public TwitterAccount(Account account) : base() { if (account.Type.Equals(Account.TWITTERTYPE)) { // the local part this.CloneFrom(account); // the remote part BackgroundWorker bgWorker = new BackgroundWorker(); bgWorker.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(delegate(object wsender, DoWorkEventArgs args) { try { args.Result = null; Twitterizer.TwitterResponse <Twitterizer.TwitterUser> showUserResponse = Twitterizer.TwitterUser.Show(TwitterTimeline.getTwitterAuthToken(account), account.getOption("username")); if (showUserResponse.Result == Twitterizer.RequestResult.Success) { args.Result = showUserResponse.ResponseObject.ProfileImageLocation; } } catch (Exception ex) { args.Result = "Unable to get the Twitter account: " + ex.Message; args.Cancel = true; } }); bgWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(delegate(object wsender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs args) { if (!args.Cancelled && args.Error == null) { String url = args.Result as String; if (url != null && !url.Equals("")) { this.ImageUrl = new Uri(url); } } }); bgWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); } else { throw new InvalidCastException("Unable to create a TwitterAccount from something other than a Twitter account"); } }
/// <summary> /// The recent modifications for a course /// </summary> /// <param name="account">With the account data to use on the query</param> private void GetRecentTweetsForAccount(Account account) { TimelineManager.ReportProgress(new Status(account.ID, "Loading account...")); // Load the cached data LinkedList <Frame> frames = TimelineManager.GetCachedFramesFromDB(account); foreach (Frame frame in frames) { this.AddFrame(frame); } frames.Clear(); BackgroundWorker bgWorker = new BackgroundWorker(); this.workers.AddLast(bgWorker); bgWorker.WorkerReportsProgress = true; bgWorker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; bgWorker.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(delegate(object wsender, DoWorkEventArgs args) { // Load the remote data try { Twitterizer.OAuthTokens authToken = TwitterTimeline.getTwitterAuthToken(account); Twitterizer.TimelineOptions options = new Twitterizer.TimelineOptions(); String sinceStatusId = account.getOption("SinceStatusId"); if (sinceStatusId != null) { options.SinceStatusId = Convert.ToDecimal(sinceStatusId); } else { options.Count = 10; } Twitterizer.TwitterResponse <TwitterStatusCollection> timeline = Twitterizer.TwitterTimeline.HomeTimeline(authToken, options); if (sinceStatusId != null && timeline.Result == Twitterizer.RequestResult.Success && timeline.ResponseObject.Count < 10) { options = new Twitterizer.TimelineOptions(); options.Count = 10; timeline = Twitterizer.TwitterTimeline.HomeTimeline(authToken, options); } if (timeline.Result == Twitterizer.RequestResult.Success) { frames.Clear(); Frame frame; foreach (Twitterizer.TwitterStatus status in timeline.ResponseObject) { frame = new Frame(account, "[" + account.Name + "] @" + status.User.ScreenName, status.Text, status.CreatedDate, ((status.User.Website != null) ? new Uri(status.User.Website) : null), Convert.ToInt64(status.Id)); frame.ImageUrl = new Uri(status.User.ProfileImageLocation); frames.AddLast(frame); } if (timeline.ResponseObject[0] != null) { sinceStatusId = Convert.ToString(timeline.ResponseObject[0].Id); } args.Result = Convert.ToString(sinceStatusId); } } catch { //MessageBox.Show(ex.Message+ ex.StackTrace); } }); bgWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(delegate(object wsender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs args) { TimelineManager.CacheFramesOnDB(account, frames); int totalFramesAdded = 0; foreach (Frame frame in frames) { if (TimelineManager.AddFrame(frame)) { totalFramesAdded++; } } TimelineManager.RegisterEvent(account); if (!args.Cancelled && args.Error == null) { String sinceStatusId = args.Result as String; account.setOption("SinceStatusId", sinceStatusId); } account.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now; ConfigurationManager.UpdateUserAccount(account); TimelineManager.ReportProgress(new Status(account.ID, totalFramesAdded + " new twitts loaded.")); this.workers.Remove(bgWorker); }); bgWorker.RunWorkerAsync(account); }