 public static void LogFull(string message, DebugStack ds)
     if (ds != null)
 public static void LogWarning(string message, DebugStack ds, bool showMsgBox = false)
     if (ds != null)
         ds.LogWarning(message, showMsgBox);
         LogWarning(message, showMsgBox);
 public static void LogLine(DebugStack ds)
     if (ds != null)
        // --- Main Process Method ---
        private static TagWriterReturnCode WriteTagsForRow(Entry entry, int processed, DebugStack ds)
            TagLib.File file;
            ds.Log("#" + processed + " - " + entry.fileName);

            // Check if the entry is mapped to a file
            if (entry.isMapped == false)
                string message = "Entry is not matched to file";
                ds.LogWarning(" -> " + message);
                entryErrors.TryAdd(entry, message);

            bool isRetry = false;


            // Create TagLib file representation, catch to see if the file is valid
                file = TagLib.File.Create(entry.mappedFilePath, isRetry ? ReadStyle.Average : ReadStyle.PictureLazy);
            catch (Exception exception)
                var    type         = exception.GetType();
                string errorMessage = "";
                TagWriterReturnCode returnCode;

                if (type == typeof(UnsupportedFormatException))
                    errorMessage = "File format with extension \"" + Path.GetExtension(entry.mappedFilePath) + "\" is unsupported (" + exception.Message + ")";
                    returnCode   = TagWriterReturnCode.UnsupportedFormat;
                else if (type == typeof(CorruptFileException))
                    errorMessage = "File appears corrupt! " + exception.Message;
                    returnCode   = TagWriterReturnCode.CorruptFile;
                else if (type == typeof(IOException))
                    errorMessage = "An IO exception occured while loading the file! " + exception.Message;

                    // Get the locking processes (if any)
                    var lockingProcesses = FileLockUtility.GetProcessesLockingFile(entry.mappedFilePath);

                    // Log locking processes
                    if (lockingProcesses != null && lockingProcesses.Count > 0)
                        Debug.LogError("\tThe file appears to be locked by the process(es): " +
                                       string.Join(", ", lockingProcesses.Select(p => p.ProcessName).ToArray()));

                    returnCode = TagWriterReturnCode.IOEError;
                    errorMessage = "An error occured while loading the file! " + exception.Message;
                    returnCode   = TagWriterReturnCode.OtherError;

                ds.LogError(" -> " + errorMessage);
                entryErrors.TryAdd(entry, errorMessage);

            // Before doing anything, remove any tags that aren't on the disk.
            TagTypes tagLibCreatedTags = file.TagTypes ^ file.TagTypesOnDisk;


            // Then create a new tag type if needed
            TagLibUtility.CreateTagIfRequired(file, out TagTypes usedTagTypes);

            // Remove the ID3v1 tag if set in the settings at this point
            if (Settings.Current.removeID3v1 && file.TagTypes.HasFlag(TagTypes.Id3v1))

            // --- RESUME COPYING OVER FROM HERE ---

            // If we're in remove move
            if (args.removeTags)
                if (!args.skipDateAdded)
                    TagLibUtility.RemoveCustomTag(file, Consts.TAG_DATE_ADDED, ds);
                if (!args.skipLastPlayed)
                    TagLibUtility.RemoveCustomTag(file, Consts.TAG_LAST_PLAYED, ds);
                if (!args.skipPlayCount)
                    TagLibUtility.RemoveCustomTag(file, Consts.TAG_PLAY_COUNT, ds);
                if (!args.skipRating)
                    TagLibUtility.RemoveRating(file, ds);

                entry.wroteTags = false;

            // If we're in writing mode
                // Date Added
                if (!args.skipDateAdded && entry.dateAdded != DateTime.MinValue)
                    // Create LDAP/Windows File Time long
                    long dateAddedWinTime = entry.dateAdded.ToFileTime();

                    if (Settings.Current.fullLogging)
                        ds.Log(string.Format("\tWriting {0}: {1}\n\t-> Converted to {3} (or {2})", Consts.PLIST_KEY_DATE_ADDED, entry.dateAdded.ToString("o", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), entry.dateAdded.ToString(), dateAddedWinTime));

                    // Write the tag
                    TagLibUtility.WriteCustomTag(file, Consts.TAG_DATE_ADDED, dateAddedWinTime.ToString(), ds);

                // Last Played
                if (!args.skipLastPlayed && entry.lastPlayed != DateTime.MinValue)
                    // Create LDAP/Windows File Time long
                    long lastPlayedWinTime = entry.lastPlayed.ToFileTime();

                    if (Settings.Current.fullLogging)
                        ds.Log(string.Format("\tWriting {0}: {1}\n\t-> Converted to {3} (or {2})", Consts.PLIST_KEY_LAST_PLAYED, entry.lastPlayed.ToString("o", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), entry.lastPlayed.ToString(), lastPlayedWinTime));

