        public static DemoSource LoadSource(string filePathName)
            var source = new DemoSource();

            // Check the file name suffix to determine what type of shader this is
            if(Path.GetExtension(filePathName) == ".fsh")
                source.ShaderType = All.FragmentShader;
            else if(Path.GetExtension(filePathName) == ".vsh")
                source.ShaderType = All.VertexShader;
                // Unknown
                source.ShaderType = (All)0;

            var fileContent = File.ReadAllText(filePathName);
            source.String = fileContent;

            return source;
		int BuildProgramWithVertexSource(DemoSource vertexSource, DemoSource fragmentSource, bool hasNormal, bool hasTexcoord)
			int prgName = 0;
			int logLength = 0, status = 0;
			// String to pass to Gl.ShaderSource
			var sourceString = string.Empty;
			// Determine if GLSL version 140 is supported by this context.
			// We'll use this info to generate a GLSL shader source string
			// with the proper version preprocessor string prepended
			float glLanguageVersion;
			var glVerString = GL.GetString( StringName.ShadingLanguageVersion);
			glLanguageVersion = Convert.ToSingle(glVerString.Replace("OpenGL ES GLSL ES", string.Empty));
			//  All.ShadingLanguageVersion returns the version standard version form
			//  with decimals, but the GLSL version preprocessor directive simply
			//  uses integers (thus 1.10 should 110 and 1.40 should be 140, etc.)
			//  We multiply the floating point number by 100 to get a proper
			//  number for the GLSL preprocessor directive
			int version = Convert.ToInt32(100 * glLanguageVersion);
			prgName = GL.CreateProgram();
			// Indicate the attribute indicies on which vertex arrays will be
			// set with GL.VertexAttribPointer
			// See BuildVAO to see where vertex array are actually set
			GL.BindAttribLocation(prgName, POS_ATTRIB_IDX, "inPosition");
				GL.BindAttribLocation(prgName, NORMAL_ATTRIB_IDX, "inNormal");
				GL.BindAttribLocation(prgName, TEXCOORD_ATTRIB_IDX, "inTexcoord");
			// Specify and compile VertexShader //
			// Prepend our vertex shader source string with the supported GLSL version so
			// the shader will work on ES, Legacy, and OpenGL 3.2 Core Profile contexts
			sourceString = string.Format("#version {0}\n{1}", version, vertexSource.String);
			int vertexShader;
			if(!CompileShader(out vertexShader, ShaderType.VertexShader, sourceString))
				Console.WriteLine("Could not Compile Vertex Shader");
				return 0;
			GL.AttachShader(prgName, vertexShader);
			// Specify and compile Fragment Shader //
			sourceString = string.Format("#version {0}\n{1}", version, fragmentSource.String);
			int fragShader;
			if(!CompileShader(out fragShader, ShaderType.FragmentShader, sourceString))
				Console.WriteLine("Could not Compile Fragment Shader");
				return 0;
			// Attach the fragment shader to our program
			GL.AttachShader(prgName, fragShader);
			// Link the program //
			GL.GetProgram(prgName,  ProgramParameter.InfoLogLength, out logLength);
			if(logLength > 0)
				var log = new StringBuilder(logLength);
				GL.GetProgramInfoLog(prgName, logLength, out logLength, log);
				Console.WriteLine("Program link log: " + log.ToString());
			GL.GetProgram(prgName, ProgramParameter.LinkStatus, out status);
			if(status == 0)
				Console.WriteLine("Failed to link program");
				return 0;
			GL.GetProgram(prgName, ProgramParameter.InfoLogLength, out logLength);
			if(logLength > 0)
				var log = new StringBuilder(logLength);
				GL.GetProgramInfoLog(prgName, logLength, out logLength, log);
				Console.WriteLine("Program validate log: " + log.ToString());
			GL.GetProgram(prgName, ProgramParameter.ValidateStatus, out status);
			if(status == 0)
				Console.WriteLine("Failed to validate program");
				return 0;
			// Setup common program input points //
			int sampleLoc = GL.GetUniformLocation(prgName, "diffuseTexture");
			// Indicate that the diffuse texture will be bound to texture uint 0
			var uint0 = 0;
			GL.Uniform1 (sampleLoc, uint0);
			return prgName;