/// <summary>
        /// Export the certificate to a file
        /// </summary>
        static public void ExportCertificate()
            if (Config.ProvisionFile == null)
                Program.Error("Missing -ProvisionFile=... argument");

            if (Config.OutputCertificate == null)
                Program.Error("Missing -OutputCertificate=... argument");

            // export the signing certificate to a file
            MobileProvision  Provision   = MobileProvisionParser.ParseFile(Config.ProvisionFile);
            X509Certificate2 Certificate = CodeSignatureBuilder.FindCertificate(Provision);

            if (Certificate == null)
                Program.Error("Failed to find a valid certificate");

            byte[] Data = Certificate.Export(System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType.Pkcs12, "A");
            File.WriteAllBytes(Config.OutputCertificate, Data);
        public static void TryInstallingMobileProvision(string ProvisionFilename, bool ShowPrompt = true)
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ProvisionFilename) || ShowOpenFileDialog(MobileProvisionFilter, "Choose a mobile provision to install", "mobileprovision", "", ref ChoosingFilesToInstallDirectory, out ProvisionFilename))
                    // Determine if this is a development or distribution certificate
                    bool            bIsDistribution = false;
                    MobileProvision Provision       = MobileProvisionParser.ParseFile(ProvisionFilename);
                    bIsDistribution = IsProfileForDistribution(Provision);

                    // use the input filename if the GameName is empty
                    string DestName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Program.GameName) ? Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ProvisionFilename) : Program.GameName;

                    // Copy the file into the destination location
                    string EffectivePrefix     = bIsDistribution ? "Distro_" : Config.SigningPrefix;
                    string DestinationFilename = Path.Combine(Config.ProvisionDirectory, EffectivePrefix + DestName + ".mobileprovision");

                    DestinationFilename = DestinationFilename.Replace("\\", "/");
                    if (File.Exists(DestinationFilename))
                        MobileProvision OldProvision = MobileProvisionParser.ParseFile(DestinationFilename);

                        string MessagePrompt = String.Format(
                            "{0} already contains a {1} mobile provision file.  Do you want to replace the provision '{2}' with '{3}'?",
                            bIsDistribution ? "distribution" : "development",

                        if (ShowPrompt && System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(MessagePrompt, Config.AppDisplayName, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.No)

                        if (DestinationFilename != ProvisionFilename)

                    if (DestinationFilename != ProvisionFilename)
                        FileOperations.CopyRequiredFile(ProvisionFilename, DestinationFilename);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ShowError(String.Format("Encountered an error '{0} while trying to install a mobile provision", ex.Message));
        public void LoadMobileProvision(string CFBundleIdentifier)
            byte[] MobileProvisionFile = GetMobileProvision(CFBundleIdentifier);

            if (MobileProvisionFile != null)
                Provision = MobileProvisionParser.ParseFile(MobileProvisionFile);

                Program.Log("Using mobile provision '{0}' to code sign", Provision.ProvisionName);

                // Re-embed the mobile provision
                FileSystem.WriteAllBytes("embedded.mobileprovision", MobileProvisionFile);
                Program.Log(" ... Writing updated embedded.mobileprovision");
        void PickIpaAndCheckForUDID(string UDID)
            if (UDID != null)
                string PickedFilename;
                if (ToolsHub.ShowOpenFileDialog(ToolsHub.IpaFilter, "Picking an application to check", "ipa", "", ref ToolsHub.ChoosingIpaDirectory, out PickedFilename))
                    MobileProvision Provision = MobileProvisionParser.ParseIPA(PickedFilename);

                        String.Format("embedded mobile provision in {0}", Path.GetFileName(PickedFilename)));
        void PickProvisionAndCheckForUDID(string UDID)
            if (UDID != null)
                string PickedFilename;
                if (ToolsHub.ShowOpenFileDialog(ToolsHub.MobileProvisionFilter, "Picking a mobile provision to check", "mobileprovision", "", ref ToolsHub.ChoosingIpaDirectory, out PickedFilename))
                    MobileProvision Provision = MobileProvisionParser.ParseFile(PickedFilename);

                        String.Format("mobile provision {0}", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(PickedFilename)));
        public static void InstallIPAOnConnectedDevices(string IPAPath)
            // Read the mobile provision to check for issues
            FileOperations.ReadOnlyZipFileSystem Zip = new FileOperations.ReadOnlyZipFileSystem(IPAPath);
            MobileProvision Provision = null;

            catch (System.Exception ex)
                Program.Warning(String.Format("Couldn't find an embedded mobile provision ({0})", ex.Message));
                Provision = null;

            if (Provision != null)
                var DeviceList = DeploymentHelper.Get().EnumerateConnectedDevices();

                foreach (var DeviceInfo in DeviceList)
                    string UDID       = DeviceInfo.UDID;
                    string DeviceName = DeviceInfo.DeviceName;

