protected internal virtual void WriteFont(TrueTypeFontUnicode font, PdfIndirectReference refer, Object[] parms, byte[] rotbits)
            Dictionary<int, int[]> longTag = (Dictionary<int, int[]>)parms[0];
            font.AddRangeUni(longTag, true, font.Subset);
            int[][] metrics = new int[longTag.Count][];
            longTag.Values.CopyTo(metrics, 0);
            Array.Sort(metrics, font);
            PdfIndirectReference ind_font = null;
            PdfObject pobj = null;
            PdfIndirectObject obj = null;
            PdfIndirectReference cidset = null;
            // sivan: cff
            if (font.Cff)
                byte[] b = font.ReadCffFont();
                if (font.Subset || font.SubsetRanges != null)
                    CFFFontSubset cff = new CFFFontSubset(new RandomAccessFileOrArray(b), longTag);
                    b = cff.Process(cff.GetNames()[0]);
                pobj = new BaseFont.StreamFont(b, "CIDFontType0C", font.CompressionLevel);
                obj = writer.AddToBody(pobj);
                ind_font = obj.IndirectReference;
                byte[] b;
                if (font.Subset || font.DirectoryOffset != 0)
                    TrueTypeFontSubSet sb = new TrueTypeFontSubSet(font.FileName, new RandomAccessFileOrArray(font.Rf), longTag, font.DirectoryOffset, false, false);
                    b = sb.Process();
                    b = font.GetFullFont();
                int[] lengths = new int[] { b.Length };
                pobj = new BaseFont.StreamFont(b, lengths, font.CompressionLevel);
                obj = writer.AddToBody(pobj);
                ind_font = obj.IndirectReference;
            String subsetPrefix = "";
            if (font.Subset)
                subsetPrefix = TrueTypeFontUnicode.CreateSubsetPrefix();
            PdfDictionary dic = font.GetFontDescriptor(ind_font, subsetPrefix, cidset);
            obj = writer.AddToBody(dic);
            ind_font = obj.IndirectReference;

            pobj = font.GetCIDFontType2(ind_font, subsetPrefix, metrics);
            obj = writer.AddToBody(pobj);
            ind_font = obj.IndirectReference;

            pobj = font.GetToUnicode(metrics);
            PdfIndirectReference toUnicodeRef = null;

            if (pobj != null)
                obj = writer.AddToBody(pobj);
                toUnicodeRef = obj.IndirectReference;

            pobj = font.GetFontBaseType(ind_font, subsetPrefix, toUnicodeRef);
            writer.AddToBody(pobj, refer);
        /** Outputs to the writer the font dictionaries and streams.
         * @param writer the writer for this document
         * @param ref the font indirect reference
         * @param parms several parameters that depend on the font type
         * @throws IOException on error
         * @throws DocumentException error in generating the object
        internal override void WriteFont(PdfWriter writer, PdfIndirectReference piref, Object[] parms)
            Hashtable longTag = (Hashtable)parms[0];
            AddRangeUni(longTag, true, subset);
            ArrayList tmp = new ArrayList();
            foreach (object o in longTag.Values) {
            Object[] metrics = tmp.ToArray();
            Array.Sort(metrics, this);
            PdfIndirectReference ind_font = null;
            PdfObject pobj = null;
            PdfIndirectObject obj = null;
            // sivan: cff
            if (cff) {
                RandomAccessFileOrArray rf2 = new RandomAccessFileOrArray(rf);
                byte[] b = new byte[cffLength];
                try {
                } finally {
                    try {
                    } catch  {
                        // empty on purpose
                if (subset || subsetRanges != null) {
                    CFFFontSubset cffs = new CFFFontSubset(new RandomAccessFileOrArray(b),longTag);
                    b = cffs.Process( (cffs.GetNames())[0] );

