public IHttpActionResult Create(Journey journey) { Trace.WriteLine("Receive create journey: " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(journey)); Reply reply = new Reply(); String json = ""; if (ModelState.IsValid) { journey.Status = "Started"; var userID = User.Identity.GetUserId(); journey.UserProfileId = userID; journey.StartTime = DateTime.Now; journey.EndTime = null; Trace.WriteLine("Write to database: " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(journey)); journey = db.Journey.Add(journey); Trace.WriteLine("Add finish, journey ID: " + journey.JourneyId); //Create Templink; string checkcode = this.generateTempLink(); //if the checkcode already exist in database, re-generate one if exist while (db.TempLink.Find(checkcode) != null) { checkcode = this.generateTempLink(); } List <TempLink> availiableLinks = db.TempLink.Where(s => s.UserProfileId == userID).ToList(); foreach (TempLink tempLink in availiableLinks) { db.TempLink.Remove(tempLink); } TempLink theTemp = new TempLink(); theTemp.TempLinkId = checkcode; theTemp.JourneyJourneyId = journey.JourneyId;; theTemp.UserProfileId = journey.UserProfileId; db.TempLink.Add(theTemp); JTracking newTrack = new JTracking(); newTrack.JourneyJourneyId = journey.JourneyId; newTrack.Time = DateTime.Now; newTrack.CoordLat = journey.SCoordLat; newTrack.CoordLog = journey.SCoordLog; db.JTracking.Add(newTrack); UsefulFunction.dbSave(db); JourneyCreateReplyData data = new JourneyCreateReplyData(); data.journeyID = journey.JourneyId; data.TempLinkId = theTemp.TempLinkId; reply.result = "success"; = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data); json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(reply); return(Ok(json)); } reply.result = "failed"; reply.errors = "data not match"; json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(reply); return(BadRequest(json)); }
public IHttpActionResult journeyFinish(journeyFinishModel finishModel) { Trace.WriteLine("Receive create journey: " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(finishModel)); Reply reply = new Reply(); String json = ""; if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { var userID = User.Identity.GetUserId(); //get user ID Journey theJourney = db.Journey.Find(finishModel.JourneyId); if (theJourney == null) { return(BadRequest("Journey ID do not exist")); } if (userID == theJourney.UserProfileId) { theJourney.EndTime = DateTime.Now; theJourney.ECoordLat = finishModel.ECoordLat; theJourney.ECoordLog = finishModel.ECoordLog; theJourney.Status = "Finished"; //delete templink List <TempLink> theTemp = theJourney.TempLink.ToList(); Trace.WriteLine("find temp links: " + theTemp.Count()); //db.TempLink.Where(s=>s.JourneyJourneyId == theJourney.JourneyId).ToList(); foreach (TempLink temp in theTemp) { db.TempLink.Remove(temp); } db.Entry(theJourney).State = EntityState.Modified; UsefulFunction.dbSave(db); reply.result = "success"; json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(reply); return(Ok(json)); } } reply.result = "failed"; reply.errors = "data not match"; json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(reply); return(BadRequest(json)); }
public IHttpActionResult Create(JTracking jTracking) { Trace.WriteLine("Receive create JTracking: " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jTracking)); Reply reply = new Reply(); String json = ""; var UserID = User.Identity.GetUserId(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { JTracking newTrking = new JTracking(); Journey theJourney = db.Journey.Find(jTracking.JourneyJourneyId); if (theJourney == null) { return(BadRequest("journeyId not exist")); } if (UserID != theJourney.UserProfileId) { return(BadRequest("You are not authorized to chance this journey ID")); } newTrking.JourneyJourneyId = jTracking.JourneyJourneyId; newTrking.Time = DateTime.Now; newTrking.CoordLat = jTracking.CoordLat; newTrking.CoordLog = jTracking.CoordLog; Trace.WriteLine("Write to JTracking: " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newTrking)); db.JTracking.Add(newTrking); UsefulFunction.dbSave(db); reply.result = "success"; json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(reply); return(Ok(json)); } //ViewBag.JourneyJourneyId = new SelectList(db.Journey, "JourneyId", "EndTime", jTracking.JourneyJourneyId); reply.result = "failed"; json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(reply); return(BadRequest(json)); }