private String appointmentsSerialize()
            //make a serialized list of all appointments to send to a new host when it request after joining
            String response = " SequentialNum:&@[" + SequentialNumber.getNextSequentialNumber() + "]#! " + "\n";

            foreach (Appointment appointment in appointmentsList)
                response += appointment.serialize();
        private String appointmentsSerialize()
            //make a serialized list of all appointments to send to a new host when it request after joining
            String response = " SequentialNum:&@[" + SequentialNumber.getNextSequentialNumber() + "]#! " + "\n"
                              + " LogicalClock:&@[" + LogicalClock.nextLogicalClock() + "]#! " + "\n"; //For Mutual Exclusion //the clock has modified here before sending sync string

            foreach (Appointment appointment in appointmentsList)
                response += appointment.serialize();
        private void updateLocalDatabase()
            //Write the current calendar's appointments on a file in hard disk after each change
            List <String> aLines = new List <String>();

            aLines.Add(" HPN Calendar Network Version TUMS " + "\n");
            aLines.Add(" Modify:&@[" + this.getLastModifiedString() + "]#! " + "\n");
            aLines.Add(" SequentialNum:&@[" + SequentialNumber.getNextSequentialNumber() + "]#! " + "\n");
            aLines.Add(" Appointments:&@[" + this.appointmentsList.Count + "]#! " + "\n");
            foreach (Appointment appointment in this.appointmentsList)
            try {
            catch (System.IO.IOException e)
                Console.WriteLine("Problem in writing to database file : " + e.Message);