                pobj = new StreamFont(b, "CIDFontType0C");
                obj = writer.AddToBody(pobj);
                ind_font = obj.IndirectReference;
            } else {
                byte[] b;
                if (subset || directoryOffset != 0) {
                    TrueTypeFontSubSet sb = new TrueTypeFontSubSet(fileName, new RandomAccessFileOrArray(rf), longTag, directoryOffset, false, false);
                    b = sb.Process();
                else {
                    b = GetFullFont();
                int[] lengths = new int[]{b.Length};
                pobj = new StreamFont(b, lengths);
                obj = writer.AddToBody(pobj);
                ind_font = obj.IndirectReference;
            String subsetPrefix = "";
            if (subset)
                subsetPrefix = CreateSubsetPrefix();
            PdfDictionary dic = GetFontDescriptor(ind_font, subsetPrefix);
            obj = writer.AddToBody(dic);
            ind_font = obj.IndirectReference;

            pobj = GetCIDFontType2(ind_font, subsetPrefix, metrics);
            obj = writer.AddToBody(pobj);
            ind_font = obj.IndirectReference;

            pobj = GetToUnicode(metrics);
            PdfIndirectReference toUnicodeRef = null;
            if (pobj != null) {
                obj = writer.AddToBody(pobj);
                toUnicodeRef = obj.IndirectReference;

            pobj = GetFontBaseType(ind_font, subsetPrefix, toUnicodeRef);
            writer.AddToBody(pobj, piref);
     * @see TtfUnicodeWriter#writeFont(TrueTypeFontUnicode, PdfIndirectReference, Object[], byte[])
    override protected void WriteFont(TrueTypeFontUnicode font, PdfIndirectReference refer, Object[] parameters, byte[] rotbits) {
        Dictionary<int, int[]> longTag = (Dictionary<int, int[]>)parameters[0];
        font.AddRangeUni(longTag, true, font.Subset);
        int [][] metrics = new int[longTag.Count][];
        longTag.Values.CopyTo(metrics, 0);
        Array.Sort(metrics, font);
        PdfIndirectReference ind_font = null;
        PdfObject pobj = null;
        PdfIndirectObject obj = null;
        PdfIndirectReference cidset = null;
        PdfStream stream;
        if (metrics.Length == 0) {
            stream = new PdfStream(new byte[]{(byte)0x80});
        else {
            int top = metrics[metrics.Length - 1][0];
            byte[] bt = new byte[top / 8 + 1];
            for (int k = 0; k < metrics.Length; ++k) {
                int v = metrics[k][0];
                bt[v / 8] |= rotbits[v % 8];
            stream = new PdfStream(bt);
            cidset = writer.AddToBody(stream).IndirectReference;

        if (font.Cff) {
            byte[] b = font.ReadCffFont();
            if (font.Subset || font.SubsetRanges != null) {
                CFFFontSubset cff = new CFFFontSubset(new RandomAccessFileOrArray(b),longTag);
                b = cff.Process(cff.GetNames()[0]);
            pobj = new BaseFont.StreamFont(b, "CIDFontType0C", font.CompressionLevel);
            obj = writer.AddToBody(pobj);
            ind_font = obj.IndirectReference;
        } else {
            byte[] b;
            if (font.Subset || font.DirectoryOffset != 0) {
                TrueTypeFontSubSet sb = new TrueTypeFontSubSet(font.FileName, new RandomAccessFileOrArray(font.Rf), longTag, font.DirectoryOffset, false, false);
                b = sb.Process();
            else {
                b = font.GetFullFont();
            int[] lengths = new int[] { b.Length };
            pobj = new BaseFont.StreamFont(b,lengths, font.CompressionLevel);
            obj = writer.AddToBody(pobj);
            ind_font = obj.IndirectReference;
        String subsetPrefix = "";
        if (font.Subset)
            subsetPrefix = BaseFont.CreateSubsetPrefix();
        PdfDictionary dic = font.GetFontDescriptor(ind_font, subsetPrefix, cidset);
        obj = writer.AddToBody(dic);
        ind_font = obj.IndirectReference;

