static void Main(string[] args) { TransportVehicle Opel = new Car(); TransportVehicle Mazda = new Car(); IntelligentBeing BamBoolBi = new Convertible(1999, "BamBoolBi", 1200); IntelligentBeing MamMoolMi = new Convertible(1980, "MamMoolMi", 1000); IntelligentBeing GamGoolGi = new Convertible(1970, "GamGoolGi", 1000); IntelligentBeing Filiphok = new Man(1970, "Phillip", 150); IntelligentBeing Vova = new Man(1990, "Vova", 14); IntelligentBeing Misha = new Man(1991, "Misha", 160); Printer Print = new Printer(); Opel.Method(); List <object> array = new List <object>() { Opel, Mazda, BamBoolBi, Filiphok, Print }; foreach (object ise in array) { Print.Printing(ise); } if (Opel is Car) { Console.WriteLine("Опель это оооопель с молнией как у гарри поттера"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Это не опель =("); } Console.WriteLine("\n\t 6 ЛАБА \n"); //lab_6 //struct MyStruct veh1 = new MyStruct("car", 1875); veh1.DisplayInfo(); //enum MyEnum tr1; tr1 =; switch (tr1) { case { Console.WriteLine("Is a car\n"); break; } case { Console.WriteLine("Is a man\n"); break; } case MyEnum.transformer: { Console.WriteLine("Is a transformer\n"); break; } } Console.WriteLine("Births Year:" + "\tName " + "\t\tPower"); Filiphok.Move(); Vova.Move(); Misha.Move(); BamBoolBi.Move(); MamMoolMi.Move(); GamGoolGi.Move(); Console.WriteLine("\n\tAdding objects..."); Army army = new Army(); army.Push(BamBoolBi); army.Push(MamMoolMi); army.Push(GamGoolGi); army.Push(Vova); army.Push(Filiphok); army.Push(Misha); army.Output(); // army.Remove(Vova); //army.Output(); Controller.SearchByArmy(1970, army); Controller.OutNameSpecPower(1000, army); var c = Controller.coint; Console.WriteLine(" \n\tNumber of military equipment -> " + c); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { TransportVehicle Opel = new Car(); TransportVehicle Mazda = new Car(); IntelligentBeing BamBoolBi = new Convertible(1999, "BamBoolBi", 1200); IntelligentBeing MamMoolMi = new Convertible(1980, "MamMoolMi", 1000); IntelligentBeing GamGoolGi = new Convertible(1970, "GamGoolGi", 1000); IntelligentBeing Filiphok = new Man(1970, "Phillip", 150); IntelligentBeing Vova = new Man(1990, "Vova", 14); IntelligentBeing Misha = new Man(1991, "Misha", 160); Printer Print = new Printer(); Opel.Method(); List <object> array = new List <object>() { Opel, Mazda, BamBoolBi, Filiphok, Print }; foreach (object ise in array) { Print.Printing(ise); } if (Opel is Car) { Console.WriteLine("Опель это оооопель с молнией как у гарри поттера"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Это не опель =("); } Console.WriteLine("\n\t 6 ЛАБА \n"); //lab_6 //struct MyStruct veh1 = new MyStruct("car", 1875); veh1.DisplayInfo(); //enum MyEnum tr1; tr1 =; switch (tr1) { case { Console.WriteLine("Is a car\n"); break; } case { Console.WriteLine("Is a man\n"); break; } case MyEnum.transformer: { Console.WriteLine("Is a transformer\n"); break; } } Console.WriteLine("Births Year:" + "\tName " + "\t\tPower"); Filiphok.Move(); Vova.Move(); Misha.Move(); BamBoolBi.Move(); MamMoolMi.Move(); GamGoolGi.Move(); Console.WriteLine("\n\tAdding objects..."); Army army = new Army(); //army.Output(); //ошибка е1 //IntelligentBeing HamHoolHi = new Man(1999, "HamHoolHi", -1200); //error e2 IntelligentBeing KamKoolKi = new Man(2029, "KamKoolKi", 1200); //error e3 int a = 0; //int sum = 5 / a; //error e4 string[] str = new string[5]; //str[6] = "errorchik"; // error e5 стандартная int?pointer = null; Debug.Assert(pointer != null, "переменная ровна -- null"); army.Push(BamBoolBi); army.Push(MamMoolMi); army.Push(GamGoolGi); army.Push(Vova); army.Push(Filiphok); army.Push(Misha); army.Output(); Controller.SearchByArmy(1970, army); Controller.OutNameSpecPower(1000, army); var c = Controller.coint; Console.WriteLine(" \n\tNumber of military equipment -> " + c); } catch (ArmyIsEmptyException e1) { Console.WriteLine(e1); } catch (NegativePowerException e2) { Console.WriteLine(e2); } catch (IncorrectDateOfBirthException e3) { Console.WriteLine(e3); } catch (DivideByZeroException e4) { Console.WriteLine(e4); } catch (Exception e5) { Console.WriteLine(e5); } finally { Console.WriteLine("hello n***a!"); } }