/** @brief Create blob data PointConverter for PXCMBlobModule The converter will convert exrtemity data to target rectangle/3dbox based on requested access order and index. @note Make sure the blobData is constantly updated throughtout the session. @example pointConverter.CreateBlobPointConverter(blobData,PXCMBlobData.ACCESS_ORDER_BY_TIME,0,PXCMBlobData.EXTREMITY_CENTER); @param[in] blobData a pointer to PXCBlobData @param[in] accessOrder The desired blob access order @param[in] index blob index @param[in] extremityType desired exrtemity point to be converted @return an object to the created PointConverter, or null in case of illegal arguments */ public PXCMPointConverter CreateBlobPointConverter(PXCMBlobData blobData,PXCMBlobData.AccessOrderType accessOrder,Int32 index,PXCMBlobData.ExtremityType extremityType) { IntPtr inst2 = PXCMPointConverterFactory_CreateBlobPointConverter(instance, blobData.instance, accessOrder, index, extremityType); return (inst2 == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new PXCMPointConverter(inst2, true); }
/** @brief Create blob data PointConverter for PXCMBlobModule * The converter will convert exrtemity data to target rectangle/3dbox based on requested access order and index. * @note Make sure the blobData is constantly updated throughtout the session. * @example pointConverter.CreateBlobPointConverter(blobData,PXCMBlobData.ACCESS_ORDER_BY_TIME,0,PXCMBlobData.EXTREMITY_CENTER); * @param[in] blobData a pointer to PXCBlobData * @param[in] accessOrder The desired blob access order * @param[in] index blob index * @param[in] extremityType desired exrtemity point to be converted * @return an object to the created PointConverter, or null in case of illegal arguments */ public PXCMPointConverter CreateBlobPointConverter(PXCMBlobData blobData, PXCMBlobData.AccessOrderType accessOrder, Int32 index, PXCMBlobData.ExtremityType extremityType) { IntPtr inst2 = PXCMPointConverterFactory_CreateBlobPointConverter(instance, blobData.instance, accessOrder, index, extremityType); return((inst2 == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new PXCMPointConverter(inst2, true)); }
internal extern static IntPtr PXCMPointConverterFactory_CreateBlobPointConverter(IntPtr instance, IntPtr blobData, PXCMBlobData.AccessOrderType accessOrder, Int32 index, PXCMBlobData.ExtremityType extremityType);