protected void Application_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string path = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["logPath"]; if (path != null && path.Length > 0) { Logger.LogPath = path; Logger.WriteLine(""); Logger.WriteLine("#############################################################################"); Logger.WriteLine(iLabGlobal.Release); Logger.WriteLine("Application_Start: starting"); } ProcessAgentDB.RefreshServiceAgent(); //Should load any active tasks and update any expired tasks LabDB dbService = new LabDB(); TaskProcessor.Instance.WaitTime = 60000; LabTask[] activeTasks = dbService.GetActiveTasks(); int count = 0; foreach (LabTask task in activeTasks) { if (task != null) { if ( != null && > 0) { Coupon expCoupon = dbService.GetCoupon(task.couponID, task.issuerGUID); DataSourceManager dsManager = new DataSourceManager(task); BeeAPI api = new BeeAPI(); FileWatcherDataSource fds = api.CreateBeeDataSource(expCoupon, task, "data", false); dsManager.AddDataSource(fds); fds.Start(); TaskProcessor.Instance.AddDataManager(task.taskID, dsManager); } TaskProcessor.Instance.Add(new BeeTask(task)); count++; } } taskThread = new TaskHandler(TaskProcessor.Instance); ticketRemover = new TicketRemover(); if (Logger.IsLogging) Logger.WriteLine("Added " + count + " active Tasks\r\n"); } catch (Exception err) { if (Logger.IsLogging) Logger.WriteLine(Utilities.DumpException(err)); } }
protected void Application_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e) { string path = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["logPath"]; if (path != null && path.Length > 0) { Logger.LogPath = path; Logger.WriteLine(""); Logger.WriteLine("#############################################################################"); Logger.WriteLine(iLabGlobal.Release); Logger.WriteLine("Application_Start: starting"); } ProcessAgentDB.RefreshServiceAgent(); //Should load any active tasks and update any expired tasks LabDB dbService = new LabDB(); LabTask[] activeTasks = dbService.GetActiveTasks(); if (activeTasks != null && activeTasks.Length > 0) { foreach (LabTask task in activeTasks) { if(task != null) TaskProcessor.Instance.Add(task); } } taskThread = new TaskHandler(TaskProcessor.Instance); ticketRemover = new TicketRemover(); }
protected void Application_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e) { string path = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["logPath"]; if (path != null && path.Length > 0) { Utilities.LogPath = path; Utilities.WriteLog(""); Utilities.WriteLog("#############################################################################"); Utilities.WriteLog(""); Utilities.WriteLog("Application_Start: starting"); } //Should load any active tasks and update any expired tasks LabDB dbService = new LabDB(); LabTask[] activeTasks = dbService.GetActiveTasks(); foreach (LabTask task in activeTasks) { TaskProcessor.Instance.Add(task); } taskThread = new TaskHandler(TaskProcessor.Instance); ticketRemover = new TicketRemover(); }