                    // Write the tag
                    TagLibUtility.WriteCustomTag(file, Consts.TAG_LAST_PLAYED, lastPlayedWinTime.ToString(), ds);

                // Play Count
                if (!args.skipPlayCount && entry.playCount > 0)
                    if (Settings.Current.fullLogging)
                        ds.Log(string.Format("\tWriting {0}: {1}", Consts.PLIST_KEY_PLAY_COUNT, entry.playCount));

                    // Write the tag
                    TagLibUtility.WriteCustomTag(file, Consts.TAG_PLAY_COUNT, entry.playCount.ToString(), ds);

                // Rating
                if (!args.skipRating && entry.rating != Rating.Unrated)
                    int ratingInStars = (int)entry.rating;

                    if (Settings.Current.fullLogging)
                        ds.Log(string.Format("\tWriting {0}: {1} ({2} stars)", Consts.PLIST_KEY_RATING, ratingInStars * 20, ratingInStars));

                    // Write the tag
                    TagLibUtility.WriteRating(file, ratingInStars, ds);

                // Process WAV files (after writing stats, since an ID3v2 tag should exist then)
                if (Settings.Current.writeInfoToWavFiles && file.MimeType == "taglib/wav")
                    // This will compare the file with the entry, and will write any missing info that is present in the entry - but not present in the file. Limited to the following tags: Name, Artist, Album Artist, Album, Genre, Comments, Year, Disc Number, Disc Count, Track Number, Track Count

                    ds.Log("\tWriting WAV info:");

                    // Create an Id3v2 tag if it doesn't already exist.
                    var id3v2tag = (TagLib.Id3v2.Tag)file.GetTag(TagTypes.Id3v2, true);

                    // Create a RIFF INFO tag if it doesn't already exist
                    // foobar2000 seems to require a RIFF INFO chunk with at least one tag to detect the ID3v2 tags
                    var riffInfo = (TagLib.Riff.InfoTag)file.GetTag(TagTypes.RiffInfo, true);

                    // Write track title
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TagLibUtility.GetTextTag(file, Consts.ID3v2_FRAME_TITLE)) &&
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(TagLibUtility.GetTextTag(file, Consts.RIFF_ID_TITLE)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.trackTitle))
                        TagLibUtility.WriteTextTag(id3v2tag, Consts.ID3v2_FRAME_TITLE, entry.trackTitle, ds);
                        //TagLibUtility.WriteTextTag(riffInfo, Consts.RIFF_ID_TITLE, entry.trackTitle, ds);

                    // Write artist
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TagLibUtility.GetTextTag(file, Consts.ID3v2_FRAME_ARTIST)) &&
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(TagLibUtility.GetTextTag(file, Consts.RIFF_ID_ARTIST)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.artist))
                        TagLibUtility.WriteTextTag(id3v2tag, Consts.ID3v2_FRAME_ARTIST, entry.artist, ds);
                        //TagLibUtility.WriteTextTag(riffInfo, Consts.RIFF_ID_ARTIST, entry.artist, ds);

                    // Write album artist (ID3v2 only)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TagLibUtility.GetTextTag(file, Consts.ID3v2_FRAME_ALBUM_ARTIST)) &&
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(TagLibUtility.GetTextTag(file, Consts.RIFF_ID_ALBUM)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.albumArtist))
                        TagLibUtility.WriteTextTag(id3v2tag, Consts.ID3v2_FRAME_ALBUM_ARTIST, entry.albumArtist, ds);

                    // Write album
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TagLibUtility.GetTextTag(file, Consts.ID3v2_FRAME_ALBUM)) &&
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(TagLibUtility.GetTextTag(file, Consts.RIFF_ID_ALBUM)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.album))
                        TagLibUtility.WriteTextTag(id3v2tag, Consts.ID3v2_FRAME_ALBUM, entry.album);
                        //TagLibUtility.WriteTextTag(riffInfo, Consts.RIFF_ID_ALBUM, entry.album);

                    // Write genre
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TagLibUtility.GetTextTag(file, Consts.ID3v2_FRAME_GENRE)) &&
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(TagLibUtility.GetTextTag(file, Consts.RIFF_ID_GENRE)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.genre))
                        TagLibUtility.WriteTextTag(id3v2tag, Consts.ID3v2_FRAME_GENRE, entry.genre, ds);
                        //TagLibUtility.WriteTextTag(riffInfo, Consts.RIFF_ID_GENRE, entry.genre, ds);

