static public bool DownloadFile(string MacName, string SourceFilename, string DestFilename) { Hashtable Results = null; if (Config.bUseRPCUtil) { if (!ConditionalInitRemoting(MacName)) { return false; } Results = RPCCommandHelper.RPCDownload(RPCSocket, SourceFilename, DestFilename); } else { Results = SSHCommandHelper.DownloadFile(MacName, SourceFilename, DestFilename); } // success if exitcode is 0 or unspecified if (Results["ExitCode"] != null) { return (Int64)Results["ExitCode"] == 0; } return true; }
/** * Handle the plethora of environment variables required to remote to the Mac */ static public void ConfigurePaths() { string MachineName = Environment.MachineName; XcodeDeveloperDir = Utilities.GetEnvironmentVariable("ue.XcodeDeveloperDir", "/Applications/"); // MacName=%ue4.iPhone_SigningServerName% MacName = Config.OverrideMacName != null ? Config.OverrideMacName : Utilities.GetEnvironmentVariable("ue.IOSSigningServer", "a1487"); iPhone_SigningDevRootMac = Config.OverrideDevRoot != null ? Config.OverrideDevRoot : "/UE4/Builds"; if (!Config.bUseRPCUtil) { bool Results = SSHCommandHelper.Command(MacName, "xcode-select --print-path", "/usr/bin"); if (Results) { XcodeDeveloperDir = (string)SSHCommandHelper.SSHReturn["CommandOutput"] + "/"; XcodeDeveloperDir = XcodeDeveloperDir.TrimEnd(); } } // get the path to mirror into on the Mac string BinariesDir = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, @"..\..")); string Root = Path.GetPathRoot(BinariesDir); string BranchPath = MachineName + "/" + Root[0].ToString() + "/" + BinariesDir.Substring(Root.Length); BranchPath = BranchPath.Replace('\\', '/'); // similar for the game path (strip off the D:\ tpe root) BinariesDir = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Config.BinariesDirectory, "..")); Root = Path.GetPathRoot(BinariesDir); string GameBranchPath; if (Program.GameName == "UE4Game") { GameBranchPath = BranchPath; } else { GameBranchPath = MachineName + "/" + Root[0].ToString() + "/" + BinariesDir.Substring(Root.Length); GameBranchPath = GameBranchPath.Replace('\\', '/'); } Console.WriteLine("BranchPath = {0} --- GameBranchPath = {1}", BranchPath, GameBranchPath); // generate the directories to recursively copy into later on MacStagingRootDir = string.Format("{0}/{1}/" + Config.OSString, iPhone_SigningDevRootMac, GameBranchPath); MacStagingRootDir = MacStagingRootDir.Replace("//", "/"); MacBinariesDir = string.Format("{0}/{1}/" + Config.OSString, iPhone_SigningDevRootMac, GameBranchPath); MacBinariesDir = MacBinariesDir.Replace("//", "/"); MacXcodeStagingDir = string.Format("{0}/{1}/" + Config.OSString + "/XcodeSupportFiles", iPhone_SigningDevRootMac, GameBranchPath); MacXcodeStagingDir = MacXcodeStagingDir.Replace("//", "/"); MacMobileProvisionFilename = MachineName + "_UE4Temp.mobileprovision"; MacSigningIdentityFilename = MachineName + "_UE4Temp.p12"; }
static public bool BatchUploadFolder(string MacName, string SourceFolder, string DestFolder, bool bDeleteTarget) { if (Config.bUseRPCUtil) { if (!ConditionalInitRemoting(MacName)) { return(false); } if (bDeleteTarget) { // tell Mac to delete target if requested RPCUtility.CommandHelper.RemoveDirectory(RPCSocket, DestFolder); } } Program.Log(" ... '" + SourceFolder + "' -> '" + DestFolder + "'"); DirectoryInfo SourceFolderInfo = new DirectoryInfo(SourceFolder); if (!SourceFolderInfo.Exists) { Program.Error("Source folder does not exist"); return(false); } // gather the files to batch upload List <string> FilesToUpload = new List <string>(); RecursiveBatchUploadFolder(SourceFolderInfo, DestFolder, FilesToUpload); if (Config.bUseRPCUtil) { // send them off! RPCUtility.CommandHelper.RPCBatchUpload(RPCSocket, FilesToUpload.ToArray()); } else { SSHCommandHelper.BatchUpload(MacName, FilesToUpload.ToArray()); } return(true); }
