文件: Comp.cs 项目: adituv/gsmagic
        //short[] freq = new short[0x10000]; //We need to know how often each character combination occurs to determine best bit amounts.
        //short[] clen = new short[0x100]; //How many chars each char has associated with it.
        //short[] clst = new short[0x10000]; //Char list in the order they appear in the text.
        static public void comptext(byte[] src, byte[] dest)
            DateTime c = DateTime.Now;//.Ticks;
            //Welcome to my Huffman Hamburger! (Scan text, do complex char tables, compress text.)
            //Scan text to generate frequency table.
            ushort char1 = 0, char2 = 0;

            ushort[] freq     = new ushort[0x10000]; //We need to know how often each character combination occurs to determine best bit amounts.
            ushort[] clen     = new ushort[0x100];   //How many chars each char has associated with it.
            ushort[] clst     = new ushort[0x10000]; //Char list in the order they appear in the text.
            int      srcEntry = 0;

            while ((Bits.getInt32(src, srcEntry) != 0) || (srcEntry == 0))   //Set up frequency table and char list (in order displayed in text.)
                int srcPos = 0xC300 + Bits.getInt32(src, srcEntry);
                    char2 = src[srcPos++];
                    if (freq[char1 * 0x100 + char2]++ == 0)
                        clst[char1 * 0x100 + clen[char1]++] = char2; //clen[char1]++;// += 1;
                    //freq[char1 * 0x100 + char2] += 1;
                    char1 = char2;
                } while (char1 != 0); //Change to while < textArray?-- No, go through offset list instead.
                srcEntry += 4;
            //System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("C:/Users/Tea/Desktop/clst.dmp", Array.ConvertAll<short, byte>(clst, delegate(short item) { return (byte)item; }));
            byte[] bitLen = new byte[0x10000]; //int[] bitLen = new int[0x10000];
            int[]  bitCode = new int[0x10000];
            int    addr2 = 0, chrptlen = 0;

