copyTo() public static method

public static copyTo ( byte sourceArray, int offsetB, byte destinationArray, int offsetA, int nBytes ) : void
sourceArray byte
offsetB int
destinationArray byte
offsetA int
nBytes int
return void
        public void processTeamInviteAnswer(ref byte[] packet)
            // read the important things
            byte[] unknownUint16_1 = new byte[2];
            byte[] sizeString      = new byte[2];
            ArrayUtils.copyTo(packet, 3, unknownUint16_1, 0, 2);
            ArrayUtils.copyTo(packet, 7, sizeString, 0, 2);
            UInt16 sizeCharName = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(sizeString, 1);

            byte[] characterNameBytes = new byte[sizeCharName];
            ArrayUtils.copyTo(packet, 9, characterNameBytes, 0, sizeCharName);

            string characterName = StringUtils.charBytesToString(characterNameBytes);

            // if it is 0 - then he has accepted the request - otherwise decline and ..we dont care
            if (NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(unknownUint16_1, 1) == 0)
                lock (WorldSocket.missionTeams)
                    foreach (MissionTeam team in WorldSocket.missionTeams)
                        if (team.characterMasterName.Equals(characterName))
        public void processLoadAbility(ref byte[] packet)
            // read the values from the packet
            PacketReader reader         = new PacketReader(packet);
            UInt32       staticObjectID = reader.readUInt32(1);
            UInt16       unloadFlag     = reader.readUInt16(1);
            UInt16       loadFlag       = reader.readUInt16(1);
            UInt16       countAbilities = reader.readUInt16(1);

            int           pointer      = 11; // Start at index 11
            List <UInt16> abilitySlots = new List <UInt16>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= countAbilities; i++)
                // This must be looped
                byte[] slotByteID = new byte[2];
                ArrayUtils.copyTo(packet, pointer, slotByteID, 0, 2);
                pointer = pointer + 2;

                byte[] abilityByteID = new byte[2];
                ArrayUtils.copyTo(packet, pointer, abilityByteID, 0, 2);
                pointer = pointer + 4;

                byte[] abilityByteLevel = new byte[2];
                ArrayUtils.copyTo(packet, pointer, abilityByteLevel, 0, 2);
                pointer = pointer + 3;

                UInt16 slotID       = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(slotByteID, 1);
                UInt16 AbilityID    = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(abilityByteID, 1);
                UInt16 AbilityLevel = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(abilityByteLevel, 1);

                PacketContent pak = new PacketContent();
                if (unloadFlag > 0)
                    pak.addUint16((UInt16)RPCResponseHeaders.SERVER_ABILITY_UNLOAD, 0);
                    pak.addUint16((UInt16)RPCResponseHeaders.SERVER_ABILITY_LOAD, 0);

            if (unloadFlag > 0)
                Store.dbManager.WorldDbHandler.updateAbilityLoadOut(abilitySlots, 0);
                Store.dbManager.WorldDbHandler.updateAbilityLoadOut(abilitySlots, 1);
        public void processObjectDynamic(ref byte[] packet)
            PacketReader reader = new PacketReader(packet);

            byte[] objectID = new byte[4];
            byte[] sectorID = new byte[2];
            ArrayUtils.copyTo(packet, 0, objectID, 0, 4);
            ArrayUtils.copyTo(objectID, 2, sectorID, 0, 2);

            UInt32 numericObjectId = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint32(objectID, 1);

            // Ok sector Bytes are something like 30 39 (reversed but the result must be 39 03)
            UInt16 numericSectorId = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(sectorID, 1);
            // strip out object id
            string id = StringUtils.bytesToString_NS(objectID);

            // get the type
            byte[] objectType = new byte[1];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 4, objectType, 0, 1);
            int objectTypeID = packet[4];

            // create a new System message but fill it in the switch block
            ServerPackets pak = new ServerPackets();

            #if DEBUG
            pak.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "Object Type ID IS " + objectTypeID.ToString() + " Dynamic Object RPC : " + StringUtils.bytesToString_NS(packet), "BROADCAST");

            switch (objectTypeID)
            case (int)objectTypesDynamic.LOOT:
                UInt32[] theTestArrayLoots = new UInt32[2];
                theTestArrayLoots[0] = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint32(StringUtils.hexStringToBytes("8e220000"), 1);
                pak.SendLootWindow(5000, Store.currentClient, theTestArrayLoots);

                pak.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "[OI HELPER] Unknown Object Type : " + objectTypeID.ToString() + "| Object ID :" + id, "MODAL");
        // This is for team and crew invites
        public void processInviteAnswer(ref byte[] packet)
            // read the important things
            byte[] maybeType  = new byte[2];
            byte[] sizeString = new byte[2];
            ArrayUtils.copyTo(packet, 3, maybeType, 0, 2);
            ArrayUtils.copyTo(packet, 7, sizeString, 0, 2);
            UInt16 sizeCharName = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(sizeString, 1);

            byte[] characterNameBytes = new byte[sizeCharName];
            ArrayUtils.copyTo(packet, 9, characterNameBytes, 0, sizeCharName);

            string characterName = StringUtils.charBytesToString(characterNameBytes);

