public static ExperimentInformation[] GetExperimentInformation(int[] experimentIDs) { List<ExperimentInformation> list = new List<ExperimentInformation>(); try { long[] expIDs = new long[experimentIDs.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < experimentIDs.Length; i++) { expIDs[i] = (long)experimentIDs[i]; } ExperimentAdminInfo[] expSummaries = InternalDataDB.SelectExperimentAdminInfos(expIDs); if (expSummaries != null) foreach (ExperimentAdminInfo expSum in expSummaries) { ExperimentInformation info = new ExperimentInformation(); info.experimentID = expSum.experimentID; info.userID = expSum.userID; info.effectiveGroupID = expSum.groupID; info.labServerID = expSum.agentID; info.statusCode = expSum.status & StorageStatus.BATCH_MASK; info.submissionTime = expSum.creationTime; info.completionTime = expSum.closeTime; DateTime endTime = expSum.startTime.AddSeconds(expSum.duration); info.expirationTime = endTime; double hours = new TimeSpan(endTime.Ticks - DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks).TotalHours; info.minTimeToLive = hours > 0 ? hours : 0; info.annotation = expSum.annotation; //Get the Experiment records from the ESS if one is used if (expSum.essID > 0) { // This operation should happen within the Wrapper BrokerDB brokerDB = new BrokerDB(); ProcessAgentInfo ess = brokerDB.GetProcessAgentInfo(expSum.essID); Coupon opCoupon = brokerDB.GetEssOpCoupon( expSum.experimentID, TicketTypes.RETRIEVE_RECORDS, 60, ess.agentGuid); ExperimentStorageProxy essProxy = new ExperimentStorageProxy(); OperationAuthHeader header = new OperationAuthHeader(); = opCoupon; essProxy.Url = ess.webServiceUrl; essProxy.OperationAuthHeaderValue = header; Criterion errors = new Criterion("record_type", "like", "*Message"); Criterion extensions = new Criterion("record_type", "like", "*Extension"); Criterion [] criteria = new Criterion[] {errors,extensions }; ExperimentRecord[] records = brokerDB.RetrieveExperimentRecords(expSum.experimentID, criteria); if (records != null) { List<String> valWarnings = new List<String>(); List<String> execWarnings = new List<String>(); foreach (ExperimentRecord rec in records) { if (rec.type.CompareTo(BatchRecordType.EXECUTION_ERROR) == 0) { info.executionErrorMessage = rec.contents; } else if (rec.type.CompareTo(BatchRecordType.VALIDATION_ERROR) == 0) { info.validationErrorMessage = rec.contents; } else if (rec.type.CompareTo(BatchRecordType.BLOB_EXTENSION) == 0) { info.xmlBlobExtension = rec.contents; } else if (rec.type.CompareTo(BatchRecordType.RESULT_EXTENSION) == 0) { info.xmlResultExtension = rec.contents; } else if (rec.type.CompareTo(BatchRecordType.EXECUTION_WARNING) == 0) { execWarnings.Add(rec.contents); } else if (rec.type.CompareTo(BatchRecordType.VALIDATION_WARNING) == 0) { valWarnings.Add(rec.contents); } } if (execWarnings.Count > 0) { info.executionWarningMessages = execWarnings.ToArray(); } if (valWarnings.Count > 0) { info.validationWarningMessages = valWarnings.ToArray(); } } } list.Add(info); } } catch { throw; } if (list.Count > 0) { return list.ToArray(); } else return null; }
public ExperimentRecord[] RetrieveExperimentRecords(long experimentID, Criterion[] carray) { ExperimentRecord[] records = null; BrokerDB brokerDB = new BrokerDB(); int roles = 0; int userID = 0; int groupID = 0; //long[] expIDs = null; Ticket expTicket = brokerDB.RetrieveTicket(, TicketTypes.REDEEM_SESSION); if (expTicket != null && !expTicket.IsExpired()) { //Parse payload, only get what is needed XmlQueryDoc expDoc = new XmlQueryDoc(expTicket.payload); //long expID = -1; string userStr = expDoc.Query("RedeemSessionPayload/userID"); if ((userStr != null) && (userStr.Length > 0)) userID = Convert.ToInt32(userStr); string groupStr = expDoc.Query("RedeemSessionPayload/groupID"); if ((groupStr != null) && (groupStr.Length > 0)) groupID = Convert.ToInt32(groupStr); if (userID > 0) { AuthorizationWrapperClass wrapper = new AuthorizationWrapperClass(); roles = wrapper.GetExperimentAuthorizationWrapper(experimentID, userID, groupID); } if ((roles | ExperimentAccess.READ) == ExperimentAccess.READ) { records = brokerDB.RetrieveExperimentRecords(experimentID, carray); } else { throw new AccessDeniedException("You do not have the required permission to access the experiment"); } } return records; }