            byte[] chrTbl  = new byte[0x8000];
            byte[] chrPtrs = new byte[0x200];
            for (int c1 = 0; c1 < 0x100; c1++)
                if (clen[c1] == 0)
                    chrPtrs[(c1 << 1) + 1] = 0x80;  continue;
                chrptlen = (c1 + 1) << 1;
                //if (c1 > 5) { continue; } //For testing.
                //Sort chars by symbol frequency (simple)
                //See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorting_algorithm - Use a Stable one so same-freq chars stay in order.
                //I pick simple Insertion Sort for now, since we are dealing with small sets. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insertion_sort)
                for (int i = 1; i < clen[c1]; i++)
                    ushort x = clst[(c1 << 8) + i];
                    int    j = i;
                    while ((j > 0) && (freq[(c1 << 8) + clst[(c1 << 8) + j - 1]] > freq[(c1 << 8) + x]))
                        clst[(c1 << 8) + j] = clst[(c1 << 8) + j - 1];
                        j = j - 1;
                    clst[(c1 << 8) + j] = x;
                //Sort chars by node frequency (More advanced)
                int[] symbSort = new int[0x100]; //Basically points to chars in order to be displayed in data.
                int[] symbBits = new int[0x100];
                int[] nodeHead = new int[0x100];
                int[] nodeTail = new int[0x100];
                int[] nodeFreq = new int[0x100]; nodeFreq[0] = 0x7FFFFFFF; nodeFreq[1] = 0x7FFFFFFF; //Ensure unused/node2 when there is none.
                int   nodeA = 0, nodeI = 0, symbI = 0;
                if (clen[c1] > 1)
                    while ((symbI < clen[c1]) || (nodeA < nodeI - 1))
                        int symfreq1 = freq[(c1 << 8) + clst[(c1 << 8) + symbI]];
                        int symfreq2 = freq[(c1 << 8) + clst[(c1 << 8) + symbI + 1]];
                        if ((symbI + 1 < clen[c1]) && (symfreq2 <= nodeFreq[nodeA]))   //Symbol - Symbol
                            symbSort[symbI] = symbI + 1;
                            nodeHead[nodeI] = symbI; nodeTail[nodeI] = symbI + 1;
                            nodeFreq[nodeI] = symfreq1 + symfreq2;
                            symbI          += 2;
                        else if ((symbI < clen[c1]) && (symfreq1 <= nodeFreq[nodeA]))     // Symbol - Node
                            symbSort[symbI] = nodeHead[nodeA];
                            nodeHead[nodeI] = symbI; nodeTail[nodeI] = nodeTail[nodeA];
                            nodeFreq[nodeI] = symfreq1 + nodeFreq[nodeA];
                            symbI++; nodeA++;
                        else if ((nodeA < nodeI - 1) && ((nodeFreq[nodeA + 1] < symfreq1) || ((symbI >= clen[c1]))))     // Node - Node
                            symbSort[nodeTail[nodeA]] = nodeHead[nodeA + 1];
                            nodeHead[nodeI]           = nodeHead[nodeA]; nodeTail[nodeI] = nodeTail[nodeA + 1];
                            nodeFreq[nodeI]           = nodeFreq[nodeA] + nodeFreq[nodeA + 1];
                            nodeA += 2;
                        else if (nodeFreq[nodeA] < symfreq1)     // Node - Symbol
                            symbSort[nodeTail[nodeA]] = symbI;
                            nodeHead[nodeI]           = nodeHead[nodeA]; nodeTail[nodeI] = symbI;
                            nodeFreq[nodeI]           = nodeFreq[nodeA] + symfreq1;
                            symbI++; nodeA++;
                        symbBits[clst[(c1 << 8) + nodeHead[nodeI++]]] += 1;
                addr2 += (((clen[c1] * 12) + 4) & -8);
                chrPtrs[(c1 << 1)]     = (byte)(addr2 >> 3);
                chrPtrs[(c1 << 1) + 1] = (byte)(addr2 >> 11);
                int  addr1 = addr2 - 12;
                byte bitsL = 0;
                //int val = 0;
                //int bitnum = (clen[c1] & 1) * 4;
                int bitC = 0;
                for (int n = clen[c1]; n > 0; n--)
                    //List chars
                    chrTbl[(addr1 >> 3)]     |= (byte)(clst[(c1 << 8) + nodeHead[nodeA]] << (addr1 & 7));
                    chrTbl[(addr1 >> 3) + 1] |= (byte)(clst[(c1 << 8) + nodeHead[nodeA]] >> (8 - (addr1 & 7)));
                    addr1 -= 12;
                    //val |= clst[(c1 << 8) + nodeHead[nodeA]] << bitnum; bitnum += 12;
                    //while (bitnum >= 8) {
                    //    chrTbl[addr1++] = (byte)val; bitnum -= 8;
                    //List the char's tree/flags
                    addr2 += symbBits[clst[(c1 << 8) + nodeHead[nodeA]]];
                    chrTbl[addr2 >> 3] |= (byte)(1 << (addr2++ & 7));
                    //Calculate bit lengths for bit code.
                    bitsL += (byte)symbBits[clst[(c1 << 8) + nodeHead[nodeA]]];
                    //bitLen[clst[(c1 << 8) + nodeHead[nodeA]]] = bitsL;
                    bitLen[(c1 << 8) + clst[(c1 << 8) + nodeHead[nodeA]]] = bitsL;
                    //if (symbBits[clst[(c1 << 8) + nodeHead[nodeA]]] == 0) { bitsL -= 1; }
                    //if (c1 == 0) { Console.WriteLine(bitC.ToString("X8") + "   " + bitsL.ToString("X8") + "   " + (char)clst[(c1 << 8) + nodeHead[nodeA]]); }
                    //Generate bitCode table.
                    bitCode[(c1 << 8) + clst[(c1 << 8) + nodeHead[nodeA]]] = bitC;
                    while (((bitC >> (bitsL - 1)) & 1) == 1)
                        bitsL -= 1; bitC ^= 1 << bitsL;
                    bitC |= 1 << (bitsL - 1);

