private void buttonChoose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { databaseexe databaseexe = new databaseexe(); string PurId = ChooseProductGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells[1].Value.ToString(); dataValue.CurrentQuantity = ChooseProductGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells[5].Value.ToString(); string SupShort = comboBox1.Text.ToString(); string SupidQuery = "select Supid from T_Supplier where SupShort='" + SupShort + "'"; string Supid = databaseexe.getTopselect(SupidQuery, "Supid"); string sql1 = "insert into T_MaterialIn (Matinid,PurId,Supid,MatinDate,MatDate,MatinPerson) values('" + MatInID + "','" + PurId + "','" + Supid + "','" + Matindate + "','" + Matdate + "','" + MatPerson + "')"; dbexe.sqlcmd(sql1); string sql = "select SupShort as 供方,purid as 采购序号,MaterialName as 纸板名称,bomsize as 规格,PurchaseQuantity as 采购数量,MatQuantity as 进料数量,(purchaseQuantity-matquantity)as 未进数量,PurchaseDate as 订货日期,deliverydate as 交货日期 from T_Matin2 where id is null and purid is not null and purchaseQuantity <> '0' and Supshort ='" + SupShort + "' or id in(select max(id) from T_Matin2 group by Purid having max(id)is not null ) and purchaseQuantity <> '0' and Supshort ='" + SupShort + "'"; DataTable Datatable; Datatable = dbexe.getdataset(sql, "T_MATin2").Tables[0]; for (int i = 0; i < Datatable.Rows.Count; i++) { if (Datatable.Rows[i]["进料数量"].ToString() == "") { Datatable.Rows[i]["进料数量"] = "0"; Datatable.Rows[i]["未进数量"] = Datatable.Rows[i]["采购数量"]; } } ChooseProductGridView1.DataSource = Datatable; string QuantityRefresh = "update T_Matin3 set MatQuantity='" + dataValue.CurrentQuantity + "'where matinid='" + MatInID + "'and purid='" + PurId + "'"; dbexe.sqlcmd(QuantityRefresh); frmMaterialInOrder4 f1 = (frmMaterialInOrder4)this.Owner; f1.dgload(Supid, MatInID, PurId); //f1.dgload2(PurId); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void buttonSaveNew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { frmMaterialInOrder4 frmsub = new frmMaterialInOrder4(); frmsub.Show(); }