private static void LoadMaterials(AssetImporterGltfMeshContext context) { for (int i = 0; i < context.Model.Materials.Length; i++) { glTFLoader.Schema.Material mat = context.Model.Materials[i]; } }
private void InitMaterials() { // default material is always set at index 0; float grey = 0.8f; float alpha = 1.0f; gltf.Material m = CreateMaterial("Default material", grey, grey, grey, alpha); _materials.Add(m); }
int CreateSolidColorMaterial(Color4f color) { glTFLoader.Schema.Material material = new glTFLoader.Schema.Material() { PbrMetallicRoughness = new MaterialPbrMetallicRoughness() { BaseColorFactor = color.ToFloatArray(), } }; return(dummy.Materials.AddAndReturnIndex(material)); }
void HandleBaseColor(Rhino.DocObjects.Material rhinoMaterial, glTFLoader.Schema.Material gltfMaterial) { Rhino.DocObjects.Texture baseColorDoc = rhinoMaterial.GetTexture(TextureType.PBR_BaseColor); Rhino.DocObjects.Texture alphaTextureDoc = rhinoMaterial.GetTexture(TextureType.PBR_Alpha); RenderTexture baseColorTexture = rhinoMaterial.RenderMaterial.GetTextureFromUsage(RenderMaterial.StandardChildSlots.PbrBaseColor); RenderTexture alphaTexture = rhinoMaterial.RenderMaterial.GetTextureFromUsage(RenderMaterial.StandardChildSlots.PbrAlpha); bool baseColorLinear = baseColorTexture == null ? false : IsLinear(baseColorTexture); bool hasBaseColorTexture = baseColorDoc == null ? false : baseColorDoc.Enabled; bool hasAlphaTexture = alphaTextureDoc == null ? false : alphaTextureDoc.Enabled; bool baseColorDiffuseAlphaForTransparency = rhinoMaterial.PhysicallyBased.UseBaseColorTextureAlphaForObjectAlphaTransparencyTexture; if (!baseColorDiffuseAlphaForTransparency && !hasAlphaTexture) { gltfMaterial.AlphaMode = glTFLoader.Schema.Material.AlphaModeEnum.OPAQUE; } else { gltfMaterial.AlphaMode = glTFLoader.Schema.Material.AlphaModeEnum.BLEND; } Color4f baseColor = rhinoMaterial.PhysicallyBased.BaseColor; if (workflow.PreProcessColors) { baseColor = Color4f.ApplyGamma(baseColor, workflow.PreProcessGamma); } if (!hasBaseColorTexture && !hasAlphaTexture) { gltfMaterial.PbrMetallicRoughness.BaseColorFactor = new float[] { baseColor.R, baseColor.G, baseColor.B, (float)rhinoMaterial.PhysicallyBased.Alpha, }; } else { if (!hasAlphaTexture) { float alpha = (float)rhinoMaterial.PhysicallyBased.Alpha; alphaTexture = CreateSolidColorRhinoTexture(new Color4f(alpha, alpha, alpha, 1.0f), new Size(256, 256)); } gltfMaterial.PbrMetallicRoughness.BaseColorTexture = CombineBaseColorAndAlphaTexture(baseColorTexture, alphaTexture, baseColorDiffuseAlphaForTransparency, baseColor, baseColorLinear); } }
internal static Dictionary <string, int> AddMaterials(this Gltf gltf, IList <Material> materials) { var materialDict = new Dictionary <string, int>(); var newMaterials = new List <glTFLoader.Schema.Material>(); var matId = 0; foreach (var material in materials) { if (materialDict.ContainsKey(material.Name)) { continue; } var m = new glTFLoader.Schema.Material(); newMaterials.Add(m); m.PbrMetallicRoughness = new MaterialPbrMetallicRoughness(); m.PbrMetallicRoughness.BaseColorFactor = new[] { material.Color.Red, material.Color.Green, material.Color.Blue, material.Color.Alpha }; m.PbrMetallicRoughness.MetallicFactor = 1.0f; m.Name = material.Name; if (material.Color.Alpha < 1.0) { m.AlphaMode = glTFLoader.Schema.Material.AlphaModeEnum.BLEND; } else { m.AlphaMode = glTFLoader.Schema.Material.AlphaModeEnum.OPAQUE; } m.Extensions = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "diffuseFactor", new[] { material.Color.Red, material.Color.Green, material.Color.Blue, material.Color.Alpha } }, { "specularFactor", new[] { material.SpecularFactor, material.SpecularFactor, material.SpecularFactor } }, { "glossinessFactor", material.GlossinessFactor } } } }; materialDict.Add(m.Name, matId); matId++; } gltf.Materials = newMaterials.ToArray(); return(materialDict); }
