        void connect(object obj)
            ConnectionThread cxn = (ConnectionThread)obj;

                // Authenticated Vista Connection Handling
                if (this.PoolSource.Credentials != null) // should be an authenticated connection!
                    AbstractPermission permission = new MenuOption(VistaConstants.CAPRI_CONTEXT);
                    permission.IsPrimary = true;
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.PoolSource.Credentials.AccountName) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.PoolSource.Credentials.AccountPassword))
                        cxn.Connection.Account.AuthenticationMethod = VistaConstants.NON_BSE_CREDENTIALS; // if no A/V codes, visit
                        cxn.Connection.Account.AuthenticationMethod = VistaConstants.LOGIN_CREDENTIALS;
                    cxn.Connection.Account.authenticateAndAuthorize(this.PoolSource.Credentials, permission);
                // END Authenticated cxn handling
                else if (cxn.Connection is VistaPoolConnection) // else if pool cxn and no creds - get default state
                    ((VistaPoolConnection)cxn.Connection)._rawConnectionSymbolTable = ((VistaPoolConnection)cxn.Connection).getState();
                cxn.Connection.setTimeout(this.PoolSource.Timeout); // now gracefully timing out connections!
            catch (Exception)
                cxn.Connection.IsConnected = false;
        void connect(object obj)
            ConnectionThread cxn = (ConnectionThread)obj;

                // Authenticated Vista Connection Handling
                if (this.PoolSource.Credentials != null) // should be an authenticated connection!
                    if (this.PoolSource.Permission == null)
                        this.PoolSource.Permission = new MenuOption(VistaConstants.CAPRI_CONTEXT);
                    this.PoolSource.Permission.IsPrimary = true;
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.PoolSource.Credentials.AccountName) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.PoolSource.Credentials.AccountPassword))
                        cxn.Connection.Account.AuthenticationMethod = VistaConstants.NON_BSE_CREDENTIALS; // if no A/V codes, visit
                        cxn.Connection.Account.AuthenticationMethod = VistaConstants.LOGIN_CREDENTIALS;
                    cxn.Connection.Account.authenticateAndAuthorize(this.PoolSource.Credentials, this.PoolSource.Permission);
                // END Authenticated cxn handling
                else if (cxn.Connection is VistaPoolConnection) // else if pool cxn and no creds - get default state
                    ((VistaPoolConnection)cxn.Connection)._rawConnectionSymbolTable = ((VistaPoolConnection)cxn.Connection).getState();
                _lastSuccessfulCxn        = DateTime.Now;
                _consecutiveCxnErrorCount = 0;
                // System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Successfully added a connection - total resources {0}", this.TotalResources));
                cxn.Connection.setTimeout(this.PoolSource.Timeout); // now gracefully timing out connections!
            catch (Exception exc)
                //LogUtils.getInstance().Log("There was a problem connecting to " + ((ConnectionPoolSource)this.PoolSource).CxnSource.SiteId.Id + ": " + exc.Message);
                cxn.Connection.IsConnected = false;
        void growPool()
            if (_consecutiveCxnErrorCount > this.PoolSource.MaxConsecutiveErrors) // we want to recognize when a site might be down, network issues, etc. - wait to retry if we have many connection failures without success
                if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(_lastSuccessfulCxn).CompareTo(this.PoolSource.WaitOnMaxConsecutiveErrors) < 0)
                    // LogUtils.getInstance().Log(String.Format("{0} consecutive failed connection attempts... waiting {1} to start new cxns", _consecutiveCxnErrorCount, this.PoolSource.WaitOnMaxConsecutiveErrors.Subtract(DateTime.Now.Subtract(_lastSuccessfulCxn))));
                    return; // don't start any new cxns if we've seen a lot of errors and haven't waited at least 5 mins (or configurable timespan)
                else // waited configured time, reset error vars so growPool will try creating cxns
                    //LogUtils.getInstance().Log("Resetting error related vars so will re-try instantiating cxns.. " + ((ConnectionPoolSource)this.PoolSource).CxnSource.SiteId.Id);
                    _consecutiveCxnErrorCount = 0;
                    _lastSuccessfulCxn        = DateTime.Now;
            if ((_cleanupTasks.Count + this.TotalResources) >= this.PoolSource.MaxPoolSize)
                //LogUtils.getInstance().Log("The # of cleanup tasks scheduled + the number of current resources exceeds the max pool size - waiting until cleanup tasks are addressed to grow");
                return; // too many cleanup tasks scheduled! don't grow the pool until the cxns we've attempted to start have been addressed
            // i think there may be a possible race condition here where a cxn may be disconnected during the size
            int growSize = this.PoolSource.PoolExpansionSize;