                    // Check the IPA's mobile provision against the connected device to make sure this device is authorized
                    // We'll still try installing anyways, but this message is more friendly than the failure we get back from MobileDeviceInterface
                    if (UDID != String.Empty)
                        if (!Provision.ContainsUDID(UDID))
                            Program.Warning(String.Format("Embedded provision in IPA does not include the UDID {0} of device '{1}'.  The installation is likely to fail.", UDID, DeviceName));
                        Program.Warning(String.Format("Unable to query device for UDID, and therefore unable to verify IPA embedded mobile provision contains this device."));

        /// <summary>
        /// Export the certificate to a file
        /// </summary>
        static public void ExportCertificate()
            string ProvisionWithPrefix;

            if (!FindMobileProvision("", out ProvisionWithPrefix))
                Program.Error("Missing provision");

            if (Config.Certificate == null)
                Program.Error("Missing -Certificate=... argument");

            // export the signing certificate to a file
            MobileProvision Provision   = MobileProvisionParser.ParseFile(ProvisionWithPrefix);
            var             Certificate = CodeSignatureBuilder.FindCertificate(Provision);

            byte[] Data = Certificate.Export(System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType.Pkcs12, "A");
            File.WriteAllBytes(Config.Certificate, Data);
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy the files always needed (even in a stub IPA)
        /// </summary>
        static public void CopyFilesNeededForMakeApp()
            // Copy Info.plist over (modifiying it as needed)
            string SourcePListFilename = Utilities.GetPrecompileSourcePListFilename();

            Utilities.PListHelper Info = Utilities.PListHelper.CreateFromFile(SourcePListFilename);

            // Edit the plist

            // Write out the <GameName>-Info.plist file to the xcode staging directory
            string TargetPListFilename = Path.Combine(Config.PCXcodeStagingDir, Program.GameName + "-Info.plist");

            string OutString = Info.SaveToString();

            OutString = OutString.Replace("${EXECUTABLE_NAME}", Program.GameName);
            OutString = OutString.Replace("${BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER}", Program.GameName.Replace("_", ""));

            // this is a temp way to inject the iphone 6 images without needing to upgrade everyone's plist
            // eventually we want to generate this based on what the user has set in the project settings
            string[] IPhoneConfigs =
                "Default-IPhone6",               "Landscape", "{375, 667}",
                "Default-IPhone6",               "Portrait",  "{375, 667}",
                "Default-IPhone6Plus-Landscape", "Landscape", "{414, 736}",
                "Default-IPhone6Plus-Portrait",  "Portrait",  "{414, 736}",
                "Default",                       "Landscape", "{320, 480}",
                "Default",                       "Portrait",  "{320, 480}",
                "Default-568h",                  "Landscape", "{320, 568}",
                "Default-568h",                  "Portrait",  "{320, 568}",
                "Default-IPhoneX-Landscape",     "Landscape", "{375, 812}",
                "Default-IPhoneX-Portrait",      "Portrait",  "{375, 812}",

            StringBuilder NewLaunchImagesString = new StringBuilder("<key>UILaunchImages~iphone</key>\n\t\t<array>\n");

            for (int ConfigIndex = 0; ConfigIndex < IPhoneConfigs.Length; ConfigIndex += 3)
                NewLaunchImagesString.AppendFormat("\t\t\t\t<string>{0}</string>\n", IPhoneConfigs[ConfigIndex + 0]);
                NewLaunchImagesString.AppendFormat("\t\t\t\t<string>{0}</string>\n", IPhoneConfigs[ConfigIndex + 1]);
                NewLaunchImagesString.AppendFormat("\t\t\t\t<string>{0}</string>\n", IPhoneConfigs[ConfigIndex + 2]);

            // close it out
            OutString = OutString.Replace("<key>UILaunchImages~ipad</key>", NewLaunchImagesString.ToString());

            byte[] RawInfoPList = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(OutString);
            File.WriteAllBytes(TargetPListFilename, RawInfoPList);

            Program.Log("Updating .plist: {0} --> {1}", SourcePListFilename, TargetPListFilename);

            // look for an entitlements file (optional)
            string SourceEntitlements = FileOperations.FindPrefixedFile(Config.BuildDirectory, Program.GameName + ".entitlements");

            // set where to make the entitlements file (
            string TargetEntitlements = Path.Combine(Config.PCXcodeStagingDir, Program.GameName + ".entitlements");

            if (File.Exists(SourceEntitlements))
                FileOperations.CopyRequiredFile(SourceEntitlements, TargetEntitlements);
                // we need to have something so Xcode will compile, so we just set the get-task-allow, since we know the value,
                // which is based on distribution or not (true means debuggable)
                File.WriteAllText(TargetEntitlements, string.Format("<plist><dict><key>get-task-allow</key><{0}/></dict></plist>",
                                                                    Config.bForDistribution ? "false" : "true"));

            // Copy the mobile provision file over
            string CFBundleIdentifier = null;