/** * Handle spawning of the RPCUtility with parameters */ public static bool RunRPCUtilty(string RPCCommand, bool bIsSilent = false) { string CommandLine = ""; string WorkingFolder = ""; string DisplayCommandLine = ""; string TempKeychain = "$HOME/Library/Keychains/UE4TempKeychain.keychain"; string Certificate = "XcodeSupportFiles/" + MacSigningIdentityFilename; string LoginKeychain = "$HOME/Library/Keychains/login.keychain"; ErrorCodes Error = ErrorCodes.Error_Unknown; switch (RPCCommand.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "deletemacstagingfiles": Program.Log(" ... deleting staging files on the Mac"); DisplayCommandLine = "rm -rf Payload"; CommandLine = "\"" + MacStagingRootDir + "\" " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = "\"" + MacStagingRootDir + "\""; break; case "ensureprovisiondirexists": Program.Log(" ... creating provisioning profiles directory"); DisplayCommandLine = String.Format("mkdir -p ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\\ Profiles"); CommandLine = "\"" + MacXcodeStagingDir + "\" " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = "\"" + MacXcodeStagingDir + "\""; break; case "installprovision": // Note: The provision must have already been copied over to the Mac Program.Log(" ... installing .mobileprovision"); DisplayCommandLine = String.Format("cp -f {0} ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\\ Profiles", MacMobileProvisionFilename); CommandLine = "\"" + MacXcodeStagingDir + "\" " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = "\"" + MacXcodeStagingDir + "\""; break; case "removeprovision": Program.Log(" ... removing .mobileprovision"); DisplayCommandLine = String.Format("rm -f ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\\ Profiles/{0}", MacMobileProvisionFilename); CommandLine = "\"" + MacXcodeStagingDir + "\" " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = "\"" + MacXcodeStagingDir + "\""; break; case "setexec": // Note: The executable must have already been copied over Program.Log(" ... setting executable bit"); DisplayCommandLine = "chmod a+x \'" + RemoteExecutablePath + "\'"; CommandLine = "\"" + MacStagingRootDir + "\" " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = "\"" + MacStagingRootDir + "\""; break; case "prepackage": Program.Log(" ... running prepackage script remotely "); DisplayCommandLine = String.Format("sh {0} " + Config.OSString + " {1} {2}", Program.GameName, Program.GameConfiguration, Program.Architecture); CommandLine = "\"" + MacXcodeStagingDir + "\" " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = "\"" + MacXcodeStagingDir + "\""; break; case "makeapp": Program.Log(" ... making application (codesign, etc...)"); Program.Log(" Using signing identity '{0}'", Config.CodeSigningIdentity); DisplayCommandLine = "security -v unlock-keychain -p \"A\" \"" + TempKeychain + "\" && " + CurrentBaseXCodeCommandLine; CommandLine = "\"" + MacXcodeStagingDir + "/..\" " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = "\"" + MacXcodeStagingDir + "/..\""; Error = ErrorCodes.Error_RemoteCertificatesNotFound; break; case "createkeychain": Program.Log(" ... creating temporary key chain with signing certificate"); Program.Log(" Using signing identity '{0}'", Config.CodeSigningIdentity); DisplayCommandLine = "security create-keychain -p \"A\" \"" + TempKeychain + "\" && security list-keychains -s \"" + TempKeychain + "\" && security list-keychains && security set-keychain-settings -t 3600 -l \"" + TempKeychain + "\" && security -v unlock-keychain -p \"A\" \"" + TempKeychain + "\" && security import " + Certificate + " -k \"" + TempKeychain + "\" -P \"A\" -T /usr/bin/codesign -T /usr/bin/security -t agg && CERT_IDENTITY=$(security find-identity -v -p codesigning \"" + TempKeychain + "\" | head -1 | grep '\"' | sed -e 's/[^\"]*\"//' -e 's/\".*//') && security default-keychain -s \"" + TempKeychain + "\" && security set-key-partition-list -S apple-tool:,apple:,codesign: -s -k \"A\" -D \"$CERT_IDENTITY\" -t private " + TempKeychain; CommandLine = "\"" + MacXcodeStagingDir + "/..\" " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = "\"" + MacXcodeStagingDir + "/..\""; break; case "deletekeychain": Program.Log(" ... remove temporary key chain"); Program.Log(" Using signing identity '{0}'", Config.CodeSigningIdentity); DisplayCommandLine = "security list-keychains -s \"" + LoginKeychain + "\" && security delete-keychain \"" + TempKeychain + "\""; CommandLine = "\"" + MacXcodeStagingDir + "/..\" " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = "\"" + MacXcodeStagingDir + "/..