                    nodeHead[nodeA] = symbSort[nodeHead[nodeA]];
                addr2 = (addr2 + 8) & -8;
                //Console.WriteLine("\nLetter by node order");
                //for (int zz = 0; zz < clen[c1]; zz++) {
                //    Console.Write(clst[(c1 << 8) + nodeHead[nodeA]].ToString("X4") + " ");
                //    //Console.Write(symbBits[clst[(c1 << 8) + nodeHead[nodeA]]].ToString("X4") + " ");
                //    nodeHead[nodeA] = symbSort[nodeHead[nodeA]];
                //for (int zz = 0; zz < clen[c1]; zz++) {
                //    Console.Write(symbSort[zz].ToString("X4") + " ");
            //Finally compress the text.
            int val = 0, bitnum = 0, ctAddr = 0, cstrstart = 0;

            byte[] cText = new byte[src.Length];
            byte[] txtref1 = new byte[0x200]; int tr1Addr = 0;
            byte[] txtref2 = new byte[0x8000]; int tr2Addr = 0;
            srcEntry = 0; char1 = 0;
            while ((Bits.getInt32(src, srcEntry) != 0) || (srcEntry == 0))
                if ((srcEntry & 0x3FC) == 0)
                    Bits.setInt32(txtref1, tr1Addr, ctAddr); tr1Addr  += 4;
                    Bits.setInt32(txtref1, tr1Addr, tr2Addr); tr1Addr += 4;
                cstrstart = ctAddr;
                int srcPos = 0xC300 + Bits.getInt32(src, srcEntry); val = 0;
                    char2   = src[srcPos++];
                    val    |= bitCode[(char1 << 8) + char2] << bitnum;
                    bitnum += bitLen[(char1 << 8) + char2];
                    while (bitnum >= 8)
                        cText[ctAddr++] = (byte)val; val >>= 8; bitnum -= 8;
                    //if (freq[char1 * 0x100 + char2]++ == 0) {
                    //    clst[char1 * 0x100 + clen[char1]++] = char2; //clen[char1]++;// += 1;
                    //freq[char1 * 0x100 + char2] += 1;
                    //if (srcEntry == 0) { Console.WriteLine(bitCode[(char1 << 8) + char2].ToString("X8") + "   " + bitLen[(char1 << 8) + char2].ToString("X8")); }
                    char1 = char2;
                } while (char1 != 0); //Change to while < textArray?-- No, go through offset list instead.
                srcEntry += 4; if (bitnum != 0)
                    cText[ctAddr++] = (byte)val; bitnum = 0;
                while ((ctAddr - cstrstart) > 0xFE)
                    txtref2[tr2Addr++] = 0xFF; cstrstart += 0xFF;
                txtref2[tr2Addr++] = (byte)(ctAddr - cstrstart); //cstrstart = ctAddr;
            //Now insert everything into the ROM.
            int insAddr = 0xFA0000;
            int loc1    = insAddr;

            Array.Copy(chrTbl, 0, dest, insAddr, addr2 >> 3); insAddr += addr2 >> 3;
            insAddr = (insAddr + 1) & -2;
            int loc2 = insAddr;