            if ((this.TotalResources + growSize) > this.PoolSource.MaxPoolSize) // if the growth would expand the pool above the max pool size, only grow by the amount allowed
                growSize = this.PoolSource.MaxPoolSize - this.TotalResources;
            //LogUtils.getInstance().Log(String.Format("Connection pool at min size {0}/{1} - growing by {2}. Current total resources: {3} - site: {4}", this.PoolSource.MinPoolSize, this.PoolSource.MaxPoolSize, growSize, this.TotalResources, ((ConnectionPoolSource)this.PoolSource).CxnSource.SiteId.Id));
            for (int i = 0; i < growSize; i++)
                ConnectionThread a = new ConnectionThread();
                a.Connection = AbstractDaoFactory.getDaoFactory(AbstractDaoFactory.getConstant(((ConnectionPoolSource)this.PoolSource).CxnSource.Protocol))
                // Task connectTask = new Task(() => connect(a));
                //  a.Thread = connectTask;
                // connectTask.Start();
                Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(connect));
                a.Thread = t;
        void growPool()
            //Console.WriteLine("Connection pool at min size {0} - growing by {1}", this.PoolSource.MinPoolSize, this.PoolSource.PoolExpansionSize);
            int growSize = this.PoolSource.PoolExpansionSize;

            if (this.TotalResources + growSize > this.PoolSource.MaxPoolSize) // if the growth would expand the pool above the max pool size, only grow by the amount allowed
                growSize = this.PoolSource.MaxPoolSize - this.TotalResources;
            for (int i = 0; i < growSize; i++)
                ConnectionThread a = new ConnectionThread();
                a.Connection = AbstractDaoFactory.getDaoFactory(AbstractDaoFactory.getConstant(((ConnectionPoolSource)this.PoolSource).CxnSource.Protocol))
                Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(connect));
                a.Thread = t;
        /// <summary>
        /// The job of the run function is simply to make sure we have connections available in the pool. If the # of
        /// connections falls below the threshold, the pool expands (up to the limit). The loop also tries to clean
        /// up any connections that may have failed
        /// </summary>
        internal void run()
            //System.Console.WriteLine("Run called...");
            //LogUtils.getInstance().Log("Run called on pool " + ((ConnectionPoolSource)this.PoolSource).CxnSource.SiteId.Id);
            lock (_locker)
                // System.Console.WriteLine("Run entered...");
                _startupTimestamp = DateTime.Now;

                while (!Convert.ToBoolean(SHUTDOWN_FLAG))
                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); // this small sleep time prevents the thread from consuming 100% of CPU

                    // this first IF statement checks to see if more connections need to be added to the pool
                    if (_pooledCxns.Count < this.PoolSource.MinPoolSize && _startedCxns.Count == 0) // only grow if we haven't started any connections
                        if (this.TotalResources < this.PoolSource.MaxPoolSize)

                    // the second IF checks if this pool has started any connections - most of the time this should be false so we check it before the getEnumerator call
                    if (_startedCxns.Count > 0)
                        //Console.WriteLine("Found {0} connections that were started", _startedCxns.Count);
                        //LogUtils.getInstance().Log(String.Format("{0} connections were scheduled to be started", _startedCxns.Count));
                        IEnumerator <ConnectionThread> enumerator = _startedCxns.GetEnumerator();
                        while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                            ConnectionThread current = enumerator.Current;
                            Thread           t       = current.Thread;
                            //if (current.Connection.IsConnected)
                            if (!(t.IsAlive) && current.Connection.IsConnected) // check if started connection is ready for our pool
                                try { t.Join(0); } catch (Exception) { }
                                //Console.WriteLine("Found successfully started connection");
                                //LogUtils.getInstance().Log(String.Format("Found a successful connection - incremented resource count to {0} and added to pool containing {1} cxns ({2})", this.TotalResources, this._pooledCxns.Count, ((ConnectionPoolSource)this.PoolSource).CxnSource.SiteId.Id));
                            //else if (!current.Connection.IsConnected) // check if started connection thread has completed but for any reason disconnected
                            else if (!(t.IsAlive) && !current.Connection.IsConnected) // check if started connection thread has completed but for any reason disconnected
                                try { t.Join(0); } catch (Exception) { }
                                // Console.WriteLine("Found apparent failed connection - removing");
                                //LogUtils.getInstance().Log("It appears one of the started connections failed to connect... " + ((ConnectionPoolSource)this.PoolSource).CxnSource.SiteId.Id);
                            else if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(current.Timestamp).TotalSeconds > this.PoolSource.WaitTime.TotalSeconds) // lastly check for long running connection attempts
                                //LogUtils.getInstance().Log("Found long running connection attempt - scheduling for cleanup: " + ((ConnectionPoolSource)this.PoolSource).CxnSource.SiteId.Id);

