public void UpdateEndOfDayVariables(LemonadeStand lemonadeStand) { lemonadeStand.inventory.cups = cupCounter; += payingCustomers * lemonadeStand.recipe.price; = 0; lemonadeStand.revenue += (payingCustomers * lemonadeStand.recipe.price); }
private void RunGameDays(Inventory inventory, LemonadeStand lemonadeStand, Store store, Day day, Random num) { for (double i = 1; i <= daysPlaying; i++) { day.payingCustomers = 0; day.RunDay(inventory, lemonadeStand, store, day, currentDay, num); this.currentDay += 1; } }
public void DisplayStoreHighlight(double keyCounter, Inventory inventory, LemonadeStand lemonadeStand) { Console.WriteLine("Cups: " + inventory.cups + " Lemons: " + inventory.lemons + " Sugar: " + inventory.sugar + " cups" + " Ice: " + + " Cubes" + " Money:$" +; switch (keyCounter) { case 0: Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("BUY CUPS"); Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine("BUY LEMONS"); Console.WriteLine("BUY SUGAR"); Console.WriteLine("BUY ICE"); Console.WriteLine("EXIT STORE"); break; case 1: Console.WriteLine("BUY CUPS"); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("BUY LEMONS"); Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine("BUY SUGAR"); Console.WriteLine("BUY ICE"); Console.WriteLine("EXIT STORE"); break; case 2: Console.WriteLine("BUY CUPS"); Console.WriteLine("BUY LEMONS"); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("BUY SUGAR"); Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine("BUY ICE"); Console.WriteLine("EXIT STORE"); break; case 3: Console.WriteLine("BUY CUPS"); Console.WriteLine("BUY LEMONS"); Console.WriteLine("BUY SUGAR"); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("BUY ICE"); Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine("EXIT STORE"); break; case 4: Console.WriteLine("BUY CUPS"); Console.WriteLine("BUY LEMONS"); Console.WriteLine("BUY SUGAR"); Console.WriteLine("BUY ICE"); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("EXIT STORE"); Console.ResetColor(); break; } }
public Customers(double actualTemperature, string weatherCondition, LemonadeStand lemonadeStand, Day day, Random num) { chanceToBuy = 10; ActualTemperatureInfluence(actualTemperature); WeatherConditionInfluence(weatherCondition); PopularityInfluence(lemonadeStand.popularity); PriceInfluence(lemonadeStand.recipe.price); RecipeInfluence(lemonadeStand); DoesBuy(day, num); }
public void UpdateCustomerSatisfaction(LemonadeStand lemonadeStand) { if ((lemonadeStand.customerSatisfaction + Math.Round((payingCustomers / 6))) < 100) { lemonadeStand.customerSatisfaction += Math.Round((payingCustomers / 6)); } else { lemonadeStand.customerSatisfaction = 100; } }
public Game() { Random num = new Random(); DisplayRules(); Console.Clear(); lemonadeStandOne = new LemonadeStand(); store = new Store(); day = new Day(); currentDay = 1; RunGameDays(lemonadeStandOne.inventory, lemonadeStandOne, store, day, num); DisplayEndGame(lemonadeStandOne); }
public void RunDay(Inventory inventory, LemonadeStand lemonadeStand, Store store, Day day, int currentDay, Random num) { weather = new Weather(); store.DisplayStore(inventory, lemonadeStand, weather, currentDay); lemonadeStand.SetRecipe(); GetPossibleCustomers(); this.cupCounter = inventory.cups; RunThroughCustomers(inventory, lemonadeStand, store, day, num); UpdateEndOfDayVariables(lemonadeStand); UpdatePopularity(lemonadeStand); UpdateCustomerSatisfaction(lemonadeStand); DisplayDayResults(weather.actualTemperature, weather.weatherCondition, lemonadeStand, currentDay); }
public void DisplayStore(Inventory inventory, LemonadeStand lemonadeStand, Weather weather, double currentDay) { Console.WriteLine("The forecast Day " + currentDay + " is " + weather.forcastTemperature + " degrees and " + weather.weatherCondition + "."); Console.WriteLine("Use up and down arrow to navigate, press enter to look at item prices!"); DisplayStoreHighlight(storeKeyCounter, inventory, lemonadeStand); var keyPressed = Console.ReadKey().Key; if (keyPressed == ConsoleKey.Enter) { if (storeKeyCounter == 4) { Console.Clear(); return; } else { Console.Clear(); DisplayItem(storeKeyCounter, itemKeyCounter, inventory, lemonadeStand); } } if (storeKeyCounter == 0) { if (keyPressed == ConsoleKey.DownArrow) { storeKeyCounter += 1; } } else if (storeKeyCounter == 4) { if (keyPressed == ConsoleKey.UpArrow) { storeKeyCounter -= 1; } } else if ((storeKeyCounter > 0) && (storeKeyCounter < 4)) { if (keyPressed == ConsoleKey.UpArrow) { storeKeyCounter -= 1; } else if (keyPressed == ConsoleKey.DownArrow) { storeKeyCounter += 1; } } Console.Clear(); DisplayStore(inventory, lemonadeStand, weather, currentDay); }