                    // Write year
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TagLibUtility.GetTextTag(file, Consts.ID3v2_FRAME_DATE)) &&
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(TagLibUtility.GetTextTag(file, Consts.RIFF_ID_YEAR)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.year))
                        TagLibUtility.WriteTextTag(id3v2tag, Consts.ID3v2_FRAME_DATE, entry.year, ds);
                        //TagLibUtility.WriteTextTag(riffInfo, Consts.RIFF_ID_YEAR, entry.year, ds);

                    // Write track number
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TagLibUtility.GetTextTag(file, Consts.ID3v2_FRAME_TRACK_NUMBER)) &&
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(TagLibUtility.GetTextTag(file, Consts.RIFF_ID_TRACK_NUMBER)) && entry.trackNumber != null)
                        TagLibUtility.WriteTextTag(id3v2tag, Consts.ID3v2_FRAME_TRACK_NUMBER, entry.trackNumberDisplay, ds);
                        //TagLibUtility.WriteTextTag(riffInfo, Consts.RIFF_ID_TRACK_NUMBER, entry.trackNumberDisplay, ds);

                    // Write disc number (ID3v2 only)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TagLibUtility.GetTextTag(file, Consts.ID3v2_FRAME_DISC_NUMBER)) && entry.discNumber != null)
                        TagLibUtility.WriteTextTag(id3v2tag, Consts.ID3v2_FRAME_DISC_NUMBER, entry.discNumberDisplay, ds);

                    // Write comments
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TagLibUtility.GetCommentsTag(file)) &&
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(TagLibUtility.GetTextTag(file, Consts.RIFF_ID_COMMENTS)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.comments))
                        TagLibUtility.WriteCommentsTag(file, entry.comments, ds);
                        //TagLibUtility.WriteTextTag(riffInfo, Consts.RIFF_ID_COMMENTS, entry.comments, ds);

                entry.wroteTags = true;

            // Write the modified tags to the file
                if (Settings.Current.fullLogging)
                    TagTypes newTags = file.TagTypesOnDisk ^ file.TagTypes;

                    ds.Log("\tTags for writing:\t" + file.TagTypes.ToString());
                    ds.Log("\t    New tags:\t\t" + newTags.ToString());
                    ds.Log("\t    Existing tags:\t" + file.TagTypesOnDisk.ToString());

                if (!Settings.Current.dryRun)

                // If we're here, it means the TagLib.File was saved correctly

                if (isRetry)
                    ds.LogSuccess("\tReattempt succeeded");
            catch (IOException ioex)
                // If this was a retry...
                if (isRetry)
                    string message = "Could not save file after retry. An exception occurred: " + ioex.Message;
                    ds.LogError("\t" + message);

                    entryErrors.TryAdd(entry, message);
                    ds.LogError("\t-> An IO exception occured while saving tags to the file \"" + entry.fileName + "\"");

                    // Get the locking processes (if any)
                    var lockingProcesses = FileLockUtility.GetProcessesLockingFile(entry.mappedFilePath);

                    // Print the process(es) that are locking the file
                    if (lockingProcesses != null && lockingProcesses.Count > 0)
                        string message = "The file appears to be locked by the process: " + string.Join(", ", lockingProcesses.Select(p => p.ProcessName).ToArray());
                        ds.LogError("\t" + message);

                        entryErrors.TryAdd(entry, message);

                    // Otherwise if there is no locking process, this is a known issue in TagLib while using ReadStyle.PictureLazy.
                    // Reattempt, using the default ReadStyle.Average
                        ds.LogError("\t-> Reattempting load with different parameters...");
                        isRetry = true;
                        goto Retry;
            catch (Exception ex)
                string message = "An error occurred while saving tags to \"" + entry.fileName + "\": (" + ex.Message + ")";
                ds.LogError("\t" + message);
                entryErrors.TryAdd(entry, message);

        private static void worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            args = (TagWriterWorkerArgs)e.Argument;

            // Assign args to static variable. This is mainly used for cancellation/reverting, to understand what files were targeted in the operation
            lastArgs = args;

            int processed = 0;
            int count     = args.rows.Count();
            int rowIndex  = 0;

            // Misc
            int success           = 0;      // <- File was successfully written to
            int unmapped          = 0;      // <- Entry didn't have a file mapped to it
            int unsupportedFormat = 0;      // <- File was of an unsupported format (UnsupportedFormatException)
            int corruptFile       = 0;      // <- File was corrupted (CorruptFileException)
            int ioError           = 0;      // <- Error occured while loading the file (IOException)
            int otherError        = 0;      // <- Another exception occurred

            Debug.Log(string.Format("\nWriting tags for {0} files, using the following parameters:\nfilter:\t\t{1}\nskipDateAdded:\t{3}\nskipLastPlayed:\t{4}\nskipPlayCount:\t{5}\nskipRating:\t{6}\nremoveTags:\t{7}\n\nUse Ctrl-C to terminate", count, args.filter, args.filterNot, args.skipDateAdded, args.skipLastPlayed, args.skipPlayCount, args.skipRating, args.removeTags));