                                    // create async task to wait for the thread to stop and disconnect the cxn just to be sure things are cleaned up
                                    Task disconnectTask = new System.Threading.Tasks.Task(() =>
                                        t.Join(this.PoolSource.WaitTime); // should be enough - waiting for double pool wait time in total
                                catch (AggregateException ae) { /*LogUtils.getInstance().Log(ae.ToString()); */ }
                                catch (Exception) { /* swallow */ }

                    // per previous IF - can't modify collection while enumerating so the removal of failed connections is a separate step
                    if (_cxnsToRemove.Count > 0)
                        foreach (ConnectionThread t in _cxnsToRemove)
                        _cxnsToRemove = new List <ConnectionThread>();

                    try { checkCleanupTasks(); } catch (Exception) { }
            // LogUtils.getInstance().Log("Run exited for pool " + ((ConnectionPoolSource)this.PoolSource).CxnSource.SiteId.Id);
        /// <summary>
        /// The job of the run function is simply to make sure we have connections available in the pool. If the # of
        /// connections falls below the threshold, the pool expands (up to the limit). The loop also tries to clean
        /// up any connections that may have failed
        /// </summary>
        internal void run()
            lock (_locker)
                _startupTimestamp = DateTime.Now;

                while (!Convert.ToBoolean(SHUTDOWN_FLAG))
                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); // this small sleep time prevents the thread from consuming 100% of CPU

                    // this first IF statement checks to see if more connections need to be added to the pool
                    if (_pooledCxns.Count < this.PoolSource.MinPoolSize && _startedCxns.Count == 0) // only grow if we haven't started any connections
                        if (this.TotalResources < this.PoolSource.MaxPoolSize)

                    // the second IF checks if this pool has started any connections - most of the time this should be false so we check it before the getEnumerator call
                    if (_startedCxns.Count > 0)
                        //Console.WriteLine("Found {0} connections that were started", _startedCxns.Count);
                        IEnumerator <ConnectionThread> enumerator = _startedCxns.GetEnumerator();
                        while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                            ConnectionThread current = enumerator.Current;
                            Thread           t       = current.Thread;
                            if (t.ThreadState != ThreadState.Running && current.Connection.IsConnected) // check if started connection is ready for our pool
                                //Console.WriteLine("Found successfully started connection");
                            else if (t.ThreadState == ThreadState.Stopped && !current.Connection.IsConnected) // check if started connection thread has completed but for any reason disconnected
                                //Console.WriteLine("Found apparent failed connection - removing");
                            else if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(current.Timestamp).TotalSeconds > this.PoolSource.WaitTime.TotalSeconds) // lastly check for long running connection attempts
                                //Console.WriteLine("Found long running connection attempt - aborting");
                                    // don't really want to do this - could bubble up uncaught and bring down the process... should we just add the cxn to the remove list?
                                catch (Exception) { }

                    // per previous IF - can't modify collection while enumerating so the removal of failed connections is a separate step
                    if (_cxnsToRemove.Count > 0)
                        foreach (ConnectionThread t in _cxnsToRemove)
                        _cxnsToRemove = new List <ConnectionThread>();
 void growPool()
     //Console.WriteLine("Connection pool at min size {0} - growing by {1}", this.PoolSource.MinPoolSize, this.PoolSource.PoolExpansionSize);
     int growSize = this.PoolSource.PoolExpansionSize;
     if (this.TotalResources + growSize > this.PoolSource.MaxPoolSize) // if the growth would expand the pool above the max pool size, only grow by the amount allowed
         growSize = this.PoolSource.MaxPoolSize - this.TotalResources;
     for (int i = 0; i < growSize; i++)
         ConnectionThread a = new ConnectionThread();
         a.Connection = AbstractDaoFactory.getDaoFactory(AbstractDaoFactory.getConstant(((ConnectionPoolSource)this.PoolSource).CxnSource.Protocol))
         Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(connect));
         a.Thread = t;