protected int registerUSS(int ussID, ref StringBuilder message) { int status = 1; ProcessAgentInfo uss = null; try { if (labClientID <= 0) { message.AppendLine("Please save the Lab Client information before attempting to associate it with a resource."); status = 0; } if (ddlAssociatedUSS.SelectedIndex == 0) { message.AppendLine("Please select a desired USS to be associated with the client."); status = 0; } if (status < 1) return status; if (ussID > 0) { uss = ticketing.GetProcessAgentInfo(ussID); if (uss != null) { if (uss.retired) { message.AppendLine("The specified USS is retired.<br/>"); return 0; } TicketLoadFactory factory = TicketLoadFactory.Instance(); //this should be in a loop int[] labServerIDs = AdministrativeAPI.GetLabServerIDsForClient(labClientID); if (labServerIDs != null && labServerIDs.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < labServerIDs.Length; i++) { if (labServerIDs[i] > 0) { ProcessAgentInfo labServer = ticketing.GetProcessAgentInfo(labServerIDs[i]); if (labServer.retired) { message.AppendLine("The lab server: " + labServer.agentName + " is retired!<br/>"); } int lssId = ticketing.FindProcessAgentIdForAgent(labServerIDs[i], ProcessAgentType.LAB_SCHEDULING_SERVER); if (lssId > 0) { ProcessAgentInfo lss = ticketing.GetProcessAgentInfo(lssId); if (lss != null) { if (lss.retired) { message.AppendLine("The LSS: " + lss.agentName + " is retired!<br/>"); return 0; } LabSchedulingProxy lssProxy = new LabSchedulingProxy(); lssProxy.Url = lss.webServiceUrl; lssProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue = new AgentAuthHeader(); = lss.identOut; lssProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.agentGuid = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid; // Is this in the domain or cross-domain //if (lss.domainGuid.Equals(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid)) // { lssProxy.AddExperimentInfo(labServer.agentGuid, labServer.agentName, labClient.clientGuid, labClient.clientName, labClient.version, labClient.contactEmail); //} // check for existing REVOKE_RESERVATION tickets bool needUssRevoke = true; bool needLssRevoke = true; Coupon ussRevokeCoupon = null; Coupon lssRevokeCoupon = null; Ticket ussRevoke = null; Ticket lssRevoke = null; Ticket[] ussRevokeTickets = ticketing.RetrieveIssuedTickets(-1L, TicketTypes.REVOKE_RESERVATION, uss.agentGuid, lss.agentGuid); if (ussRevokeTickets != null && ussRevokeTickets.Length > 0) { ussRevoke = ussRevokeTickets[0]; needUssRevoke = false; } Ticket[] lssRevokeTickets = ticketing.RetrieveIssuedTickets(-1L, TicketTypes.REVOKE_RESERVATION, lss.agentGuid, uss.agentGuid); if (lssRevokeTickets != null && lssRevokeTickets.Length > 0) { lssRevoke = lssRevokeTickets[0]; needLssRevoke = false; } if (ussRevoke == null && lssRevoke == null) { ussRevokeCoupon = ticketing.CreateCoupon(); lssRevokeCoupon = ussRevokeCoupon; } if (needUssRevoke) { string ussRevokePayload = factory.createRevokeReservationPayload("LSS"); if (ussRevokeCoupon == null) { ussRevokeCoupon = ticketing.CreateTicket(TicketTypes.REVOKE_RESERVATION, uss.agentGuid, lss.agentGuid, -1L, ussRevokePayload); } else { ticketing.AddTicket(ussRevokeCoupon, TicketTypes.REVOKE_RESERVATION, uss.agentGuid, lss.agentGuid, -1L, ussRevokePayload); } // Is this in the domain or cross-domain if (lss.domainGuid.Equals(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid)) { // this domain //Add USS on LSS int ussAdded = lssProxy.AddUSSInfo(uss.agentGuid, uss.agentName, uss.webServiceUrl, ussRevokeCoupon); status = 1; } else { // cross-domain // send consumerInfo to remote SB int remoteSbId = ticketing.GetProcessAgentID(lss.domainGuid); message.AppendLine(RegistrationSupport.RegisterClientUSS(remoteSbId, null, lss.agentId, null, labServer.agentId, ussRevokeCoupon, uss.agentId, null, labClient.clientID)); } } UserSchedulingProxy ussProxy = new UserSchedulingProxy(); ussProxy.Url = uss.webServiceUrl; ussProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue = new AgentAuthHeader(); = uss.identOut; ussProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.agentGuid = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid; if (needLssRevoke) { //ADD LSS on USS string ussPayload = factory.createAdministerUSSPayload(Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserTZ"])); string