public virtual void AfterUnlockDatabase(PasswordActivity act) { GroupActivity.Launch(act, this); }
public override void AfterUnlockDatabase(PasswordActivity act) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(UrlToSearchFor)) { GroupActivity.Launch(act, new SelectEntryTask() { ShowUserNotifications = ShowUserNotifications}); } else { ShareUrlResults.Launch(act, this); } //removed. this causes an issue in the following workflow: //When the user wants to find an entry for a URL but has the wrong database open he needs //to switch to another database. But the Task is removed already the first time when going through PasswordActivity // (with the wrong db). //Then after switching to the right database, the task is gone. //A reason this code existed was the following workflow: //Using Chrome browser (with NEW_TASK flag for ActionSend): Share URL -> KP2A. //Now the AppTask was in PasswordActivity and didn't get out of it. //This is now solved by returning new tasks in ActivityResult. //RemoveTaskFromIntent(act); //act.AppTask = new NullTask(); }
public SaveOtpAuxFileAndLoadDb(IKp2aApp app, IOConnectionInfo ioc, Task<MemoryStream> databaseData, CompositeKey compositeKey, string keyfileOrProvider, OnFinish finish, PasswordActivity act) : base(app, ioc, databaseData, compositeKey, keyfileOrProvider, finish) { _act = act; }
public OtpAuxFileLoader(PasswordActivity activity) : base(activity) { }
public ChallengeAuxFileLoader(PasswordActivity activity) : base(activity) { }
protected AuxFileLoader(PasswordActivity activity) { Activity = activity; }
public AfterLoad(Handler handler, PasswordActivity act) : base(handler) { _act = act; }