            Array.Copy(chrPtrs, 0, dest, insAddr, chrptlen); insAddr += chrptlen;
            Bits.setInt32(dest, 0x38578, 0x08000000 + insAddr);
            Bits.setInt32(dest, insAddr, 0x08000000 + loc1); insAddr += 4;
            Bits.setInt32(dest, insAddr, 0x08000000 + loc2); insAddr += 4;
            loc1 = insAddr;
            Array.Copy(cText, 0, dest, insAddr, ctAddr); insAddr += ctAddr;
            loc2 = insAddr;
            Array.Copy(txtref2, 0, dest, insAddr, tr2Addr); insAddr += tr2Addr;
            insAddr = (insAddr + 3) & -4;
            Bits.setInt32(dest, 0x385DC, 0x08000000 + insAddr);
            for (int a = 0; a < tr1Addr; a += 8)
                Bits.setInt32(dest, insAddr + a, 0x08000000 + Bits.getInt32(txtref1, a) + loc1);
                Bits.setInt32(dest, insAddr + a + 4, 0x08000000 + Bits.getInt32(txtref1, a + 4) + loc2);
            //System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("C:/Users/Tea/Desktop/txtromtest.gba", dest);
            //System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("C:/Users/Tea/Desktop/txtref1.dmp", txtref1);
            //System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("C:/Users/Tea/Desktop/txtref2.dmp", txtref2);
            //System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("C:/Users/Tea/Desktop/cText.dmp", cText);
            //System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("C:/Users/Tea/Desktop/chrPtrs.dmp", chrPtrs);
            //System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("C:/Users/Tea/Desktop/chrTbl.dmp", chrTbl);
            //System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("C:/Users/Tea/Desktop/bitLen.dmp", bitLen);
            //DateTime c = DateTime.Now;//.Ticks;
            Console.WriteLine((DateTime.Now - c).ToString());
文件: Comp.cs 项目: adituv/gsmagic
        static public byte[] decompTextOld(byte[] src)
            DateTime c         = DateTime.Now;
            int      asmpchar  = Bits.getInt32(src, 0x38578) - 0x8000000;
            int      asmptext  = Bits.getInt32(src, 0x385DC) - 0x8000000;
            int      chardata  = Bits.getInt32(src, asmpchar) - 0x08000000;
            int      charpntrs = Bits.getInt32(src, asmpchar + 4) - 0x08000000;

            byte[] des = new byte[0x800000]; int desEntry = 0, desPos = 0xC300;
            for (int srcI = 0; srcI < 12461; srcI++)
                Bits.setInt32(des, desEntry, desPos - 0xC300); desEntry += 4;
                int srcInd = srcI;

                int textTree    = Bits.getInt32(src, asmptext + ((srcInd >> 8) << 3)) - 0x08000000;
                int textLenAddr = Bits.getInt32(src, asmptext + ((srcInd >> 8) << 3) + 4) - 0x08000000;
                srcInd &= 0xFF;
                while (srcInd-- != 0)
                    int cLen;
                        cLen      = src[textLenAddr++];
                        textTree += cLen;
                    } while (cLen == 0xFF);
                int initChar = 0;

                textTree <<= 3;
                    int charTree = (chardata + Bits.getInt16(src, charpntrs + (initChar << 1))) << 3;
                    int charSlot = charTree - 12;
                    while (((src[charTree >> 3] >> (charTree++ & 7)) & 1) == 0)
                        if (((src[textTree >> 3] >> (textTree++ & 7)) & 1) == 1)
                            int depth = 0;
                            while (depth >= 0)
                                while (((src[charTree >> 3] >> (charTree++ & 7)) & 1) == 0)
                                charSlot -= 12;
                    initChar      = (Bits.getInt16(src, charSlot >> 3) >> (charSlot & 7)) & 0xFFF;
                    des[desPos++] = (byte)initChar;
                    //do {
                    // n=getNextCharacter(argument0)
                    // if n!=0 {
                    //  if (n<32 || n>ord('~')) {
                    //   if argument2
                    //   { str+='['+string(n)+']'; }
                    //   if argument3 && (n==1 || n==3) && (p<17 || p>20) && p!=26 && p!=29
                    //   { n=0 }
                    //  } else { str+=chr(n); }
                    // }
                    // p=n
                    //} until n=0
                } while (initChar != 0);
            Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now - c + " (Old Text Decompression)");
        private void button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        {                          //TODO Move decomptext to Form1, compress text on save.
                  // * Function may need refactoring, but it works.
            String str = tbx.Text; //textBox1.Text;

            byte[] bytes = new byte[0x200];
            int    a = 0, b = 0;

            while (a < str.Length)
                if (str[a] == '[')
                    int num = 0;
                    while (str[++a] != ']')
                        num = (num * 10) + (byte)(str[a]) - 0x30;
                    bytes[b++] = (byte)num;
                else if (((byte)str[a] == 13) && ((byte)str[a + 1] == 10))
                    a += 2;
                    bytes[b++] = (byte)str[a++];
            b++;             //B/c 00 character at end.
            //byte[] bytes = toRawStrData(textBox1.Text);
            //int b = bytes.Length + 1; //=0x200 + 1 (NEEDS FIXING)
            //if (listView1.SelectedIndices.Count != 1) { return; }
            int srcEntry = theIndex * 4;
            //int srcEntry = listBox2.SelectedIndex * 4;
            int neaddr = 0xC300 + Bits.getInt32(txt, srcEntry + 4);
            int lendif = Bits.getInt32(txt, srcEntry) - Bits.getInt32(txt, srcEntry + 4) + b;
            int c      = srcEntry + 4;