lssRevokePayload = factory.createRevokeReservationPayload("USS"); if (lssRevokeCoupon == null) { lssRevokeCoupon = ticketing.CreateTicket(TicketTypes.REVOKE_RESERVATION, lss.agentGuid, uss.agentGuid, -1L, lssRevokePayload); } else { ticketing.AddTicket(lssRevokeCoupon, TicketTypes.REVOKE_RESERVATION, lss.agentGuid, uss.agentGuid, -1L, lssRevokePayload); } int lssAdded = ussProxy.AddLSSInfo(lss.agentGuid, lss.agentName, lss.webServiceUrl, lssRevokeCoupon); } //Add Experiment Information on USS int expInfoAdded = ussProxy.AddExperimentInfo(labServer.agentGuid, labServer.agentName, labClient.clientGuid, labClient.clientName, labClient.version, labClient.contactEmail, lss.agentGuid); //Ceate resource Map ResourceMappingKey key = new ResourceMappingKey(ResourceMappingTypes.CLIENT, labClientID); List<ResourceMappingValue> valuesList = new List<ResourceMappingValue>(); valuesList.Add(new ResourceMappingValue(ResourceMappingTypes.RESOURCE_TYPE, ProcessAgentType.SCHEDULING_SERVER)); valuesList.Add(new ResourceMappingValue(ResourceMappingTypes.PROCESS_AGENT, ussID)); valuesList.Add(new ResourceMappingValue(ResourceMappingTypes.TICKET_TYPE, TicketTypes.GetTicketType(TicketTypes.SCHEDULE_SESSION))); // Add the mapping to the database & cache ResourceMapping newMapping = ticketing.AddResourceMapping(key, valuesList.ToArray()); // add mapping to qualifier list int qualifierType = Qualifier.resourceMappingQualifierTypeID; string name = ticketing.ResourceMappingToString(newMapping); int qualifierID = AuthorizationAPI.AddQualifier(newMapping.MappingID, qualifierType, name, Qualifier.ROOT); // Group Credentials MOVED TO THE MANAGE LAB GROUPS PAGE } else { message.AppendLine("The specified LSS was not found!<br/>"); return 0; } } else { message.AppendLine("You must assign a LSS to the lab server before you may assign a USS!<br/>"); return 0; } } } } else { message.AppendLine("You must assign a Lab Server before assigning a USS!<br/>"); return 0; } btnRegisterUSS.Visible = true; btnRegisterUSS.Text = "Dissociate"; ddlAssociatedUSS.Visible = false; txtAssociatedUSS.Visible = true; txtAssociatedUSS.Text = ddlAssociatedUSS.SelectedItem.Text; hdnUssID.Value = ussID.ToString(); message.AppendLine("User-side Scheduling Server \"" + ddlAssociatedUSS.SelectedItem.Text + "\" succesfully " + "associated with client \"" + ddlLabClient.SelectedItem.Text + "\"."); } } else { message.AppendLine("USS was not found!<br/>"); return 0; } } catch (Exception e) { message.AppendLine("Exception: " + e.Message); return -1; } return status; }
protected void btnRegisterUSS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblResponse.Visible = false; lblResponse.Text = ""; StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); try { if (ddlLabClient.SelectedIndex == 0) { lblResponse.Visible = true; lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatErrorMessage("Please save the Lab Client information before attempting to dissociate it from a resource"); return; } if (ddlAssociatedUSS.SelectedIndex == 0) { lblResponse.Visible = true; lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatErrorMessage("Please select a desired USS to be associated with the client."); return; } LabClient lc = new LabClient(); lc = labClients[ddlLabClient.SelectedIndex - 1]; Object keyObj = int.Parse(ddlLabClient.SelectedValue); string keyType = ResourceMappingTypes.CLIENT; ArrayList valuesList = new ArrayList(); Object valueObj = null; ResourceMappingValue value = new ResourceMappingValue(ResourceMappingTypes.RESOURCE_TYPE, ProcessAgentType.SCHEDULING_SERVER); valuesList.Add(value); int ussId = int.Parse(ddlAssociatedUSS.SelectedValue); if (ussId > 0) { value = new ResourceMappingValue(ResourceMappingTypes.PROCESS_AGENT, ussId); valuesList.Add(value); value = new ResourceMappingValue(ResourceMappingTypes.TICKET_TYPE, TicketTypes.GetTicketType(TicketTypes.SCHEDULE_SESSION)); valuesList.Add(value); ResourceMappingKey key = new ResourceMappingKey(keyType, keyObj); ResourceMappingValue[] values = (ResourceMappingValue[])valuesList.ToArray((new ResourceMappingValue()).GetType()); // Add the mapping to the database & cache ResourceMapping newMapping = ticketing.AddResourceMapping(key, values); // add mapping to qualifier list int qualifierType = Qualifier.resourceMappingQualifierTypeID; string name = ticketing.ResourceMappingToString(newMapping); int qualifierID = AuthorizationAPI.AddQualifier(newMapping.MappingID, qualifierType, name, Qualifier.ROOT); // Moved to ManageLabGroups //Give the Manager Group a Grant "MANAGE_USS_GROUP" on the created resource mapping //int agentID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlAdminGroup.SelectedValue); //string function = Function.manageUSSGroup; //int grantID = wrapper.AddGrantWrapper(agentID, function, qualifierID); Session["ClientUssMappingID"] = newMapping.MappingID; btnRegisterUSS.Visible = false; btnDissociateUSS.Visible = true; ddlAssociatedUSS.Enabled = false; message.AppendLine("User-side Scheduling Server \"" + ddlAssociatedUSS.SelectedItem.Text + "\" succesfully " + "associated with client \"" + ddlLabClient.SelectedItem.Text + "\"."); //wrapper.ModifyLabClientWrapper(lc.clientID, lc.clientName, lc.version, lc.clientShortDescription, // lc.clientLongDescription, lc.notes, lc.loaderScript, lc.clientType, // lc.labServerIDs, lc.contactEmail, lc.contactFirstName, lc.contactLastName, // lc.needsScheduling, lc.needsESS, lc.IsReentrant, lc.clientInfos); TicketLoadFactory factory = TicketLoadFactory.Instance(); ProcessAgentInfo uss = ticketing.GetProcessAgentInfo(ussId); if (uss.retired) { throw new Exception("The specified USS is retired"); } //this should be in a loop for(int i = 0;i<lc.labServerIDs.Length;i++){ if (lc.labServerIDs[i] > 0) { ProcessAgentInfo labServer = ticketing.GetProcessAgentInfo(lc.labServerIDs[i]); if (labServer.retired) { throw new Exception("The lab server is retired"); } int lssId = ticketing.FindProcessAgentIdForAgent(lc.labServerIDs[i], ProcessAgentType.LAB_SCHEDULING_SERVER); if (lssId > 0) { ProcessAgentInfo lss = ticketing.GetProcessAgentInfo(lssId); if (lss.retired) { throw new Exception("The LSS is retired"); } // The REVOKE_RESERVATION ticket string revokePayload = factory.createRevokeReservationPayload(); Coupon ussCoupon = ticketing.CreateTicket(TicketTypes.REVOKE_RESERVATION, uss.agentGuid, lss.agentGuid, -1L, revokePayload); // Is this in the domain or cross-domain if (lss.domainGuid.Equals(ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid)) { // this domain //Add USS on LSS //string lssPayload = factory.createAdministerLSSPayload(Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserTZ"])); //long duration = 60; //seconds for the LSS to redeem the ticket of this coupon and Add LSS Info //ticketing.AddTicket(lssCoupon, TicketTypes.ADMINISTER_LSS, lss.agentGuid, // ticketing.ServiceGuid(), duration, lssPayload); LabSchedulingProxy lssProxy = new LabSchedulingProxy(); lssProxy.Url = lss.webServiceUrl; lssProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue = new AgentAuthHeader(); = lss.identOut; lssProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.agentGuid = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid; int ussAdded = lssProxy.AddUSSInfo(uss.agentGuid, uss.agentName, uss.webServiceUrl, ussCoupon); lssProxy.AddExperimentInfo(labServer.agentGuid, labServer.agentName, lc.clientGuid, lc.clientName, lc.version, lc.contactEmail); } else { // cross-domain // send consumerInfo to remote SB int remoteSbId = ticketing.GetProcessAgentID(lss.domainGuid); message.AppendLine(RegistrationSupport.RegisterClientUSS(remoteSbId, null, lss.agentId, null, labServer.agentId, ussCoupon, uss.agentId, null, lc.clientID)); } //ADD LSS on USS string ussPayload = factory.createAdministerUSSPayload(Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserTZ"])); UserSchedulingProxy ussProxy = new UserSchedulingProxy(); ussProxy.Url = uss.webServiceUrl; ussProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue = new AgentAuthHeader(); = uss.identOut; ussProxy.AgentAuthHeaderValue.agentGuid = ProcessAgentDB.ServiceGuid; int lssAdded = ussProxy.AddLSSInfo(lss.agentGuid, lss.agentName, lss.webServiceUrl); //Add Experiment Information on USS int expInfoAdded = ussProxy.AddExperimentInfo(labServer.agentGuid, labServer.agentName, lc.clientGuid, lc.clientName, lc.version, lc.contactEmail, lss.agentGuid); // Group Credentials MOVED TO THE MANAGE LAB GROUPS PAGE } } } } } catch { throw; } lblResponse.Visible = true; lblResponse.Text = Utilities.FormatConfirmationMessage(message.ToString()); }