public void RunThroughCustomers(Inventory inventory, LemonadeStand lemonadeStand, Store store, Day day, Random num) { for (double j = 0; j < possibleCustomers; j++) { if (j == 0 || pitcher == 10 || pitcher == 21 || pitcher == 32 || pitcher == 43 || pitcher == 54 || pitcher == 65 || pitcher == 76 || pitcher == 87 || pitcher == 98 || pitcher == 109) { UpdateInventory(lemonadeStand); pitcher++; } if (cupCounter > 0 && inventory.lemons > lemonadeStand.recipe.lemonsToUse && inventory.sugar > lemonadeStand.recipe.sugarToUse && > lemonadeStand.recipe.iceToUse) { Customers = new Customers(weather.actualTemperature, weather.weatherCondition, lemonadeStand, day, num); } else { return; } } }
public void DisplaySugar(Inventory inventory, double itemKeyCounter, LemonadeStand lemonadeStand) { Console.WriteLine("Cups: " + inventory.cups + " Lemons: " + inventory.lemons + " Sugar: " + inventory.sugar + " cups" + " Ice: " + + " Cubes" + " Money:$" +; switch (itemKeyCounter) { case 0: Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("8 Cups Sugar $0.51"); Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine("20 Cups Sugar $1.64"); Console.WriteLine("48 Cups Sugar $3.28"); Console.WriteLine("EXIT"); break; case 1: Console.WriteLine("8 Cups Sugar $0.51"); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("20 Cups Sugar $1.64"); Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine("48 Cups Sugar $3.28"); Console.WriteLine("EXIT"); break; case 2: Console.WriteLine("8 Cups Sugar $0.51"); Console.WriteLine("20 Cups Sugar $1.64"); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("48 Cups Sugar $3.28"); Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine("EXIT"); break; case 3: Console.WriteLine("8 Cups Sugar $0.51"); Console.WriteLine("20 Cups Sugar $1.64"); Console.WriteLine("48 Cups Sugar $3.28"); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("EXIT"); Console.ResetColor(); break; } }
public void DisplayIce(Inventory inventory, double itemKeyCounter, LemonadeStand lemonadeStand) { Console.WriteLine("Cups: " + inventory.cups + " Lemons: " + inventory.lemons + " Sugar: " + inventory.sugar + " cups" + " Ice: " + + " Cubes" + " Money:$" +; switch (itemKeyCounter) { case 0: Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("100 Ice Cubes $.88"); Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine("250 Ice Cubes $2.00"); Console.WriteLine("500 Ice Cubes $3.66"); Console.WriteLine("EXIT"); break; case 1: Console.WriteLine("100 Ice Cubes $.88"); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("250 Ice Cubes $2.00"); Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine("500 Ice Cubes $3.66"); Console.WriteLine("EXIT"); break; case 2: Console.WriteLine("100 Ice Cubes $.88"); Console.WriteLine("250 Ice Cubes $2.00"); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("500 Ice Cubes $3.66"); Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine("EXIT"); break; case 3: Console.WriteLine("100 Ice Cubes $.88"); Console.WriteLine("250 Ice Cubes $2.00"); Console.WriteLine("500 Ice Cubes $3.66"); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("EXIT"); Console.ResetColor(); break; } }
public void DisplayLemons(Inventory inventory, double itemKeyCounter, LemonadeStand lemonadeStand) { Console.WriteLine("Cups: " + inventory.cups + " Lemons: " + inventory.lemons + " Sugar: " + inventory.sugar + " cups" + " Ice: " + + " Cubes" + " Money:$" +; switch (itemKeyCounter) { case 0: Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("10 LemonS $0.64"); Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine("30 Lemons $2.16"); Console.WriteLine("75 Lemons $4.19"); Console.WriteLine("EXIT"); break; case 1: Console.WriteLine("10 LemonS $0.64"); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("30 Lemons $2.16"); Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine("75 Lemons $4.19"); Console.WriteLine("EXIT"); break; case 2: Console.WriteLine("10 LemonS $0.64"); Console.WriteLine("30 Lemons $2.16"); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("75 Lemons $4.19"); Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine("EXIT"); break; case 3: Console.WriteLine("10 LemonS $0.64"); Console.WriteLine("30 Lemons $2.16"); Console.WriteLine("75 Lemons $4.19"); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("EXIT"); Console.ResetColor(); break; } }
