            public virtual EventFilter_FilterAction AcceptEvent(AWTEvent @event)
                if (ModalComponent != null)
                    int  eventID            = @event.ID;
                    bool mouseEvent         = (eventID >= MouseEvent.MOUSE_FIRST) && (eventID <= MouseEvent.MOUSE_LAST);
                    bool actionEvent        = (eventID >= ActionEvent.ACTION_FIRST) && (eventID <= ActionEvent.ACTION_LAST);
                    bool windowClosingEvent = (eventID == WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING);

                     * filter out MouseEvent and ActionEvent that's outside
                     * the modalComponent hierarchy.
                     * KeyEvent is handled by using enqueueKeyEvent
                     * in Dialog.show
                    if (Component.IsInstanceOf(ModalComponent, "javax.swing.JInternalFrame"))
                         * Modal internal frames are handled separately. If event is
                         * for some component from another heavyweight than modalComp,
                         * it is accepted. If heavyweight is the same - we still accept
                         * event and perform further filtering in LightweightDispatcher
                        return(windowClosingEvent ? EventFilter_FilterAction.REJECT : EventFilter_FilterAction.ACCEPT);
                    if (mouseEvent || actionEvent || windowClosingEvent)
                        Object o = @event.Source;
                        if (o is sun.awt.ModalExclude)
                            // Exclude this object from modality and
                            // continue to pump it's events.
                        else if (o is Component)
                            Component c = (Component)o;
                            // 5.0u3 modal exclusion
                            bool modalExcluded = false;
                            if (ModalComponent is Container)
                                while (c != ModalComponent && c != null)
                                    if ((c is Window) && (sun.awt.SunToolkit.isModalExcluded((Window)c)))
                                        // Exclude this window and all its children from
                                        //  modality and continue to pump it's events.
                                        modalExcluded = true;
                                    c = c.Parent;
                            if (!modalExcluded && (c != ModalComponent))