public void onCmd(NetwRunnable nr, Bys m) { try { string name; IDictionary<string, Object> args; this.vna(nr, this, m, out name, out args); var rc = new RCM_Cmd(m, name, args); bool next = false; foreach (var filter in this.filters) { if (!filter.Key.IsMatch(name)) { continue; } var res = filter.Value(rc, out next); if (next) { continue; } else { m.writev(res); return; } } foreach (var handler in this.handler) { if (handler.Key.IsMatch(name)) { m.writev(handler.Value(rc)); return; } } m.writev(Util.dict("err", "function not found by name:" + name)); }catch(Exception e) { L.E(e, "ExecHm exec error:{0}", e.Message); m.writev(Util.dict("err", "exec fail with " + e.Message)); } }
public virtual Object WaitTask(RCM_Cmd rc) { var tid = rc.Val("tid", ""); var res = Util.NewDict(); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tid)) { res["code"] = -1; res["err"] = "DTM_C the tid is requied"; return res; } try { Process proc = null; if (this.Tasks.TryGetValue(tid, out proc)) { proc.WaitForExit(); } res["code"] = 0; } catch (Exception e) { res["code"] = -2; res["err"] = String.Format("DTM_C wait task fail with {0}", e.Message); } return res; }
public virtual Object StopTask(RCM_Cmd rc) { var tid = rc.Val("tid", ""); var res = Util.NewDict(); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tid)) { res["code"] = -1; res["err"] = "DTM_C the tid is requied"; return res; } try { Process proc = null; if (this.Tasks.TryGetValue(tid, out proc)) { proc.Kill(); res["code"] = 0; } else { res["code"] = -3; res["err"] = String.Format("DTM_C stop task fail with runner is not found by id({0})", tid); } } catch (Exception e) { res["code"] = -2; res["err"] = String.Format("DTM_C stop task fail with {0}", e.Message); } return res; }
public virtual Object StartTask(RCM_Cmd rc) { var tid = rc.Val("tid", ""); var cmds = rc.Val("cmds", ""); var res = Util.NewDict(); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tid) || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cmds)) { res["code"] = -1; res["err"] = "DTM_C the tid/cmds is requied"; return res; } try { this.RunCmd(tid, cmds); res["code"] = 0; res["tid"] = tid; } catch (Exception e) { res["code"] = -2; res["err"] = String.Format("DTM_C start command fail with {0}", e.Message); L.E(e, "DTM_C start command(\n{0}\n) fail with error {1}", cmds, e.Message); } return res; }
public void TestStartDTM_C() { var cfg = new FCfg(); cfg["proc_env"] = "a=1,b=2"; var dtmc = new DTM_C_t("c", cfg); var args = Util.NewDict(); var res = Util.NewDict(); var tres = new Dict(); var tid = "xx1"; args["tid"] = tid; args["cmds"] = "test/dtm_json.bat abc"; // var bs = new PrintStream(); RCM_Cmd cmd; // cmd = new RCM_Cmd(null, "", args); res = dtmc.StartTask(cmd) as Dictionary<String, object>; tres = new Dict(res); Console.WriteLine(Json.stringify(res)); Assert.AreEqual(0, tres.Val("code", -1)); while (dtmc.Tasks.Count > 0) { Thread.Sleep(500); } Assert.AreNotEqual(null, dtmc.Done); res = dtmc.Done as Dictionary<String, object>; tres = new Dict(res); Console.WriteLine(Json.stringify(res)); Assert.AreEqual(0, tres.Val("code", -1)); Assert.AreEqual(tid, tres.Val("tid", "")); // args["cmds"] = "test/dtm_json_err.bat abc"; res = dtmc.StartTask(cmd) as Dictionary<String, object>; tres = new Dict(res); Console.WriteLine(Json.stringify(res)); Assert.AreEqual(0, tres.Val("code", -1)); while (dtmc.Tasks.Count > 0) { Thread.Sleep(500); } Assert.AreNotEqual(null, dtmc.Done); res = dtmc.Done as Dictionary<String, object>; tres = new Dict(res); Console.WriteLine(Json.stringify(res)); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, tres.Val("code", 0)); Assert.AreEqual(tid, tres.Val("tid", "")); // // args["cmds"] = "sdfkfk"; res = dtmc.StartTask(cmd) as Dictionary<String, object>; tres = new Dict(res); Console.WriteLine(Json.stringify(res)); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, tres.Val("code", 0)); //Assert.AreEqual(tid, tres.Val("tid", "")); // args["cmds"] = ""; res = dtmc.StartTask(cmd) as Dictionary<String, object>; tres = new Dict(res); Console.WriteLine(Json.stringify(res)); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, tres.Val("code", 0)); //Assert.AreEqual(tid, tres.Val("tid", "")); Console.WriteLine("Done..."); }
public Object c_arg(RCM_Cmd rc) { return; }