            Info.GetString("CFBundleIdentifier", out CFBundleIdentifier);
            bool   bNameMatch;
            string ProvisionWithPrefix = MobileProvision.FindCompatibleProvision(CFBundleIdentifier, out bNameMatch);

            if (!File.Exists(ProvisionWithPrefix))
                ProvisionWithPrefix = FileOperations.FindPrefixedFile(Config.BuildDirectory, Program.GameName + ".mobileprovision");
                if (!File.Exists(ProvisionWithPrefix))
                    ProvisionWithPrefix = FileOperations.FindPrefixedFile(Config.BuildDirectory + "/NotForLicensees/", Program.GameName + ".mobileprovision");
                    if (!File.Exists(ProvisionWithPrefix))
                        ProvisionWithPrefix = FileOperations.FindPrefixedFile(Config.EngineBuildDirectory, "UE4Game.mobileprovision");
                        if (!File.Exists(ProvisionWithPrefix))
                            ProvisionWithPrefix = FileOperations.FindPrefixedFile(Config.EngineBuildDirectory + "/NotForLicensees/", "UE4Game.mobileprovision");
            string FinalMobileProvisionFilename = Path.Combine(Config.PCXcodeStagingDir, MacMobileProvisionFilename);

            FileOperations.CopyRequiredFile(ProvisionWithPrefix, FinalMobileProvisionFilename);

            // make sure this .mobileprovision file is newer than any other .mobileprovision file on the Mac (this file gets multiple games named the same file,
            // so the time stamp checking can fail when moving between games, a la the buildmachines!)
            File.SetLastWriteTime(FinalMobileProvisionFilename, DateTime.UtcNow);
            string ProjectFile = Config.RootRelativePath + @"Engine\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\UE4.xcodeproj\project.pbxproj";

            if (Program.GameName != "UE4Game")
                ProjectFile = Path.GetDirectoryName(Config.IntermediateDirectory) + @"\ProjectFiles\" + Program.GameName + @".xcodeproj\project.pbxproj";
            FileOperations.CopyRequiredFile(ProjectFile, Path.Combine(Config.PCXcodeStagingDir, @"project.pbxproj.datecheck"));

            // copy the signing certificate over
            // export the signing certificate to a file
            MobileProvision Provision   = MobileProvisionParser.ParseFile(ProvisionWithPrefix);
            var             Certificate = CodeSignatureBuilder.FindCertificate(Provision);

            byte[] Data = Certificate.Export(System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType.Pkcs12, "A");
            File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(Config.PCXcodeStagingDir, MacSigningIdentityFilename), Data);
            Config.CodeSigningIdentity  = Certificate.FriendlyName; // since the pipeline will use a temporary keychain that will contain only this certificate, this should be the only identity that will work
            CurrentBaseXCodeCommandLine = GetBaseXcodeCommandline();

            // get the UUID
            string AllText = File.ReadAllText(FinalMobileProvisionFilename);
            string UUID    = "";
            int    idx     = AllText.IndexOf("<key>UUID</key>");

            if (idx > 0)
                idx = AllText.IndexOf("<string>", idx);
                if (idx > 0)
                    idx += "<string>".Length;
                    UUID = AllText.Substring(idx, AllText.IndexOf("</string>", idx) - idx);
            CurrentBaseXCodeCommandLine += String.Format(" PROVISIONING_PROFILE=" + UUID);

            // needs Mac line endings so it can be executed
            string SrcPath  = @"..\..\..\Build\" + Config.OSString + @"\XcodeSupportFiles\prepackage.sh";
            string DestPath = Path.Combine(Config.PCXcodeStagingDir, @"prepackage.sh");

            Program.Log(" ... '" + SrcPath + "' -> '" + DestPath + "'");
            string SHContents = File.ReadAllText(SrcPath);

            SHContents = SHContents.Replace("\r\n", "\n");
            File.WriteAllText(DestPath, SHContents);

        public static string FindCompatibleProvision(string CFBundleIdentifier, out bool bNameMatch, bool bCheckCert = true, bool bCheckIdentifier = true, bool bCheckDistro = true)
            bNameMatch = false;

            // remap the gamename if necessary
            string GameName = Program.GameName;

            if (GameName == "UE4Game")
                if (Config.ProjectFile.Length > 0)
                    GameName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Config.ProjectFile);

            // ensure the provision directory exists
            if (!Directory.Exists(Config.ProvisionDirectory))

            if (Config.bProvision)
                if (File.Exists(Config.ProvisionDirectory + "/" + Config.Provision))
                    return(Config.ProvisionDirectory + "/" + Config.Provision);