private static gltf.Material CreateMaterial(string name, float red, float greeen, float blue, float alpha) { gltf.Material m = new glTFLoader.Schema.Material(); m.Name = name; m.PbrMetallicRoughness = new glTFLoader.Schema.MaterialPbrMetallicRoughness() { BaseColorFactor = new Single[] { red, greeen, blue, alpha }, MetallicFactor = 0, RoughnessFactor = 1 }; m.EmissiveFactor = new Single[] { 0, 0, 0 }; m.AlphaMode = (alpha < 1.0f) ? glTFLoader.Schema.Material.AlphaModeEnum.BLEND : glTFLoader.Schema.Material.AlphaModeEnum.OPAQUE; m.AlphaCutoff = 0.5f; m.DoubleSided = false; return(m); }
internal static int AddMaterial(this Gltf gltf, string name, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha, float specularFactor, float glossinessFactor) { var m = new glTFLoader.Schema.Material(); m.PbrMetallicRoughness = new MaterialPbrMetallicRoughness(); m.PbrMetallicRoughness.BaseColorFactor = new[] { red, green, blue, alpha }; m.PbrMetallicRoughness.MetallicFactor = 1.0f; m.Name = name; if (alpha < 1.0) { m.AlphaMode = glTFLoader.Schema.Material.AlphaModeEnum.BLEND; } else { m.AlphaMode = glTFLoader.Schema.Material.AlphaModeEnum.OPAQUE; } m.Extensions = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "diffuseFactor", new[] { red, green, blue, alpha } }, { "specularFactor", new[] { specularFactor, specularFactor, specularFactor } }, { "glossinessFactor", glossinessFactor } } } }; if (gltf.Materials != null) { var materials = gltf.Materials.ToList(); materials.Add(m); gltf.Materials = materials.ToArray(); } else { gltf.Materials = new [] { m }; } return(gltf.Materials.Length - 1); }
private UnityEngine.Material LoadMaterial(glTFLoader.Schema.Material material) { string techniqueID = material.Technique; if (techniqueID != null) { LoadTechnique(m_model.Techniques[techniqueID]); } UnityEngine.Material res = new UnityEngine.Material(UnityEngine.Shader.Find(" Diffuse")); = material.Name; if (material.Values != null) { if (material.Values.ContainsKey("ambient")) { JArray ambientArray = material.Values["ambient"] as JArray; int[] ambient = ambientArray.ToObject <int[]>(); res.SetColor("_Color", ArrayConverter.ToColor(ambient)); } if (material.Values.ContainsKey("emission")) { JArray emissionArray = material.Values["emission"] as JArray; int[] emission = emissionArray.ToObject <int[]>(); res.SetColor("_EmissionColor", ArrayConverter.ToColor(emission)); } if (material.Values.ContainsKey("diffuse")) { if (material.Values["diffuse"] is string) { string diffuseTextureID = material.Values["diffuse"] as string; Texture2D texture = LoadTexture(m_model.Textures[diffuseTextureID]); res.mainTexture = texture; } } } return(res); }
internal static Dictionary <string, int> AddMaterials(this Gltf gltf, IList <Material> materials, List <byte> buffer, List <BufferView> bufferViews) { var materialDict = new Dictionary <string, int>(); var newMaterials = new List <glTFLoader.Schema.Material>(); var textureDict = new Dictionary <string, int>(); // the name of the texture image, the id of the texture var textures = new List <glTFLoader.Schema.Texture>(); var images = new List <glTFLoader.Schema.Image>(); var samplers = new List <glTFLoader.Schema.Sampler>(); var matId = 0; var texId = 0; var imageId = 0; var samplerId = 0; foreach (var material in materials) { if (materialDict.ContainsKey(material.Name)) { continue; } var m = new glTFLoader.Schema.Material(); newMaterials.Add(m); m.PbrMetallicRoughness = new MaterialPbrMetallicRoughness(); m.PbrMetallicRoughness.BaseColorFactor = material.Color.ToArray(); m.PbrMetallicRoughness.MetallicFactor = 1.0f; m.DoubleSided = material.DoubleSided; m.Name = material.Name; if (material.Unlit) { m.Extensions = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "KHR_materials_unlit", new Dictionary <string, object> { } } }; } else { m.Extensions = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "diffuseFactor", new[] { material.Color.Red, material.Color.Green, material.Color.Blue, material.Color.Alpha } }, { "specularFactor", new[] { material.SpecularFactor, material.SpecularFactor, material.SpecularFactor } }, { "glossinessFactor", material.GlossinessFactor } } } }; } if (material.Texture != null && File.Exists(material.Texture)) { // Add the texture var ti = new TextureInfo(); m.PbrMetallicRoughness.BaseColorTexture = ti; ti.Index = texId; ti.TexCoord = 0; ((Dictionary <string, object>)m.Extensions["KHR_materials_pbrSpecularGlossiness"])["diffuseTexture"] = ti; if (textureDict.ContainsKey(material.Texture)) { ti.Index = textureDict[material.Texture]; } else { var tex = new Texture(); textures.Add(tex); var image = new glTFLoader.Schema.Image(); using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { // Flip the texture image vertically // to align with OpenGL convention. // 0,1 1,1 // 0,0 1,0 using (var texImage = SixLabors.ImageSharp.Image.Load(material.Texture)) { texImage.Mutate(x => x.Flip(FlipMode.Vertical)); texImage.Save(ms, new SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Png.PngEncoder()); } var imageData = ms.ToArray(); image.BufferView = AddBufferView(bufferViews, 0, buffer.Count, imageData.Length, null, null); buffer.AddRange(imageData); } while (buffer.Count % 4 != 0) { // Console.WriteLine("Padding..."); buffer.Add(0); } image.MimeType = glTFLoader.Schema.Image.MimeTypeEnum.image_png; tex.Source = imageId; images.Add(image); var sampler = new Sampler(); sampler.MagFilter = Sampler.MagFilterEnum.LINEAR; sampler.MinFilter = Sampler.MinFilterEnum.LINEAR; sampler.WrapS = Sampler.WrapSEnum.REPEAT; sampler.WrapT = Sampler.WrapTEnum.REPEAT; tex.Sampler = samplerId; samplers.Add(sampler); textureDict.Add(material.Texture, texId); texId++; imageId++; samplerId++; } } if (material.Color.Alpha < 1.0) { m.AlphaMode = glTFLoader.Schema.Material.AlphaModeEnum.BLEND; } else { m.AlphaMode = glTFLoader.Schema.Material.AlphaModeEnum.OPAQUE; } materialDict.Add(m.Name, matId); matId++; } if (materials.Count > 0) { gltf.Materials = newMaterials.ToArray(); } if (textures.Count > 0) { gltf.Textures = textures.ToArray(); } if (images.Count > 0) { gltf.Images = images.ToArray(); } if (samplers.Count > 0) { gltf.Samplers = samplers.ToArray(); } return(materialDict); }
public int AddMaterial() { // Prep glTFLoader.Schema.Material material = new glTFLoader.Schema.Material() { Name = rhinoMaterial.Name, PbrMetallicRoughness = new MaterialPbrMetallicRoughness(), }; if (!rhinoMaterial.IsPhysicallyBased) { rhinoMaterial.ToPhysicallyBased(); } // Textures Rhino.DocObjects.Texture metallicTexture = rhinoMaterial.PhysicallyBased.GetTexture(TextureType.PBR_Metallic); Rhino.DocObjects.Texture roughnessTexture = rhinoMaterial.PhysicallyBased.GetTexture(TextureType.PBR_Roughness); Rhino.DocObjects.Texture normalTexture = rhinoMaterial.PhysicallyBased.GetTexture(TextureType.Bump); Rhino.DocObjects.Texture occlusionTexture = rhinoMaterial.PhysicallyBased.GetTexture(TextureType.PBR_AmbientOcclusion); Rhino.DocObjects.Texture emissiveTexture = rhinoMaterial.PhysicallyBased.GetTexture(TextureType.PBR_Emission); HandleBaseColor(rhinoMaterial, material); if (metallicTexture != null || roughnessTexture != null) { material.PbrMetallicRoughness.MetallicRoughnessTexture = AddMetallicRoughnessTexture(rhinoMaterial); material.PbrMetallicRoughness.MetallicFactor = 1.0f; material.PbrMetallicRoughness.RoughnessFactor = 1.0f; } else { material.PbrMetallicRoughness.MetallicFactor = (float)rhinoMaterial.PhysicallyBased.Metallic; material.PbrMetallicRoughness.RoughnessFactor = (float)rhinoMaterial.PhysicallyBased.Roughness; } if (normalTexture != null && normalTexture.Enabled) { material.NormalTexture = AddTextureNormal(normalTexture); } if (occlusionTexture != null && occlusionTexture.Enabled) { material.OcclusionTexture = AddTextureOcclusion(occlusionTexture.FileReference.FullPath); } if (emissiveTexture != null && emissiveTexture.Enabled) { material.EmissiveTexture = AddTexture(emissiveTexture.FileReference.FullPath); float emissionMultiplier = 1.0f; var param = rhinoMaterial.RenderMaterial.GetParameter("emission-multiplier"); if (param != null) { emissionMultiplier = (float)Convert.ToDouble(param); } material.EmissiveFactor = new float[] { emissionMultiplier, emissionMultiplier, emissionMultiplier, }; } else { material.EmissiveFactor = new float[] { rhinoMaterial.PhysicallyBased.Emission.R, rhinoMaterial.PhysicallyBased.Emission.G, rhinoMaterial.PhysicallyBased.Emission.B, }; } return(dummy.Materials.AddAndReturnIndex(material)); }