\""; break; case "validation": Program.Log(" ... validating distribution package"); DisplayCommandLine = XcodeDeveloperDir + "Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/Validation " + RemoteAppDirectory; CommandLine = "\"" + MacStagingRootDir + "\" " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = "\"" + MacStagingRootDir + "\""; break; case "deleteipa": Program.Log(" ... deleting IPA on Mac"); DisplayCommandLine = "rm -f " + Config.IPAFilenameOnMac; CommandLine = "\"" + MacStagingRootDir + "\" " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = "\"" + MacStagingRootDir + "\""; break; case "kill": Program.Log(" ... killing"); DisplayCommandLine = "killall " + Program.GameName; CommandLine = ". " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = "."; break; case "strip": Program.Log(" ... stripping"); DisplayCommandLine = "/usr/bin/xcrun strip '" + RemoteExecutablePath + "'"; CommandLine = "\"" + MacStagingRootDir + "\" " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = "\"" + MacStagingRootDir + "\""; break; case "resign": Program.Log("... resigning"); DisplayCommandLine = "bash -c '" + "chmod a+x ResignScript" + ";" + "./ResignScript" + "'"; CommandLine = "\"" + MacStagingRootDir + "\" " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = "\"" + MacStagingRootDir + "\""; break; case "zip": Program.Log(" ... zipping"); // NOTE: -y preserves symbolic links which is needed for iOS distro builds // -x excludes a file (excluding the dSYM keeps sizes smaller, and it shouldn't be in the IPA anyways) string dSYMName = "Payload/" + Program.GameName + Program.Architecture + ".app.dSYM"; DisplayCommandLine = String.Format("zip -q -r -y -{0} -T {1} Payload iTunesArtwork -x {2}/ -x {2}/* " + "-x {2}/Contents/ -x {2}/Contents/* -x {2}/Contents/Resources/ -x {2}/Contents/Resources/* " + " -x {2}/Contents/Resources/DWARF/ -x {2}/Contents/Resources/DWARF/*", (int)Config.RecompressionSetting, Config.IPAFilenameOnMac, dSYMName); CommandLine = "\"" + MacStagingRootDir + "\" " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = "\"" + MacStagingRootDir + "\""; break; case "gendsym": Program.Log(" ... generating DSYM"); string ExePath = "Payload/" + Program.GameName + ".app/" + Program.GameName; string dSYMPath = Program.GameName + ".app.dSYM"; DisplayCommandLine = String.Format("dsymutil -o {0} {1}", dSYMPath, ExePath); CommandLine = "\"" + MacStagingRootDir + "\"" + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = "\"" + MacStagingRootDir + "\""; break; default: Program.Error("Unrecognized RPC command"); return(false); } Program.Log(" ... working folder: " + WorkingFolder); Program.Log(" ... " + DisplayCommandLine); Program.Log(" ... full command: " + MacName + " " + CommandLine); bool bSuccess = false; if (Config.bUseRPCUtil) { Program.Log("Running RPC on " + MacName + " ... "); Process RPCUtil = new Process(); RPCUtil.StartInfo.FileName = @"..\RPCUtility.exe"; RPCUtil.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; RPCUtil.StartInfo.Arguments = MacName + " " + CommandLine; RPCUtil.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; RPCUtil.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; RPCUtil.OutputDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(OutputReceivedRemoteProcessCall); RPCUtil.ErrorDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(OutputReceivedRemoteProcessCall); RPCUtil.Start(); RPCUtil.BeginOutputReadLine(); RPCUtil.BeginErrorReadLine(); RPCUtil.WaitForExit(); bSuccess = (RPCUtil.ExitCode == 0); if (bSuccess == false && !bIsSilent) { Program.Error("RPCCommand {0} failed with return code {1}", RPCCommand, RPCUtil.ExitCode); switch (RPCCommand.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "installprovision": Program.Error("Ensure your access permissions for '~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles' are set correctly."); break; default: break; } } } else { Program.Log("Running SSH on " + MacName + " ... "); bSuccess = SSHCommandHelper.Command(MacName, DisplayCommandLine, WorkingFolder); if (bSuccess == false && !bIsSilent) { Program.Error("RPCCommand {0} failed with return code {1}", RPCCommand, Error); Program.ReturnCode = (int)Error; } } return(bSuccess); }