            while ((Bits.getInt32(txt, c) != 0))
                Bits.setInt32(txt, c, Bits.getInt32(txt, c) + lendif);
                c += 4;
            c = 0xC300 + Bits.getInt32(txt, c - 4) - lendif;
            while (txt[c++] != 0)
            if (Bits.getInt32(txt, srcEntry + 4) != 0)
                Array.Copy(txt, neaddr, txt, 0xC300 + Bits.getInt32(txt, srcEntry + 4), c - neaddr);
            int d = 0xC300 + Bits.getInt32(txt, srcEntry);

            while (b-- > 0)
                txt[d] = bytes[d++ - (0xC300 + Bits.getInt32(txt, srcEntry))];
            Comp.comptext(txt, Globals.mainForm.rom);
            //b=length needed. ; small - big + length
文件: Comp.cs 项目: adituv/gsmagic
        static public byte[] decompText(byte[] src)   //, int srcInd) { // int srcPos) {
        //return decompTextOld(src);
            DateTime c = DateTime.Now;

            int[]   bitcode = new int[0x10000];
            byte[]  bitLen  = new byte[0x10000];
            short[] bitChar = new short[0x10000];
            //Scan char data to generate data for faster decompression than old method.
            int asmpchar  = Bits.getInt32(src, 0x38578) - 0x8000000;
            int asmptext  = Bits.getInt32(src, 0x385DC) - 0x8000000;
            int chardata  = Bits.getInt32(src, asmpchar) - 0x08000000;
            int charpntrs = Bits.getInt32(src, asmpchar + 4) - 0x08000000;

            for (int char1 = 0; char1 < 0x100; char1++)
                if (charpntrs == asmpchar)
                if (Bits.getInt16(src, charpntrs) == 0x8000)
                    charpntrs += 2; continue;
                int  charTree = (chardata + Bits.getInt16(src, charpntrs)) << 3; charpntrs += 2;
                int  charSlot = charTree - 12;
                byte bits = 0; int bitC = 0; int entry = (char1 << 8);
                    while (((src[charTree >> 3] >> (charTree++ & 7)) & 1) == 0)
                    bitChar[entry] = (short)((Bits.getInt16(src, charSlot >> 3) >> (charSlot & 7)) & 0xFFF); charSlot -= 12;
                    bitLen[entry]  = bits; if (bits >= 24)
                    bitcode[entry] = bitC;
                    while (((bitC >> (bits - 1)) & 1) == 1)
                        bits -= 1; bitC ^= 1 << bits;
                    bitC  |= 1 << (bits - 1);
                    entry += 1;
                } while (bits > 0);
            //Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now - c);
            //c = DateTime.Now;
            int textTree = 0, textLenAddr = 0;

            byte[] des = new byte[0x800000]; int desEntry = 0, desPos = 0xC300;
            for (int srcI = 0; srcI < 12461; srcI++)
                Bits.setInt32(des, desEntry, desPos - 0xC300); desEntry += 4;
                int srcInd = srcI;
                if ((srcInd & 0xFF) == 0)
                    textTree    = Bits.getInt32(src, asmptext + ((srcInd >> 8) << 3)) - 0x08000000;
                    textLenAddr = Bits.getInt32(src, asmptext + ((srcInd >> 8) << 3) + 4) - 0x08000000;
                    int cLen;
                        cLen      = src[textLenAddr++];
                        textTree += cLen;
                    } while (cLen == 0xFF);
                int initChar = 0, bitnum = 0, val = 0, textTree2 = textTree;
                    while (bitnum < 24)
                        val |= (int)src[textTree2++] << bitnum; bitnum += 8;
                    int entry = initChar << 8;
                    while ((val & ((1 << bitLen[entry]) - 1)) != bitcode[entry])
                    initChar      = bitChar[entry]; val >>= bitLen[entry]; bitnum -= bitLen[entry];
                    des[desPos++] = (byte)initChar;
                    //if (desPos >= 0x10000) { break; }
                } while (initChar != 0);
            Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now - c + " (Text Decompression)");
        void saveFile(int fileID)
            if (fileID > 0x16D)
            int ovrA     = fileID << 5;
            int srcStart = Bits.getInt32(ovr, ovrA + 4) & 0x1FFFFFF;
            int srcSize  = Bits.getInt32(ovr, ovrA + 8);            // & 0x1FFFFFF;
            int srcEnd   = srcStart + srcSize;
            int desSize  = srcSize + (srcSize >> 3) + 7;            //Absolute maximum possible size... (Including header and end of data command.)