            #region remove after we provide an install mechanism

            // cache the provision library
            Dictionary <string, MobileProvision> ProvisionLibrary = new Dictionary <string, MobileProvision>();
            foreach (string Provision in Directory.EnumerateFiles(Config.ProvisionDirectory, "*.mobileprovision"))
                MobileProvision p = MobileProvisionParser.ParseFile(Provision);
                ProvisionLibrary.Add(Provision, p);
                if (p.FileName.Contains(p.UUID) && !File.Exists(Path.Combine(Config.ProvisionDirectory, "UE4_" + p.UUID + ".mobileprovision")))
                    File.Copy(Provision, Path.Combine(Config.ProvisionDirectory, "UE4_" + p.UUID + ".mobileprovision"));
                    p = MobileProvisionParser.ParseFile(Path.Combine(Config.ProvisionDirectory, "UE4_" + p.UUID + ".mobileprovision"));
                    ProvisionLibrary.Add(Path.Combine(Config.ProvisionDirectory, "UE4_" + p.UUID + ".mobileprovision"), p);

            Program.Log("Searching for mobile provisions that match the game '{0}' (distribution: {3}) with CFBundleIdentifier='{1}' in '{2}'", GameName, CFBundleIdentifier, Config.ProvisionDirectory, Config.bForDistribution);

            // check the cache for a provision matching the app id (com.company.Game)
            // First checking for a contains match and then for a wildcard match
            for (int Phase = -1; Phase < 3; ++Phase)
                if (Phase == -1 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.ProvisionUUID))
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, MobileProvision> Pair in ProvisionLibrary)
                    string          DebugName     = Path.GetFileName(Pair.Key);
                    MobileProvision TestProvision = Pair.Value;

                    // make sure the file is not managed by Xcode
                    if (Path.GetFileName(TestProvision.FileName).ToLower().Equals(TestProvision.UUID.ToLower() + ".mobileprovision"))

                    Program.LogVerbose("  Phase {0} considering provision '{1}' named '{2}'", Phase, DebugName, TestProvision.ProvisionName);

                    if (TestProvision.ProvisionName == "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: " + CFBundleIdentifier)
                        Program.LogVerbose("  Failing as provisioning is automatic");

                    // check to see if the platform is the same as what we are looking for
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TestProvision.Platform) && TestProvision.Platform != Config.OSString && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.OSString))
                        //Program.LogVerbose("  Failing platform {0} Config: {1}", TestProvision.Platform, Config.OSString);

                    // Validate the name
                    bool bPassesNameCheck = false;
                    if (Phase == -1)
                        bPassesNameCheck = TestProvision.UUID == Config.ProvisionUUID;
                        bNameMatch       = bPassesNameCheck;
                    else if (Phase == 0)
                        bPassesNameCheck = TestProvision.ApplicationIdentifier.Substring(TestProvision.ApplicationIdentifierPrefix.Length + 1) == CFBundleIdentifier;
                        bNameMatch       = bPassesNameCheck;
                    else if (Phase == 1)
                        if (TestProvision.ApplicationIdentifier.Contains("*"))
                            string CompanyName = TestProvision.ApplicationIdentifier.Substring(TestProvision.ApplicationIdentifierPrefix.Length + 1);
                            if (CompanyName != "*")
                                CompanyName      = CompanyName.Substring(0, CompanyName.LastIndexOf("."));
                                bPassesNameCheck = CFBundleIdentifier.StartsWith(CompanyName);
                        if (TestProvision.ApplicationIdentifier.Contains("*"))
                            string CompanyName = TestProvision.ApplicationIdentifier.Substring(TestProvision.ApplicationIdentifierPrefix.Length + 1);
                            bPassesNameCheck = CompanyName == "*";
                    if (!bPassesNameCheck && bCheckIdentifier)
                        Program.LogVerbose("  .. Failed phase {0} name check (provision app ID was {1})", Phase, TestProvision.ApplicationIdentifier);

                    if (Config.bForDistribution)
                        // Check to see if this is a distribution provision. get-task-allow must be false for distro profiles.
                        // TestProvision.ProvisionedDeviceIDs.Count==0 is not a valid check as ad-hoc distro profiles do list devices.
                        bool bDistroProv = !TestProvision.bDebug;
                        if (!bDistroProv)
                            Program.LogVerbose("  .. Failed distribution check (mode={0}, get-task-allow={1}, #devices={2})", Config.bForDistribution, TestProvision.bDebug, TestProvision.ProvisionedDeviceIDs.Count);
                        if (bCheckDistro)
                            bool bPassesDebugCheck = TestProvision.bDebug;
                            if (!bPassesDebugCheck)
                                Program.LogVerbose("  .. Failed debugging check (mode={0}, get-task-allow={1}, #devices={2})", Config.bForDistribution, TestProvision.bDebug, TestProvision.ProvisionedDeviceIDs.Count);
                            if (!TestProvision.bDebug)
                                Config.bForceStripSymbols = true;

                    // Check to see if the provision is in date
                    DateTime CurrentUTCTime   = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    bool     bPassesDateCheck = (CurrentUTCTime >= TestProvision.CreationDate) && (CurrentUTCTime < TestProvision.ExpirationDate);
                    if (!bPassesDateCheck)
                        Program.LogVerbose("  .. Failed time period check (valid from {0} to {1}, but UTC time is now {2})", TestProvision.CreationDate, TestProvision.ExpirationDate, CurrentUTCTime);

