public static void gameOutcome(int live, string hang, string phrase, Action drawGame) { if (Globals.gameState == "single") { drawGame(); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(hang); if (phrase != "") { Console.WriteLine(phrase); } if (EndGame.wonGame()) { Globals.score = Globals.score + Score.calcScore(); } Lives.UpdateLives(live); Console.WriteLine(" Press any button to continue..."); Console.Write(" "); Console.ReadKey(); Library.GetPhrase(); UpdateTable.restartTable(); CheckLetter.checkLetter(); } if (Globals.gameState == "double") { drawGame(); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(hang); if (phrase != "") { Console.WriteLine(phrase); } Console.WriteLine(" Press any button to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(); if (Globals.roundsLeft > 1) { Draw.doubleGameInput(); Library.SetCategory(Console.ReadLine()); } if (EndGame.wonGame()) { Globals.scorePlayer[Globals.guessingPlayer] = Globals.scorePlayer[Globals.guessingPlayer] + Score.calcScore(); } Lives.UpdateRounds(live); UpdateTable.restartTable(); CheckLetter.checkLetter(); } }
public static void SingleGameLoop() { while (!EndGame.SingleEndGame()) { Draw.DrawSingleGame(); UserInput.userInput(); CheckLetter.checkLetter(); if (EndGame.wonGame()) { gameOutcome(0, " The man lives!", "", Draw.DrawSingleGame); } if (EndGame.lostGame()) { gameOutcome(-1, " You let the man hang...", " The phrase was: " + Globals.phrase, Draw.DrawSingleGame); } } }
public static void MenuLoop() { Draw.drawMenu(); Menu.Handler(Console.ReadLine()); CheckLetter.checkLetter(); }