/// <summary>Method demonstrating basic operation of loading BibTex file</summary>

        /** <example><para>Method demonstrating basic operation of loading BibTex file</para>
         *  <code> // Example 1: Loading BibTex file
         *  BibTexDataFile bib_1 = new BibTexDataFile("Resources\\test\\S0306457309000259.bib");
         *  // Converting BibTex data into object model dictionary
         *  System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{string, BibTexEntryModel} model = bib_1.ConvertToModel(log);
         *  // Printing [Author : Title] to a ILogBuilder log builder
         *  foreach (var pair in model)
         *  {
         *      log.log(pair.Value.author.or("Unknown") + ": " + pair.Value.title);
         *  }
         *  </code></example>
        public void Example1_Basic()
            // Example 1: Loading BibTex file
            BibTexDataFile bib_1 = new BibTexDataFile("Resources\\test\\S0306457309000259.bib");

            // Converting BibTex data into object model dictionary
            BibTexCollection <BibTexEntryModel> model = bib_1.ConvertToModel <BibTexEntryModel>(log);

            // Printing [Author : Title] to a ILogBuilder log builder
            foreach (var pair in model)
                log.log(pair.author.or("Unknown") + ": " + pair.title);
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts all <see cref="BibTexEntryBase"/> from the file, into dictionary. In case of repeated <see cref="BibTexEntryModel.EntryKey"/>, only the first is part of returned dictionary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="log">The log.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public BibTexCollection <T> ConvertToModel <T>(ILogBuilder log = null) where T : BibTexEntryModel, new()
            BibTexCollection <T> output = new BibTexCollection <T>(name, UntypedEntries);