                    // check to see if we have a certificate for this provision
                    bool bPassesHasMatchingCertCheck = false;
                    if (bCheckCert)
                        X509Certificate2 Cert = CodeSignatureBuilder.FindCertificate(TestProvision);
                        bPassesHasMatchingCertCheck = (Cert != null);
                        if (bPassesHasMatchingCertCheck && Config.bCert)
                            bPassesHasMatchingCertCheck &= (CryptoAdapter.GetFriendlyNameFromCert(Cert) == Config.Certificate);
                        bPassesHasMatchingCertCheck = true;

                    if (!bPassesHasMatchingCertCheck)
                        Program.LogVerbose("  .. Failed to find a matching certificate that was in date");

                    // Made it past all the tests
                    Program.LogVerbose("  Picked '{0}' with AppID '{1}' and Name '{2}' as a matching provision for the game '{3}'", DebugName, TestProvision.ApplicationIdentifier, TestProvision.ProvisionName, GameName);

            // check to see if there is already an embedded provision
            string EmbeddedMobileProvisionFilename = Path.Combine(Config.RepackageStagingDirectory, "embedded.mobileprovision");

            Program.Warning("Failed to find a valid matching mobile provision, will attempt to use the embedded mobile provision instead if present");
        public static string FindCompatibleProvision(string CFBundleIdentifier, out bool bNameMatch, bool bCheckCert = true, bool bCheckIdentifier = true)
            bNameMatch = false;

            // remap the gamename if necessary
            string GameName = Program.GameName;

            if (GameName == "UE4Game")
                if (Config.ProjectFile.Length > 0)
                    GameName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Config.ProjectFile);

            // ensure the provision directory exists
            if (!Directory.Exists(Config.ProvisionDirectory))

            if (Config.bProvision)
                if (File.Exists(Config.ProvisionDirectory + "/" + Config.Provision))
                    return(Config.ProvisionDirectory + "/" + Config.Provision);

            #region remove after we provide an install mechanism
            // copy all of the provisions from the game directory to the library
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.ProjectFile))
                var ProjectFileBuildIOSPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Config.ProjectFile) + "/Build/IOS/";
                if (Directory.Exists(ProjectFileBuildIOSPath))
                    foreach (string Provision in Directory.EnumerateFiles(ProjectFileBuildIOSPath, "*.mobileprovision", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                        if (!File.Exists(Config.ProvisionDirectory + Path.GetFileName(Provision)) || File.GetLastWriteTime(Config.ProvisionDirectory + Path.GetFileName(Provision)) < File.GetLastWriteTime(Provision))
                            FileInfo DestFileInfo;
                            if (File.Exists(Config.ProvisionDirectory + Path.GetFileName(Provision)))
                                DestFileInfo            = new FileInfo(Config.ProvisionDirectory + Path.GetFileName(Provision));
                                DestFileInfo.Attributes = DestFileInfo.Attributes & ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly;
                            File.Copy(Provision, Config.ProvisionDirectory + Path.GetFileName(Provision), true);
                            DestFileInfo            = new FileInfo(Config.ProvisionDirectory + Path.GetFileName(Provision));
                            DestFileInfo.Attributes = DestFileInfo.Attributes & ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly;

            // copy all of the provisions from the engine directory to the library
                if (Directory.Exists(Config.EngineBuildDirectory))
                    foreach (string Provision in Directory.EnumerateFiles(Config.EngineBuildDirectory, "*.mobileprovision", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                        if (!File.Exists(Config.ProvisionDirectory + Path.GetFileName(Provision)) || File.GetLastWriteTime(Config.ProvisionDirectory + Path.GetFileName(Provision)) < File.GetLastWriteTime(Provision))
                            FileInfo DestFileInfo;
                            if (File.Exists(Config.ProvisionDirectory + Path.GetFileName(Provision)))
                                DestFileInfo            = new FileInfo(Config.ProvisionDirectory + Path.GetFileName(Provision));
                                DestFileInfo.Attributes = DestFileInfo.Attributes & ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly;
                            File.Copy(Provision, Config.ProvisionDirectory + Path.GetFileName(Provision), true);
                            DestFileInfo            = new FileInfo(Config.ProvisionDirectory + Path.GetFileName(Provision));
                            DestFileInfo.Attributes = DestFileInfo.Attributes & ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly;

            // cache the provision library
            Dictionary <string, MobileProvision> ProvisionLibrary = new Dictionary <string, MobileProvision>();
            foreach (string Provision in Directory.EnumerateFiles(Config.ProvisionDirectory, "*.mobileprovision"))
                MobileProvision p = MobileProvisionParser.ParseFile(Provision);
                ProvisionLibrary.Add(Provision, p);

            Program.Log("Searching for mobile provisions that match the game '{0}' with CFBundleIdentifier='{1}' in '{2}'", GameName, CFBundleIdentifier, Config.ProvisionDirectory);