public void UpdateInventory(LemonadeStand lemonadeStand) { lemonadeStand.inventory.lemons -= lemonadeStand.recipe.lemonsToUse; lemonadeStand.inventory.sugar -= lemonadeStand.recipe.sugarToUse; }
public void RecipeInfluence(LemonadeStand lemonadeStand) { chanceToBuy += LemonInfluence(lemonadeStand.recipe.lemonsToUse); chanceToBuy += SugarInfluence(lemonadeStand.recipe.sugarToUse); chanceToBuy += IceInfluence(lemonadeStand.recipe.iceToUse); }
public void DisplayEndGame(LemonadeStand lemonadeStand) { Console.WriteLine("You made it to day " + daysPlaying + " and you made $" + + "!"); }
public void DisplayDayResults(double actualTemperature, string weatherCondition, LemonadeStand lemonadeStand, double currentDay) { Console.WriteLine("The actual weather of day " + currentDay + " was " + actualTemperature + " and " + weatherCondition + "."); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("You sold " + payingCustomers + " cups of lemonade to " + possibleCustomers + " possible customers!"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("You made $" + (payingCustomers * lemonadeStand.recipe.price) + " today! Your total revenue is $" + lemonadeStand.revenue + ". Your total money is $" +; Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Your popularity is now at " + lemonadeStand.popularity + " and your customer satisfaction is at " + lemonadeStand.customerSatisfaction + "%!"); Console.WriteLine("press enter to start your next day!"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("NEXT DAY"); Console.ResetColor(); if (Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.Enter) { Console.Clear(); return; } else { DisplayDayResults(actualTemperature, weatherCondition, lemonadeStand, currentDay); } }
public void DisplayItem(double storeKeyCounter, double itemKeyCounter, Inventory inventory, LemonadeStand lemonadeStand) { Console.WriteLine("Use up and down arrow to navigate, press enter to buy items!"); switch (storeKeyCounter) { case 0: DisplayCup(inventory, itemKeyCounter, lemonadeStand); break; case 1: DisplayLemons(inventory, itemKeyCounter, lemonadeStand); break; case 2: DisplaySugar(inventory, itemKeyCounter, lemonadeStand); break; case 3: DisplayIce(inventory, itemKeyCounter, lemonadeStand); break; } var keyPress = Console.ReadKey().Key; if (keyPress == ConsoleKey.Enter) { if (itemKeyCounter == 3) { return; } else { UpdateInventory(storeKeyCounter, itemKeyCounter, inventory, lemonadeStand); } } if (itemKeyCounter == 0) { if (keyPress == ConsoleKey.DownArrow) { itemKeyCounter += 1; } } else if (itemKeyCounter == 3) { if (keyPress == ConsoleKey.UpArrow) { itemKeyCounter -= 1; } } else if ((itemKeyCounter > 0) && (itemKeyCounter < 3)) { if (keyPress == ConsoleKey.UpArrow) { itemKeyCounter -= 1; } else if (keyPress == ConsoleKey.DownArrow) { itemKeyCounter += 1; } } Console.Clear(); DisplayItem(storeKeyCounter, itemKeyCounter, inventory, lemonadeStand); }
public void UpdatePopularity(LemonadeStand lemonadeStand) { lemonadeStand.popularity += Math.Round((payingCustomers / 10)); }
public void UpdateInventory(double storeKeyCounter, double itemKeyCounter, Inventory inventory, LemonadeStand lemonadeStand) { switch (storeKeyCounter) { case 0: switch (itemKeyCounter) { case 0: if ( >= .86) { inventory.cups += 25; -= .86; } else { DisplayBrokePerson(); } break; case 1: if ( >= 1.63) { inventory.cups += 50; -= 1.63; } else { DisplayBrokePerson(); } break; case 2: if ( >= 2.75) { inventory.cups += 100; -= 2.75; } else { DisplayBrokePerson(); } break; } break; case 1: switch (itemKeyCounter) { case 0: if ( >= .64) { inventory.lemons += 10; -= .64; } else { DisplayBrokePerson(); } break; case 1: if ( >= 2.16) { inventory.lemons += 30; -= 2.16; } else { DisplayBrokePerson(); } break; case 2: if ( >= 4.19) { inventory.lemons += 75; -= 4.19; } else { DisplayBrokePerson(); } break; } break; case 2: switch (itemKeyCounter) { case 0: if ( >= .51) { inventory.sugar += 8; -= .51; } else { DisplayBrokePerson(); } break; case 1: if ( >= 1.63) { inventory.sugar += 20; -= 1.63; } else { DisplayBrokePerson(); } break; case 2: if ( >= 3.28) { inventory.sugar += 48; -= 3.28; } else { DisplayBrokePerson(); } break; } break; case 3: switch (itemKeyCounter) { case 0: if ( >= .88) { += 100; -= .88; } else { DisplayBrokePerson(); } break; case 1: if ( >= 2.00) { += 250; -= 2.00; } else { DisplayBrokePerson(); } break; case 2: if ( >= 3.66) { += 500; -= 3.66; } else { DisplayBrokePerson(); } break; } break; } }