/** * Handle spawning of the RPCUtility with parameters */ public static bool RunRPCUtilty(string RPCCommand) { string CommandLine = ""; string WorkingFolder = ""; string DisplayCommandLine = ""; switch (RPCCommand.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "deletemacstagingfiles": Program.Log(" ... deleting staging files on the Mac"); DisplayCommandLine = "rm -rf Payload"; CommandLine = "\"" + MacStagingRootDir + "\" " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = MacStagingRootDir; break; case "ensureprovisiondirexists": Program.Log(" ... creating provisioning profiles directory"); DisplayCommandLine = String.Format("mkdir -p ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\\ Profiles"); CommandLine = "\"" + MacXcodeStagingDir + "\" " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = MacXcodeStagingDir; break; case "installprovision": // Note: The provision must have already been copied over to the Mac Program.Log(" ... installing .mobileprovision"); DisplayCommandLine = String.Format("cp -f {0} ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\\ Profiles", MacMobileProvisionFilename); CommandLine = "\"" + MacXcodeStagingDir + "\" " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = MacXcodeStagingDir; break; case "removeprovision": Program.Log(" ... removing .mobileprovision"); DisplayCommandLine = String.Format("rm -f ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\\ Profiles/{0}", MacMobileProvisionFilename); CommandLine = "\"" + MacXcodeStagingDir + "\" " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = MacXcodeStagingDir; break; case "setexec": // Note: The executable must have already been copied over Program.Log(" ... setting executable bit"); DisplayCommandLine = "chmod a+x \'" + RemoteExecutablePath + "\'"; CommandLine = "\"" + MacStagingRootDir + "\" " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = MacStagingRootDir; break; case "prepackage": Program.Log(" ... running prepackage script remotely "); DisplayCommandLine = String.Format("sh {0} IOS {1} {2}", Program.GameName, Program.GameConfiguration, Program.Architecture); CommandLine = "\"" + MacXcodeStagingDir + "\" " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = MacXcodeStagingDir; break; case "makeapp": Program.Log(" ... making application (codesign, etc...)"); Program.Log(" Using signing identity '{0}'", Config.CodeSigningIdentity); DisplayCommandLine = CurrentBaseXCodeCommandLine; CommandLine = "\"" + MacXcodeStagingDir + "/..\" " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = "\"" + MacXcodeStagingDir + "/..\""; break; case "validation": Program.Log(" ... validating distribution package"); DisplayCommandLine = XcodeDeveloperDir + "Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/Validation " + RemoteAppDirectory; CommandLine = "\"" + MacStagingRootDir + "\" " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = MacStagingRootDir; break; case "deleteipa": Program.Log(" ... deleting IPA on Mac"); DisplayCommandLine = "rm -f " + Config.IPAFilenameOnMac; CommandLine = "\"" + MacStagingRootDir + "\" " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = MacStagingRootDir; break; case "kill": Program.Log(" ... killing"); DisplayCommandLine = "killall " + Program.GameName; CommandLine = ". " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = "."; break; case "strip": Program.Log(" ... stripping"); DisplayCommandLine = XcodeDeveloperDir + "Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/strip '" + RemoteExecutablePath + "'"; CommandLine = "\"" + MacStagingRootDir + "\" " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = MacStagingRootDir; break; case "resign": Program.Log("... resigning"); DisplayCommandLine = "bash -c '" + "chmod a+x ResignScript" + ";" + "./ResignScript" + "'"; CommandLine = "\"" + MacStagingRootDir + "\" " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = MacStagingRootDir; break; case "zip": Program.Log(" ... zipping"); // NOTE: -y preserves symbolic links which is needed for iOS distro builds // -x excludes a file (excluding the dSYM keeps sizes smaller, and it shouldn't be in the IPA anyways) string dSYMName = "Payload/" + Program.GameName + Program.Architecture + ".app.dSYM"; DisplayCommandLine = String.Format("zip -q -r -y -{0} -T {1} Payload iTunesArtwork -x {2}/ -x {2}/* " + "-x {2}/Contents/ -x {2}/Contents/* -x {2}/Contents/Resources/ -x {2}/Contents/Resources/* " + " -x {2}/Contents/Resources/DWARF/ -x {2}/Contents/Resources/DWARF/*", (int)Config.RecompressionSetting, Config.IPAFilenameOnMac, dSYMName); CommandLine = "\"" + MacStagingRootDir + "\" " + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = MacStagingRootDir; break; case "gendsym": Program.Log(" ... generating DSYM"); string ExePath = "Payload/" + Program.GameName + ".app/" + Program.GameName; string dSYMPath = Program.GameName + ".app.dSYM"; DisplayCommandLine = String.Format("dsymutil -o {0} {1}", dSYMPath, ExePath); CommandLine = "\"" + MacStagingRootDir + "\"" + DisplayCommandLine; WorkingFolder = MacStagingRootDir; break; default: Program.Error("Unrecognized RPC command"); return(false); } Program.Log(" ... working folder: " + WorkingFolder); Program.Log(" ... " + DisplayCommandLine); Program.Log(" ... full command: " + MacName + " " + CommandLine); bool bSuccess = false; if (Config.bUseRPCUtil) { Program.Log("Running RPC on " + MacName + " ... "); Process RPCUtil = new Process(); RPCUtil.StartInfo.FileName = @"..\RPCUtility.exe"; RPCUtil.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; RPCUtil.StartInfo.Arguments = MacName + " " + CommandLine; RPCUtil.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; RPCUtil.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; RPCUtil.OutputDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(OutputReceivedRemoteProcessCall); RPCUtil.ErrorDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(OutputReceivedRemoteProcessCall); RPCUtil.Start(); RPCUtil.BeginOutputReadLine(); RPCUtil.BeginErrorReadLine(); RPCUtil.WaitForExit(); bSuccess = (RPCUtil.ExitCode == 0); if (bSuccess == false) { Program.Error("RPCCommand {0} failed with return code {1}", RPCCommand, RPCUtil.ExitCode); switch (RPCCommand.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "installprovision": Program.Error("Ensure your access permissions for '~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles' are set correctly."); break; default: break; } } } else { Program.Log("Running SSH on " + MacName + " ... "); bSuccess = SSHCommandHelper.Command(MacName, DisplayCommandLine, WorkingFolder); } return(bSuccess); }
static private bool ParseCommandLine(ref string[] Arguments) { if (Arguments.Length == 0) { StartVisuals(); // we NEED a project, so show a uproject picker string UProjectFile; string StartingDir = ""; if (ToolsHub.ShowOpenFileDialog("Unreal Project Files (*.uproject)|*.uproject;", "IPhonePackager now requires a .uproject file for certificate/provisioning setup", "mobileprovision", "", ref StartingDir, out UProjectFile)) { Arguments = new string[] { UProjectFile }; } else { Arguments = new string[] { "gui" }; } } if (Arguments.Length == 1) { // if the only argument is a uproject, then assume gui mode, with the uproject as the project if (Arguments[0].EndsWith(".uproject")) { Config.ProjectFile = GamePath = Arguments[0]; MainCommand = "gui"; } else { MainCommand = Arguments[0]; } } else if (Arguments.Length == 2) { MainCommand = Arguments[0]; GamePath = Arguments[1]; } else if (Arguments.Length >= 2) { MainCommand = Arguments[0]; GamePath = Arguments[1]; for (int ArgIndex = 2; ArgIndex < Arguments.Length; ArgIndex++) { string Arg = Arguments[ArgIndex].ToLowerInvariant(); if (Arg.StartsWith("-")) { // Behavior switches switch (Arg) { case "-verbose": Config.bVerbose = true; break; case "-strip": Config.bForceStripSymbols = true; break; case "-compress=best": Config.RecompressionSetting = (int)CompressionLevel.BestCompression; break; case "-compress=fast": Config.RecompressionSetting = (int)CompressionLevel.BestSpeed; break; case "-compress=none": Config.RecompressionSetting = (int)CompressionLevel.None; break; case "-distribution": Config.bForDistribution = true; break; case "-createstub": Config.bCreateStubSet = true; break; case "-sign": Config.bPerformResignWhenRepackaging = true; break; case "-cookonthefly": Config.bCookOnTheFly = true; break; case "-iterate": Config.bIterate = true; break; } // get the stage dir path if (Arg == "-stagedir") { // make sure there's at least one more arg if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { Config.RepackageStagingDirectory = Arguments [++ArgIndex]; } else { return(false); } } else if (Arg == "-manifest") { // make sure there's at least one more arg if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { Config.DeltaManifest = Arguments[++ArgIndex]; } else { return(false); } } else if (Arg == "-backup") { // make sure there's at least one more arg if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { Config.FilesForBackup.Add(Arguments[++ArgIndex]); } else { return(false); } } else if (Arg == "-config") { // make sure there's at least one more arg if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { GameConfiguration = Arguments [++ArgIndex]; } else { return(false); } } // append a name to the bungle identifier and display name else if (Arg == "-bundlename") { if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { Config.OverrideBundleName = Arguments [++ArgIndex]; } else { return(false); } } else if (Arg == "-mac") { // make sure there's at least one more arg if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { Config.OverrideMacName = Arguments [++ArgIndex]; } else { return(false); } } else if (Arg == "-architecture" || Arg == "-arch") { // make sure there's at least one more arg if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { Architecture = "-" + Arguments [++ArgIndex]; } else { return(false); } } else if (Arg == "-project") { // make sure there's at least one more arg if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { Config.ProjectFile = Arguments [++ArgIndex]; } else { return(false); } } else if (Arg == "-device") { // make sure there's at least one more arg if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { Config.DeviceId = Arguments [++ArgIndex]; } else { return(false); } } else if (Arg == "-additionalcommandline") { // make sure there's at least one more arg if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { AdditionalCommandline = Arguments [++ArgIndex]; } else { return(false); } } else if (Arg == "-provision") { // make sure there's at least one more arg if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { Config.Provision = Arguments [++ArgIndex]; Config.bProvision = true; } else { return(false); } } else if (Arg == "-certificate") { if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { Config.Certificate = Arguments [++ArgIndex]; Config.bCert = true; } else { return(false); } } } else { // RPC command MainRPCCommand = Arguments[ArgIndex]; } } if (!SSHCommandHelper.ParseSSHProperties(Arguments)) { return(false); } } return(true); }
static private bool ParseCommandLine(ref string[] Arguments) { if (Arguments.Length == 0) { StartVisuals(); // we NEED a project, so show a uproject picker string UProjectFile; string StartingDir = ""; if (ToolsHub.ShowOpenFileDialog("Unreal Project Files (*.uproject)|*.uproject;", "IPhonePackager now requires a .uproject file for certificate/provisioning setup", "mobileprovision", "", ref StartingDir, out UProjectFile)) { Arguments = new string[] { UProjectFile }; } else { Arguments = new string[] { "gui" }; } } if (Arguments.Length == 1) { // if the only argument is a uproject, then assume gui mode, with the uproject as the project if (Arguments[0].EndsWith(".uproject")) { Config.ProjectFile = GamePath = Arguments[0]; MainCommand = "gui"; } else { MainCommand = Arguments[0]; } } else if (Arguments.Length == 2) { MainCommand = Arguments[0]; GamePath = Arguments[1]; if (GamePath.EndsWith(".uproject")) { Config.ProjectFile = GamePath; } } else if (Arguments.Length >= 2) { MainCommand = Arguments[0]; GamePath = Arguments[1]; if (GamePath.EndsWith(".uproject")) { Config.ProjectFile = GamePath; } for (int ArgIndex = 2; ArgIndex < Arguments.Length; ArgIndex++) { string Arg = Arguments[ArgIndex].ToLowerInvariant(); if (Arg.StartsWith("-")) { // Behavior switches switch (Arg) { case "-verbose": Config.bVerbose = true; break; case "-strip": Config.bForceStripSymbols = true; break; case "-compress=best": Config.RecompressionSetting = (int)CompressionLevel.BestCompression; break; case "-compress=fast": Config.RecompressionSetting = (int)CompressionLevel.BestSpeed; break; case "-compress=none": Config.RecompressionSetting = (int)CompressionLevel.None; break; case "-distribution": Config.bForDistribution = true; break; case "-codebased": Config.bIsCodeBasedProject = true; break; case "-createstub": Config.bCreateStubSet = true; break; case "-sign": Config.bPerformResignWhenRepackaging = true; break; case "-cookonthefly": Config.bCookOnTheFly = true; break; case "-iterate": Config.bIterate = true; break; case "-tvos": Config.OSString = "TVOS"; break; case "-autosigning": Config.bAutomaticSigning = true; break; } // get the stage dir path if (Arg == "-stagedir") { // make sure there's at least one more arg if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { Config.RepackageStagingDirectory = Arguments [++ArgIndex]; } else { return(false); } } // get the provisioning uuid else if (Arg == "-provisioninguuid") { // make sure there's at least one more arg if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { Config.ProvisionUUID = Arguments[++ArgIndex]; } else { return(false); } } else if (Arg == "-teamID") { // make sure there's at least one more arg if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { Config.TeamID = Arguments[++ArgIndex]; } else { return(false); } } else if (Arg == "-manifest") { // make sure there's at least one more arg if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { Config.DeltaManifest = Arguments[++ArgIndex]; } else { return(false); } } else if (Arg == "-backup") { // make sure there's at least one more arg if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { Config.FilesForBackup.Add(Arguments[++ArgIndex]); } else { return(false); } } else if (Arg == "-config") { // make sure there's at least one more arg if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { GameConfiguration = Arguments [++ArgIndex]; } else { return(false); } } // append a name to the bungle identifier and display name else if (Arg == "-bundlename") { if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { string projectName = "[PROJECT_NAME]"; string bundleId = Arguments[++ArgIndex]; // Check for an illegal bundle id for (int i = 0; i < bundleId.Length; ++i) { char c = bundleId[i]; if (c == '[') { if (bundleId.IndexOf(projectName, i) != i) { Error("Illegal character in bundle ID"); return(false); } i += projectName.Length; } else if ((c < '0' || c > '9') && (c < 'a' || c > 'z') && (c < 'A' || c > 'Z') && c != '.' && c != '-') { Error("Illegal character in bundle ID"); return(false); } } // Save the verified bundle id Config.OverrideBundleName = bundleId; } else { return(false); } } else if (Arg == "-schemename") { // make sure there's at least one more arg if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { SchemeName = Arguments[++ArgIndex]; } else { return(false); } } else if (Arg == "-schemeconfig") { // make sure there's at least one more arg if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { SchemeConfiguration = Arguments[++ArgIndex]; } else { return(false); } } else if (Arg == "-mac") { // make sure there's at least one more arg if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { Config.OverrideMacName = Arguments [++ArgIndex]; } else { return(false); } } else if (Arg == "-architecture" || Arg == "-arch") { // make sure there's at least one more arg if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { Architecture = "-" + Arguments [++ArgIndex]; } else { return(false); } } else if (Arg == "-project") { // make sure there's at least one more arg if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { Config.ProjectFile = Arguments [++ArgIndex]; } else { return(false); } } else if (Arg == "-device") { // make sure there's at least one more arg if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { Config.DeviceId = Arguments [++ArgIndex]; } else { return(false); } } else if (Arg == "-additionalcommandline") { // make sure there's at least one more arg if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { AdditionalCommandline = Arguments [++ArgIndex]; } else { return(false); } } else if (Arg == "-provision") { // make sure there's at least one more arg if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { Config.Provision = Arguments [++ArgIndex]; Config.bProvision = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.Provision); } else { return(false); } } else if (Arg == "-certificate") { if (Arguments.Length > ArgIndex + 1) { Config.Certificate = Arguments [++ArgIndex]; Config.bCert = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.Certificate); } else { return(false); } } } else { // RPC command MainRPCCommand = Arguments[ArgIndex]; } } if (!SSHCommandHelper.ParseSSHProperties(Arguments)) { return(false); } } return(true); }