            // check the cache for a provision matching the app id (com.company.Game)
            // First checking for a contains match and then for a wildcard match
            for (int Phase = 0; Phase < 3; ++Phase)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, MobileProvision> Pair in ProvisionLibrary)
                    string          DebugName     = Path.GetFileName(Pair.Key);
                    MobileProvision TestProvision = Pair.Value;

                    Program.LogVerbose("  Phase {0} considering provision '{1}' named '{2}'", Phase, DebugName, TestProvision.ProvisionName);

                    // Validate the name
                    bool bPassesNameCheck = false;
                    if (Phase == 0)
                        bPassesNameCheck = TestProvision.ApplicationIdentifier.Substring(TestProvision.ApplicationIdentifierPrefix.Length + 1) == CFBundleIdentifier;
                        bNameMatch       = bPassesNameCheck;
                    else if (Phase == 1)
                        if (TestProvision.ApplicationIdentifier.Contains("*"))
                            string CompanyName = TestProvision.ApplicationIdentifier.Substring(TestProvision.ApplicationIdentifierPrefix.Length + 1);
                            if (CompanyName != "*")
                                CompanyName      = CompanyName.Substring(0, CompanyName.LastIndexOf("."));
                                bPassesNameCheck = CFBundleIdentifier.StartsWith(CompanyName);
                        if (TestProvision.ApplicationIdentifier.Contains("*"))
                            string CompanyName = TestProvision.ApplicationIdentifier.Substring(TestProvision.ApplicationIdentifierPrefix.Length + 1);
                            bPassesNameCheck = CompanyName == "*";
                    if (!bPassesNameCheck && bCheckIdentifier)
                        Program.LogVerbose("  .. Failed phase {0} name check (provision app ID was {1})", Phase, TestProvision.ApplicationIdentifier);

                    if (Config.bForDistribution)
                        // check to see if this is a distribution provision
                        bool bDistroProv = (TestProvision.ProvisionedDeviceIDs.Count == 0) && !TestProvision.bDebug;
                        if (!bDistroProv)
                            Program.LogVerbose("  .. Failed distribution check (mode={0}, get-task-allow={1}, #devices={2})", Config.bForDistribution, TestProvision.bDebug, TestProvision.ProvisionedDeviceIDs.Count);
                        // check to see if we pass the debug check for non-distribution
                        bool bPassesDebugCheck = TestProvision.bDebug;
                        if (!bPassesDebugCheck)
                            Program.LogVerbose("  .. Failed debugging check (mode={0}, get-task-allow={1}, #devices={2})", Config.bForDistribution, TestProvision.bDebug, TestProvision.ProvisionedDeviceIDs.Count);

                    // Check to see if the provision is in date
                    DateTime CurrentUTCTime   = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    bool     bPassesDateCheck = (CurrentUTCTime >= TestProvision.CreationDate) && (CurrentUTCTime < TestProvision.ExpirationDate);
                    if (!bPassesDateCheck)
                        Program.LogVerbose("  .. Failed time period check (valid from {0} to {1}, but UTC time is now {2})", TestProvision.CreationDate, TestProvision.ExpirationDate, CurrentUTCTime);

                    // check to see if we have a certificate for this provision
                    bool bPassesHasMatchingCertCheck = false;
                    if (bCheckCert)
                        X509Certificate2 Cert = CodeSignatureBuilder.FindCertificate(TestProvision);
                        bPassesHasMatchingCertCheck = (Cert != null);
                        if (bPassesHasMatchingCertCheck && Config.bCert)
                            bPassesHasMatchingCertCheck &= (Cert.FriendlyName == Config.Certificate);
                        bPassesHasMatchingCertCheck = true;

                    if (!bPassesHasMatchingCertCheck)
                        Program.LogVerbose("  .. Failed to find a matching certificate that was in date");

                    // Made it past all the tests
                    Program.LogVerbose("  Picked '{0}' with AppID '{1}' and Name '{2}' as a matching provision for the game '{3}'", DebugName, TestProvision.ApplicationIdentifier, TestProvision.ProvisionName, GameName);

            // check to see if there is already an embedded provision
            string EmbeddedMobileProvisionFilename = Path.Combine(Config.RepackageStagingDirectory, "embedded.mobileprovision");