            // Exit here if we have nothing to process
            if (count == 0)
                Debug.LogError("No entries to process!", true);

            // Wait 3 seconds before starting
            if (Settings.Current.workerDelayStart)
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)

            // A dictionary of entries and errors that have occured
            entryErrors = new ConcurrentDictionary <Entry, string>();

            // Progress report counter, gets set to the sw.ElapsedMilliseconds at every report progress interval
            long progressReportCounter = 0;

            // Start a new stopwatch
            var sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            // Set the TaskbarProgressState


            void ReportProgress()
                // Report progress to main thread to update DataGridView selection
                worker.ReportProgress(0, new ProgressArgs()
                    processed       = processed,
                    count           = count,
                    timeMs          = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds,
                    currentRowIndex = rowIndex,

            int lowestBreakIndex = 0;

            // Set up the ParallelOptions
            var parallelOptions = new ParallelOptions()
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Settings.Current.maxParallelThreads


            // Split the work into multiple parallel threads
            ParallelLoopResult parallelLoopResult = Parallel.ForEach(args.rows.Skip(lowestBreakIndex), parallelOptions, (row, parallelLoopState) =>
                // Firstly, do some processing stuffs that can only be done in the worker

                // Check if we should pause
                if (isPaused)
                    // Breaking allows current parallel iterations to complete before stopping

                // Check if we should cancel
                if (worker.CancellationPending)
                    e.Cancel = true;

                // Check if we should report progress
                // Only report progress every <progressReportInterval> milliseconds
                if (Settings.Current.workerReportsProgress && sw.ElapsedMilliseconds - progressReportCounter > Settings.Current.workerReportProgressInterval)
                    rowIndex = row.Index;
                    progressReportCounter = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                // Fetch the DataBoundItem from the DataGridViewRow
                var entry = (Entry)row.DataBoundItem;

                // Check if the entry hasn't already been processed in this session
                // This may be the case if we paused previously
                if (!entry.processed)
                    // Create a new DebugStack
                    // We're unable to log from a parallel for, as the logs would be out of sync - and wouldn't be clustered together
                    // So instead of logging normally, logging within a Parallel is done to a DebugStack, which essentially just collects the logs so that we can fire them all at once
                    // This is done here instead of in WriteTagsForRow, as that method has many exit points, therefore we would have to return a debugstack object from it anyway
                    var ds = new DebugStack();

                    // Write the tags for this Entry
                    var result = WriteTagsForRow(entry, ++processed, ds);

                    // Increment the error/success counter
                    switch (result)
                    case TagWriterReturnCode.Success: success++; break;

                    case TagWriterReturnCode.Unmapped: unmapped++; break;

                    case TagWriterReturnCode.UnsupportedFormat: unsupportedFormat++; break;

                    case TagWriterReturnCode.CorruptFile: corruptFile++; break;

                    case TagWriterReturnCode.IOEError: ioError++; break;

                    case TagWriterReturnCode.OtherError: otherError++; break;

                    // Set the processed flag on this entry to true
                    entry.processed = true;

                    // Log the DebugStack

            // If the Parallel.ForEach was paused, isPaused will be set
            if (isPaused)
                // Save the index of the lowest last item processed
                lowestBreakIndex = (int)parallelLoopResult.LowestBreakIteration;

                Debug.Log("--- PAUSED ---");

                // Set the taskbar ProgressState to Paused

                // Halt execution until unpaused (Reset)

                // If we're here, the operation was unpaused

                // Handle cancelling while paused
                if (worker.CancellationPending || e.Cancel)
                    e.Cancel = true;

                // Otherwise resume
                    Debug.Log("--- RESUMED ---");


                    // Jump back up to Resume
                    goto Resume;

            // Return if we cancelled
            if (e.Cancel)


            // Do final ReportProgress
            rowIndex = args.rows.Last().Index;

            string resultStr = string.Format("Took {0}ms ({1})\n {2} files were written to successfully\n {3} files could not be written to\n  {4} unsupported format\n  {5} corrupt\n  {6} IO errors\n  {7} unmapped\n  {8} other errors occurred", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds).ToString("m\\:ss"), success, unsupportedFormat + corruptFile + ioError + unmapped + otherError, unsupportedFormat, corruptFile, ioError, unmapped, otherError);

            Debug.Log("Done! " + resultStr);

            mainForm.Invoke(() => mainForm.Flash(false));

            MessageBox.Show(resultStr, "Done!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            if (args.removeTags)
                Debug.Log("\n" + Consts.REMOVE_TAGS_FINISHED);
                Debug.Log("\n" + Consts.WRITE_TAGS_FINISHED);