public InboxMessages(DatingProfile sender, string messageTitle, string messageData) { this.sender = sender; this.messageTitle = messageTitle; this.messageData = messageData; isRead = false; }
static void Main(string[] args) { //lab 7 done by Muhammad and Amar //creating 2 new profiles DatingProfile Trump = new DatingProfile("Donald", "Trump", 87, "Male"); Trump.WriteBio("president of the united stetes"); DatingProfile Hillary = new DatingProfile("Hillary", "Clinton", 55, "Female"); Hillary.WriteBio("new to this site"); //send messages Console.WriteLine("Trump : "); Trump.SendMessage("Hello Hillary", "Want to get some coffee?", Hillary); Hillary.ReadMessage(); Console.WriteLine("Hillary : "); Hillary.SendMessage("Hello Trump", "I'm a married women NO Thanks.", Trump); Trump.ReadMessage(); }
public void SendMessage(string messageTitle, string messageData, DatingProfile sentTo) { InboxMessages message = new InboxMessages(this, messageTitle, messageData); sentTo.AddToInbox(message); }