            Program.Warning("Failed to find a valid matching mobile provision, will attempt to use the embedded mobile provision instead if present");
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes sure the required files for code signing exist and can be found
        /// </summary>
        public static bool FindRequiredFiles(out MobileProvision Provision, out X509Certificate2 Cert, out bool bHasOverridesFile, out bool bNameMatch, bool bNameCheck = true)
            Provision         = null;
            Cert              = null;
            bHasOverridesFile = File.Exists(Config.GetPlistOverrideFilename());
            bNameMatch        = false;

            string CFBundleIdentifier = Config.OverrideBundleName;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CFBundleIdentifier))
                // Load Info.plist, which guides nearly everything else
                string plistFile = Config.EngineBuildDirectory + "/UE4Game-Info.plist";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.ProjectFile))
                    plistFile = Path.GetDirectoryName(Config.ProjectFile) + "/Intermediate/IOS/" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Config.ProjectFile) + "-Info.plist";

                    if (!File.Exists(plistFile))
                        plistFile = Config.IntermediateDirectory + "/UE4Game-Info.plist";
                        if (!File.Exists(plistFile))
                            plistFile = Config.EngineBuildDirectory + "/UE4Game-Info.plist";
                Utilities.PListHelper Info = null;
                    string RawInfoPList = File.ReadAllText(plistFile, Encoding.UTF8);
                    Info = new Utilities.PListHelper(RawInfoPList);;
                catch (Exception ex)

                if (Info == null)

                // Get the name of the bundle
                Info.GetString("CFBundleIdentifier", out CFBundleIdentifier);
                if (CFBundleIdentifier == null)
                    CFBundleIdentifier = CFBundleIdentifier.Replace("${BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER}", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Config.ProjectFile));

            // Check for a mobile provision
                string MobileProvisionFilename = MobileProvision.FindCompatibleProvision(CFBundleIdentifier, out bNameMatch);
                Provision = MobileProvisionParser.ParseFile(MobileProvisionFilename);
            catch (Exception)

            // if we have a null provision see if we can find a compatible provision without checking for a certificate
            if (Provision == null)
                    string MobileProvisionFilename = MobileProvision.FindCompatibleProvision(CFBundleIdentifier, out bNameMatch, false);
                    Provision = MobileProvisionParser.ParseFile(MobileProvisionFilename);
                catch (Exception)

                // if we have a null provision see if we can find a valid provision without checking for name match
                if (Provision == null && !bNameCheck)
                        string MobileProvisionFilename = MobileProvision.FindCompatibleProvision(CFBundleIdentifier, out bNameMatch, false, false);
                        Provision = MobileProvisionParser.ParseFile(MobileProvisionFilename);
                    catch (Exception)

            // Check for a suitable signature to match the mobile provision
            if (Provision != null)
                Cert = CodeSignatureBuilder.FindCertificate(Provision);

        /// <summary>
        /// Finds all valid installed provisions
        /// </summary>
        public static void FindProvisions(string CFBundleIdentifier)
            // cache the provision library
            string SelectedProvision = "";
            string SelectedCert      = "";
            string SelectedFile      = "";
            int    FoundName         = -1;
            Dictionary <string, MobileProvision> ProvisionLibrary = new Dictionary <string, MobileProvision>();

            foreach (string Provision in Directory.EnumerateFiles(Config.ProvisionDirectory, "*.mobileprovision"))
                MobileProvision p = MobileProvisionParser.ParseFile(Provision);

                DateTime EffectiveDate  = p.CreationDate;
                DateTime ExpirationDate = p.ExpirationDate;
                DateTime Now            = DateTime.UtcNow;

                bool             bCertTimeIsValid = (EffectiveDate < Now) && (ExpirationDate > Now);
                bool             bValid           = false;
                X509Certificate2 Cert             = FindCertificate(p);
                if (Cert != null)
                    bValid = (Cert.NotBefore < Now) && (Cert.NotAfter > Now);
                bool bPassesNameCheck     = p.ApplicationIdentifier.Substring(p.ApplicationIdentifierPrefix.Length + 1) == CFBundleIdentifier;
                bool bPassesCompanyCheck  = false;
                bool bPassesWildCardCheck = false;
                if (p.ApplicationIdentifier.Contains("*"))
                    string CompanyName = p.ApplicationIdentifier.Substring(p.ApplicationIdentifierPrefix.Length + 1);
                    if (CompanyName != "*")
                        CompanyName         = CompanyName.Substring(0, CompanyName.LastIndexOf("."));
                        bPassesCompanyCheck = CFBundleIdentifier.StartsWith(CompanyName);
                        bPassesWildCardCheck = true;
                bool   bDistribution = ((p.ProvisionedDeviceIDs.Count == 0) && !p.bDebug);
                string Validity      = "VALID";
                if (!bCertTimeIsValid)
                    Validity = "EXPIRED";
                else if (!bValid)
                    Validity = "NO_CERT";
                else if (!bPassesNameCheck && !bPassesWildCardCheck && !bPassesCompanyCheck)
                    Validity = "NO_MATCH";
                if ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SelectedProvision) || FoundName < 2) && Validity == "VALID" && !bDistribution)
                    int Prev = FoundName;
                    if (bPassesNameCheck)
                        FoundName = 2;
                    else if (bPassesCompanyCheck && FoundName < 1)
                        FoundName = 1;
                    else if (bPassesWildCardCheck && FoundName == -1)
                        FoundName = 0;
                    if (FoundName != Prev)
                        SelectedProvision = p.ProvisionName;
                        SelectedFile      = Path.GetFileName(Provision);
                        SelectedCert      = Cert.FriendlyName;
                Program.LogVerbose("PROVISION-File:{0},Name:{1},Validity:{2},StartDate:{3},EndDate:{4},Type:{5}", Path.GetFileName(Provision), p.ProvisionName, Validity, EffectiveDate.ToString(), ExpirationDate.ToString(), bDistribution ? "DISTRIBUTION" : "DEVELOPMENT");