            desSize = (desSize + 0x1FF) & -0x200;
            byte[] src    = ram;         // new byte[srcSize];
            int    srcPos = srcStart;

            byte[] des    = new byte[desSize];
            int    desPos = 0;

            des[desPos++] = 0x40;
            des[desPos++] = (byte)srcSize;
            des[desPos++] = (byte)(srcSize >> 8);
            des[desPos++] = (byte)(srcSize >> 16);
            int fCur  = 0x80;
            int fAddr = desPos++;
            int flags = 0;

            while (srcPos < srcEnd)
                int dist     = 0;
                int len      = 0;
                int winStart = Math.Max(srcStart, srcPos - 0xFFF);
                for (int i = winStart; i < srcPos; i++)
                    for (int j = 1; j < 0x10110; j++)
                        if (src[srcPos + j] == src[i + j])
                            //if ((j + 1) >= len)
                            if (j >= len)
                                dist = i;
                                //len = j + 1;
                                len = j;
                    if (src[srcPos] == src[i])
                        len += 1;
                        dist += 1;
                if (src[srcPos] != src[dist])                 //Insert byte
                    des[desPos++] = src[srcPos++];
                    fCur        >>= 1;
                    if (fCur == 0)
                        des[fAddr] = (byte)-flags;
                        fAddr      = desPos++;
                        fCur       = 0x80;
                        flags      = 0;
                dist = srcPos - dist;
                if (len < 2)
                    des[desPos++] = src[srcPos]; len = 1;
                else if (len < 0x10)
                    des[desPos++] = (byte)((dist << 4) | len);
                    des[desPos++] = (byte)(dist >> 4);
                else if (len < 0x110)
                    des[desPos++] = (byte)((dist << 4) | 0);
                    des[desPos++] = (byte)(dist >> 4);
                    des[desPos++] = (byte)(len - 0x10);
                else                 // if (len < 0x10110)
                    des[desPos++] = (byte)((dist << 4) | 1);
                    des[desPos++] = (byte)(dist >> 4);
                    des[desPos++] = (byte)(len - 0x110);
                    des[desPos++] = (byte)((len - 0x110) >> 8);
                srcPos += len;
                if (len > 1)
                    flags |= fCur;

                fCur >>= 1;
                if (fCur == 0)
                    des[fAddr] = (byte)-flags;
                    fAddr      = desPos++;
                    fCur       = 0x80;
                    flags      = 0;
            des[desPos++] = 0;
            des[desPos++] = 0;
            flags        |= fCur;
            des[fAddr]    = (byte)-flags;

            //Now to save to ROM.
            Bits.saveFile(@"C:\Users\Tea\Desktop\notoriginal.bin", des);

            int fatA = fileID << 3;
            int fat1 = Bits.getInt32(fat, fatA);

            Bits.setInt32(fat, fatA + 4, fat1 + desPos);
            //int fat2 = Bits.getInt32(fat, fatA + 4);
            int fat2 = Bits.getInt32(fat, fatA + 8);
            int size = fat2 - fat1;

            //For neatness....
            while (desPos < size)
                des[desPos++] = 0xFF;
            if (desPos != size)
                MessageBox.Show("About to lose data... Have fun!");
            Bits.saveFilePart(path, fat1, size, des);