        pobj = font.GetCIDFontType2(ind_font, subsetPrefix, metrics);
        obj = writer.AddToBody(pobj);
        ind_font = obj.IndirectReference;

        pobj = font.GetToUnicode(metrics);
        PdfIndirectReference toUnicodeRef = null;

        if (pobj != null) {
            obj = writer.AddToBody(pobj);
            toUnicodeRef = obj.IndirectReference;

        pobj = font.GetFontBaseType(ind_font, subsetPrefix, toUnicodeRef);
        writer.AddToBody(pobj, refer);
        /** Outputs to the writer the font dictionaries and streams.
         * @param writer the writer for this document
         * @param ref the font indirect reference
         * @param parms several parameters that depend on the font type
         * @throws IOException on error
         * @throws DocumentException error in generating the object
        internal override void WriteFont(PdfWriter writer, PdfIndirectReference piref, Object[] parms) {
            Hashtable longTag = (Hashtable)parms[0];
            AddRangeUni(longTag, true, subset);
            ArrayList tmp = new ArrayList();
            foreach (object o in longTag.Values) {
            Object[] metrics = tmp.ToArray();
            Array.Sort(metrics, this);
            PdfIndirectReference ind_font = null;
            PdfObject pobj = null;
            PdfIndirectObject obj = null;
            PdfIndirectReference cidset = null;
            if (writer.PDFXConformance == PdfWriter.PDFA1A || writer.PDFXConformance == PdfWriter.PDFA1B) {
                PdfStream stream;
                if (metrics.Length == 0) {
                    stream = new PdfStream(new byte[]{(byte)0x80});
                else {
                    int top = ((int[])metrics[metrics.Length - 1])[0];
                    byte[] bt = new byte[top / 8 + 1];
                    for (int k = 0; k < metrics.Length; ++k) {
                        int v = ((int[])metrics[k])[0];
                        bt[v / 8] |= rotbits[v % 8];
                    stream = new PdfStream(bt);
                cidset = writer.AddToBody(stream).IndirectReference;
            // sivan: cff
            if (cff) {
                byte[] b = ReadCffFont();
                if (subset || subsetRanges != null) {
                    CFFFontSubset cffs = new CFFFontSubset(new RandomAccessFileOrArray(b),longTag);
                    b = cffs.Process((cffs.GetNames())[0] );
                pobj = new StreamFont(b, "CIDFontType0C", compressionLevel);
                obj = writer.AddToBody(pobj);
                ind_font = obj.IndirectReference;
            } else {
                byte[] b;
                if (subset || directoryOffset != 0) {
                    TrueTypeFontSubSet sb = new TrueTypeFontSubSet(fileName, new RandomAccessFileOrArray(rf), longTag, directoryOffset, false, false);
                    b = sb.Process();
                else {
                    b = GetFullFont();
                int[] lengths = new int[]{b.Length};
                pobj = new StreamFont(b, lengths, compressionLevel);
                obj = writer.AddToBody(pobj);
                ind_font = obj.IndirectReference;
            String subsetPrefix = "";
            if (subset)
                subsetPrefix = CreateSubsetPrefix();
            PdfDictionary dic = GetFontDescriptor(ind_font, subsetPrefix, cidset);
            obj = writer.AddToBody(dic);
            ind_font = obj.IndirectReference;

            pobj = GetCIDFontType2(ind_font, subsetPrefix, metrics);
            obj = writer.AddToBody(pobj);
            ind_font = obj.IndirectReference;

            pobj = GetToUnicode(metrics);
            PdfIndirectReference toUnicodeRef = null;
            if (pobj != null) {
                obj = writer.AddToBody(pobj);
                toUnicodeRef = obj.IndirectReference;

            pobj = GetFontBaseType(ind_font, subsetPrefix, toUnicodeRef);
            writer.AddToBody(pobj, piref);