            // if it is 0 - then he has accepted the request - otherwise decline and ..we dont care

            switch (NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(maybeType, 1))
            // Team Invites
            case 0:
                lock (WorldSocket.missionTeams)
                    foreach (MissionTeam team in WorldSocket.missionTeams)
                        if (team.characterMasterName.Equals(characterName))

            // Crew Invites
            case 2:
                // ToDo: add to Crew and maybe to faction (if crew is part of faction)
                // ToDo: Generate Repsonse for all connected crew mates and the new member
                // ToDo: add to crew and figure out the responses that are necessary (like crew message , player update etc.)
                // ToDo: for this the "2_player_action" logs could be useful.

        public void processObjectStatic(ref byte[] packet)
            byte[] objectID = new byte[4];
            byte[] sectorID = new byte[2];
            ArrayUtils.copyTo(packet, 0, objectID, 0, 4);
            ArrayUtils.copyTo(objectID, 2, sectorID, 0, 2);

            UInt32 numericObjectId = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint32(objectID, 1);

            // Ok sector Bytes are something like 30 39 (reversed but the result must be 39 03)
            UInt16 numericSectorId = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(sectorID, 1);
            // strip out object id
            string id = StringUtils.bytesToString_NS(objectID);

            // get the type
            byte[] objectType = new byte[1];
            ArrayUtils.copy(packet, 4, objectType, 0, 1);
            int objectTypeID = packet[4];

            DataLoader        objectLoader = DataLoader.getInstance();
            StaticWorldObject objectValues = objectLoader.getObjectValues(NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint32(objectID, 1));

            // create a new System message but fill it in the switch block
            ServerPackets pak = new ServerPackets();

            switch (objectTypeID)
            // Case 03 is not only a staticWorldObject ...
            case (int)objectTypesStatic.DOOR:

                Output.writeToLogForConsole("[OI HELPER] INTERACT WITH DOOR | Object ID :" + id + " Sector ID : " + numericSectorId);

                // just a test

                if (objectValues != null && objectValues.type != null)
                    GameObjectItem item = objectLoader.getGameObjectItemById(NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(objectValues.type, 1));
                    //Store.currentClient.messageQueue.addRpcMessage(PacketsUtils.createSystemMessage("[OI HELPER] Door StrType: !" + item.getName() + " with Type ID " + StringUtils.bytesToString_NS(objectValues.type), Store.currentClient));
                    this.processObjectInteraction(objectValues, item);


            case (int)objectTypesStatic.HARDLINE_SYNC:

                pak.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "Hardline Interaction(not done yet)!", "MODAL");

            case (int)objectTypesStatic.HARDLINE_UPLOAD:
                Output.writeToLogForConsole("[OBJECT HELPER] Upload Hardline will be used for combat tests");
                Store.currentClient.playerData.lastClickedObjectId = numericObjectId;
                new TestUnitHandler().processTestCombat(ref packet);

            case (int)objectTypesStatic.HARDLINE_LAEXIT:
                // Exit LA
                pak.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "Exit to LA Dialog should popup", "MODAL");
                new TeleportHandler().processHardlineExitRequest();

            case (int)objectTypesStatic.HUMAN_NPC:
                pak.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "Open Vendor Dialog for Object ID" + StringUtils.bytesToString_NS(objectID), "MODAL");
                this.processVendorOpen(ref objectID);

            case (int)objectTypesStatic.COLLECTOR:
                pak.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "Collector Interaction (not done yet)!", "MODAL");

            case (int)objectTypesStatic.ENVIROMENT:
                GameObjectItem enviromentItem   = objectLoader.getGameObjectItemById(NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(objectValues.type, 1));
                UInt16         enviromentTypeID = NumericalUtils.ByteArrayToUint16(objectValues.type, 1);
                switch (enviromentTypeID)
                case 6952:
                    // ToDo: implement Elevator Panel
                    pak.sendElevatorPanel(Store.currentClient, objectValues);

                    pak.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "Enviroment Type ID " + objectValues.type + " name " + enviromentItem.getName(), "MODAL");
                pak.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "Enviroment Type ID " + objectValues.type + " name " + enviromentItem.getName(), "MODAL");

                pak.sendSystemChatMessage(Store.currentClient, "[OI HELPER] Unknown Object Type : " + objectTypeID.ToString() + "| Object ID :" + id, "MODAL");