titleVersion)) { fireDebug(" + Title Version: {0}", tmd.TitleVersion); } fireDebug(" + {0} Contents", tmd.NumOfContents); if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(outputDir, tmd.TitleVersion.ToString()))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(outputDir, tmd.TitleVersion.ToString())); } outputDir = Path.Combine(outputDir, tmd.TitleVersion.ToString()); this.titleversion = tmd.TitleVersion; File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(outputDir, tmdFile), tmd.ToByteArray()); fireProgress(5); //Download cetk fireDebug(" - Downloading Ticket..."); try { wcNus.DownloadFile(Path.Combine(titleUrl, "cetk"), Path.Combine(outputDir, "cetk")); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!continueWithoutTicket || !storeEncrypted) { fireDebug(" + Downloading Ticket Failed..."); throw new Exception("Downloading Ticket Failed:\n" + ex.Message); } if (!(File.Exists(Path.Combine(outputDir, "cetk")))) { storeDecrypted = false; storeWad = false; } } fireProgress(10); // Parse Ticket Ticket tik = new Ticket(); if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(outputDir, "cetk"))) { fireDebug(" + Parsing Ticket..."); tik = Ticket.Load(Path.Combine(outputDir, "cetk")); // DSi ticket? Must make sure to use DSi Key :D if (nusUrl == DSI_NUS_URL) { tik.DSiTicket = true; } } else { fireDebug(" + Ticket Unavailable..."); } string[] encryptedContents = new string[tmd.NumOfContents]; //Download Content for (int i = 0; i < tmd.NumOfContents; i++) { fireDebug(" - Downloading Content #{0} of {1}... ({2} bytes)", i + 1, tmd.NumOfContents, tmd.Contents[i].Size); fireProgress(((i + 1) * 60 / tmd.NumOfContents) + 10); if (useLocalFiles && File.Exists(Path.Combine(outputDir, tmd.Contents[i].ContentID.ToString("x8")))) { fireDebug(" + Using Local File, Skipping..."); continue; } try { wcNus.DownloadFile(titleUrl + tmd.Contents[i].ContentID.ToString("x8"), Path.Combine(outputDir, tmd.Contents[i].ContentID.ToString("x8"))); encryptedContents[i] = tmd.Contents[i].ContentID.ToString("x8"); } catch (Exception ex) { fireDebug(" - Downloading Content #{0} of {1} failed...", i + 1, tmd.NumOfContents); throw new Exception("Downloading Content Failed:\n" + ex.Message); } } //Decrypt Content if (storeDecrypted || storeWad) { SHA1 s = SHA1.Create(); for (int i = 0; i < tmd.NumOfContents; i++) { fireDebug(" - Decrypting Content #{0} of {1}...", i + 1, tmd.NumOfContents); fireProgress(((i + 1) * 20 / tmd.NumOfContents) + 75); //Decrypt Content byte[] decryptedContent = decryptContent(File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(outputDir, tmd.Contents[i].ContentID.ToString("x8"))), i, tik, tmd); Array.Resize(ref decryptedContent, (int)tmd.Contents[i].Size); //Check SHA1 byte[] newSha = s.ComputeHash(decryptedContent); if (!Shared.CompareByteArrays(newSha, tmd.Contents[i].Hash)) { fireDebug(@" + Hashes do not match! (Invalid Output)"); //throw new Exception(string.Format("Content #{0}: Hashes do not match!", i)); } //Write Decrypted Content File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(outputDir, (tmd.Contents[i].ContentID.ToString("x8") + ".app")), decryptedContent); } s.Clear(); } //Pack Wad if (storeWad) { fireDebug(" - Building Certificate Chain..."); CertificateChain cert = CertificateChain.FromTikTmd(Path.Combine(outputDir, "cetk"), tmdFileWithCerts); byte[][] contents = new byte[tmd.NumOfContents][]; for (int i = 0; i < tmd.NumOfContents; i++) { contents[i] = File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(outputDir, (tmd.Contents[i].ContentID.ToString("x8") + ".app"))); } fireDebug(" - Creating WAD..."); WAD wad = WAD.Create(cert, tik, tmd, contents); wad.RemoveFooter(); wadName = wadName.Replace("[v]", "v" + this.TitleVersion.ToString()); // fix by madri2 if (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString() != "/" && Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar.ToString() != "/") { wadName = wadName.Replace("/", ""); } if (wadName.Contains(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString()) || wadName.Contains(Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar.ToString())) { wad.Save(wadName); } else { wad.Save(Path.Combine(outputDir, wadName)); } } //Delete not wanted files if (!storeEncrypted) { fireDebug(" - Deleting Encrypted Contents..."); for (int i = 0; i < encryptedContents.Length; i++) { if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(outputDir, encryptedContents[i]))) { File.Delete(Path.Combine(outputDir, encryptedContents[i])); } } } if (storeWad && !storeDecrypted) { fireDebug(" - Deleting Decrypted Contents..."); for (int i = 0; i < encryptedContents.Length; i++) { if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(outputDir, (encryptedContents[i] + ".app")))) { File.Delete(Path.Combine(outputDir, (encryptedContents[i] + ".app"))); } } } if (!storeDecrypted && !storeEncrypted) { fireDebug(" - Deleting TMD and Ticket..."); File.Delete(Path.Combine(outputDir, tmdFile)); File.Delete(Path.Combine(outputDir, "cetk")); } fireDebug("Downloading Title {0} v{1} Finished...", titleId, tmd.TitleVersion /*(string.IsNullOrEmpty(titleVersion)) ? "[Latest]" : titleVersion*/); fireProgress(100); }