//TRYIT FOR REQUIRED SERVICE #1 protected void GetTop10IndicesBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StockRelatedWebServices.Service1Client proxy = new StockRelatedWebServices.Service1Client(); // Use the 'client' variable to call operations on the service. Top10IndicesTextBox.Text = "Filename : " + proxy.GetTop10USIndices(STOCK_EXCHANGE_URL); // Always close the client. proxy.Close(); }
//TRYIT FOR ELECTIVE SERVICE #1 protected void SortTop10LowHighBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //open the proxy StockRelatedWebServices.Service1Client proxy = new StockRelatedWebServices.Service1Client(); SortedIndicesTextBox.Text = proxy.SortIndicesLowHigh(); //close the client proxy.Close(); }
//TRYIT FOR REQUIRED SERVICE #2 protected void GetStockQuoteBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { StockRelatedWebServices.Service1Client proxy = new StockRelatedWebServices.Service1Client(); string stockSymbol = StockSymbolTextInput.Value; // Use the 'client' variable to call operations on the service. DisplayStockPriceLbl.Text = String.Format("{0:C}", proxy.GetStockQuote(stockSymbol)); // Always close the client. proxy.Close(); }
//TRYIT FOR ELECTIVE SERVICE #2 protected void GetTransactionPriceBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //open the proxy StockRelatedWebServices.Service1Client proxy = new StockRelatedWebServices.Service1Client(); //store variables string stockSymbol = TransactionInput1.Value; int numShares = Convert.ToInt32(TransactionInput2.Value); //calculate transaction price decimal transactionPrice = proxy.CalcTransactionPrice(stockSymbol, numShares); //display transaction price TransactionPriceTextBox.Text = string.Format("{0:C}", transactionPrice); //close the client proxy.Close(); }
//TRYIT FOR ELECTIVE SERVICE #4 protected void CalcNumSharesBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //store variables for stockSymbol, monthlyInvestment, and numYears string stockSymbol = OwnedSharesInput1.Value; decimal monthlyInvestment = Convert.ToDecimal(OwnedSharesInput2.Value); int numYears = Convert.ToInt32(OwnedSharesInput3.Value); //open the proxy StockRelatedWebServices.Service1Client proxy = new StockRelatedWebServices.Service1Client(); //calculate number of shares owned double numOwnedShares = proxy.GetNumSharesWithDollarCostAvg(stockSymbol, monthlyInvestment, numYears); //display result OwnedSharesTextBox.Text = string.Format("{0:f2}", numOwnedShares); proxy.Close(); }