        public linkedList RemoveElements(linkedList head, int val)
            var curr = head;

            // this is for the edge case when the first value is the value to be deleted
            // this also handles the edge case for when the whol list need to be deleted
            while (head != null && curr.data == val)
                head = curr.next;
                curr = head;

            //check for null values
            if (head == null)

            //if the next value is equal to the vlaue to be deleted then
            // skip it, if not then just move the currnode down the line
            while (curr.next != null)
                if (curr.next.data == val)
                    curr.next = curr.next.next;
                    curr = curr.next;

        public bool IsPalindrome(linkedList head)
            var slow  = head;
            var fast  = head;
            var check = head;

            //null head is read as a palindrome
            //one item list are palindromes
            if (head == null || head.next == null)

            // find the middle first: Employ the fast/slow method
            // where fast moves two nodes and slow moves one node
            // when fast == null or fast.next == null, we have hit the last node
            // and our slow node is on the middle node.
            // Note: If the # of nodes is odd, slow will be sqaurely in the middle
            //       If the # of nodes are even it will be at the middle node closer to the end
            while (fast != null && fast.next != null)
                slow = slow.next;
                fast = fast.next.next;

            //reverse the node from middle to end
            //next heck if it was an even list or odd list
            if (fast != null) //this is the odd condition
                slow = slow.next;

            // reversing  function need a few more refernce objects
            var mid   = slow;
            var track = slow.next;

            while (slow.next != null)
                slow.next  = slow.next.next;
                track.next = mid;
                mid        = track;
                track      = slow.next;

            // checking values for same data
            while (mid != null)
                if (mid.data != check.data)
                mid   = mid.next;
                check = check.next;

        public linkedList DeleteDuplicates(linkedList head)
            // this starategy works for a sorted list
            //1. starting at the head node, look at the next node's data value
            //2. if the current nodes data value and the next node's data value are equal
            // then have the next pointer go to the "next next" node
            // Note: when you ddo this DO not move the pointer, there might be several duplicates
            //3. only if the data values of current and next node are differnt do you move current head forward

            var currNode = head;

            while (currNode != null && currNode.next != null)
                if (currNode.data == currNode.next.data)
                    currNode.next = currNode.next.next;
                    currNode = currNode.next;

        public linkedList ReverseList(linkedList head)
            if (head == null)

            var currNode = head;
            var saveNode = currNode.next;

            while (currNode.next != null)
                currNode.next = currNode.next.next;
                saveNode.next = head;
                head          = saveNode;
                saveNode      = currNode.next;

        public linkedList RotateRight(linkedList head, int k)
            if (head == null)

            var tailNode = head;

            int rotations = 0;
            int position  = 0;
            int size      = 1;

            //This loop is to determine how many nodes are in the lis
            while (tailNode.next != null)
                tailNode = tailNode.next;

            //this assignment is to dertimine the number of relative rotations
            rotations = k % size;

            //we create a circle by connetcting the the original tail to the head
            tailNode.next = head;

            //from here we cycle through to our new tail
            while (position < (size - rotations))
                tailNode = tailNode.next;

            //Once in position we reset the Head and break the loop
            head          = tailNode.next;
            tailNode.next = null;

            // Once the loop is broken return the head