            Program.LogVerbose("MATCHED-Provision:{0},File:{1},Cert:{2}", SelectedProvision, SelectedFile, SelectedCert);
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds all valid installed provisions
        /// </summary>
        public static void FindProvisions(string CFBundleIdentifier)
            if (!Directory.Exists(Config.ProvisionDirectory))
                Program.Error("Could not find provision directory '{0}'.", Config.ProvisionDirectory);
                Program.ReturnCode = (int)ErrorCodes.Error_ProvisionNotFound;
            // cache the provision library
            string SelectedProvision = "";
            string SelectedCert      = "";
            string SelectedFile      = "";
            int    FoundName         = -1;

            Dictionary <string, MobileProvision> ProvisionLibrary = new Dictionary <string, MobileProvision>();

            foreach (string ProvisionFile in Directory.EnumerateFiles(Config.ProvisionDirectory, "*.mobileprovision"))
                MobileProvision Provision = MobileProvisionParser.ParseFile(ProvisionFile);
                ProvisionLibrary.Add(ProvisionFile, Provision);

            // first sort all profiles so we look at newer ones first.
            IEnumerable <string> ProfileKeys = ProvisionLibrary.Select(KV => KV.Key)
                                               .OrderByDescending(K => ProvisionLibrary[K].CreationDate)

            // note - all of this is a near duplicate of code in MobileProvisionUtilities, which other functions
            // in this class call to do similar work!
            // @todo - unify all of this.

            foreach (string ProvisionFile in ProfileKeys)
                MobileProvision p = ProvisionLibrary[ProvisionFile];

                DateTime EffectiveDate  = p.CreationDate;
                DateTime ExpirationDate = p.ExpirationDate;
                DateTime Now            = DateTime.UtcNow;

                bool             bCertTimeIsValid = (EffectiveDate < Now) && (ExpirationDate > Now);
                bool             bValid           = false;
                X509Certificate2 Cert             = FindCertificate(p);
                if (Cert != null)
                    bValid = (Cert.NotBefore.ToUniversalTime() < Now) && (Cert.NotAfter.ToUniversalTime() > Now);
                bool bPassesNameCheck     = p.ApplicationIdentifier.Substring(p.ApplicationIdentifierPrefix.Length + 1) == CFBundleIdentifier;
                bool bPassesCompanyCheck  = false;
                bool bPassesWildCardCheck = false;
                if (p.ApplicationIdentifier.Contains("*"))
                    string CompanyName = p.ApplicationIdentifier.Substring(p.ApplicationIdentifierPrefix.Length + 1);
                    if (CompanyName != "*")
                        CompanyName         = CompanyName.Substring(0, CompanyName.LastIndexOf("."));
                        bPassesCompanyCheck = CFBundleIdentifier.StartsWith(CompanyName);
                        bPassesWildCardCheck = true;
                bool bIsManaged = false;
                if (p.ProvisionName == "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: " + CFBundleIdentifier)
                    bIsManaged = true;
                bool   bDistribution = ((p.ProvisionedDeviceIDs.Count == 0) && !p.bDebug);
                string Validity      = "VALID";
                if (!bCertTimeIsValid)
                    Validity = "EXPIRED";
                else if (!bValid)
                    Validity = "NO_CERT";
                else if (!bPassesNameCheck && !bPassesWildCardCheck && !bPassesCompanyCheck)
                    Validity = "NO_MATCH";
                if (bIsManaged)
                    Validity = "MANAGED";
                if ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SelectedProvision) || FoundName < 2) && Validity == "VALID" && !bDistribution)
                    int Prev = FoundName;
                    if (bPassesNameCheck)
                        FoundName = 2;
                    else if (bPassesCompanyCheck && FoundName < 1)
                        FoundName = 1;
                    else if (bPassesWildCardCheck && FoundName == -1)
                        FoundName = 0;
                    if (FoundName != Prev)
                        SelectedProvision = p.ProvisionName;
                        SelectedFile      = Path.GetFileName(ProvisionFile);
                        SelectedCert      = CryptoAdapter.GetFriendlyNameFromCert(Cert);
                Program.LogVerbose("PROVISION-File:{0},Name:{1},Validity:{2},StartDate:{3},EndDate:{4},Type:{5}", Path.GetFileName(ProvisionFile), p.ProvisionName, Validity, EffectiveDate.ToString(), ExpirationDate.ToString(), bDistribution ? "DISTRIBUTION" : "DEVELOPMENT");

            Program.LogVerbose("MATCHED-Provision:{0},File:{1},Cert:{2}", SelectedProvision, SelectedFile, SelectedCert);