static async Task Main(string[] args) { var opts = new OptionSet() { { "u|user="******"(REQUIRED) A github user with admin access.", u => Config.Github.User = u } , { "t|token=", "(REQUIRED) A github token that has admin access to the org.", t => Config.Github.Token = t } , { "o|org=", "The organisation we need to run the actions against (defaults to `sectigo-eng`)", o => Config.Github.Org = o } , { "teams=", "A file with the desired team structure in JSON format. If this is set, this will enforce that team structure (including removing members from teams). We expect a Dictionary where the key is the team name, and the value a list of string with the user login names.", ts => Config.TeamStructureFile = ts } , { "repos=", "A file with the desired repository teams access in JSON format.", rs => Config.RepoStructureFile = rs } , { "report=", "The path were we output the audit report. This defaults to ./", o => Config.ReportingPath = o } , { "d|dryrun=", "Should this run authorative updates (`no`-dryrun), or only display changes (`yes` do a dryrun please). Must be either 'yes' or 'no'. Defaults to 'yes'.", (string dry) => Config.DryRunMode = dry.ToLower() } , { "no-dryrun", "Run authoratives updates. This can be destructive. This is the greedy option over --dryrun=yes|no.", d => Config.DryRunMode = "no" } , { "validate=", "Should this run include validation checks (does X exist or not). Excluding these saves significant api hits for rate limiting. Must be either `yes` or `no`. Defaults to `yes`)", (string val) => Config.ValidationMode = val.ToLower() } , { "h|help", p => Config.Help = true } }; try { opts.Parse(args); Console.WriteLine($"Current configuration: {Config.ToString()}"); } catch (OptionException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return; } if (!Config.ValidateInput() || Config.Help) { opts.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); return; } if (!Config.DryRun) { Console.WriteLine("\n\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); Console.WriteLine("!!! Non-DryRun mode - The actions will be DESTRUCTIVE !!!"); Console.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n\n"); } client = new GitHubClient(new ProductHeaderValue("SuperMassiveCLI")); client.Credentials = new Credentials(Config.Github.User, Config.Github.Token); Console.WriteLine("\n\nChecking merge setting"); await new Merging(squash: true) { Client = client }.Do(); Console.WriteLine("\n\nChecking repo collaborators"); var wrapper = new GitWrapper(client); if (Config.HasRepoStructureFile) { Console.WriteLine("Checking repository access"); await new RepositoryAccess(GetRepositoryDescription()) { Client = client, Wrapper = wrapper }.Do(); } Console.WriteLine("\n\nChecking branch protections"); await new Protection() { Client = client }.Do(); Console.WriteLine("\n\nPerforming team audit"); var audit = new Audit(outputPath: Config.ReportingPath) { Client = client }; await audit.Do(); if (Config.HasTeamsStructureFile) { var teams = GetTeams(); Console.WriteLine("\n\nChecking teams"); await new Teams(audit.Data, teams) { Client = client }.Do(); Console.WriteLine("\n\nChecking teams memberships"); await new TeamMemberships(audit.Data, teams) { Client = client }.Do(); } }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { var opts = new OptionSet() { { "u|user="******"(REQUIRED) A github user with admin access.", u => Config.Github.User = u } , { "t|token=", "(REQUIRED) A github token that has admin access to the org.", t => Config.Github.Token = t } , { "o|org=", "The organisation we need to run the actions against (defaults to `sectigo-eng`)", o => Config.Github.Org = o } , { "teams=", "A file with the desired team structure in JSON format. If this is set, this will enforce that team structure (including removing members from teams). We expect a Dictionary where the key is the team name, and the value a list of string with the user login names.", ts => Config.TeamStructureFile = ts } , { "report=", "The path were we output the audit report. This defaults to ./", o => Config.ReportingPath = o } , { "no-dryrun", "Do not change anything, just display changes.", d => Config.DryRun = false } , { "h|help", p => Config.Help = true } }; try { opts.Parse(args); Console.WriteLine($"Current configuration: {Config.ToString()}"); } catch (OptionException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return; } if (!Config.Validate() || Config.Help) { opts.WriteOptionDescriptions(Console.Out); return; } if (!Config.DryRun) { Console.WriteLine("\n\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); Console.WriteLine("!!! Non-DryRun mode - The actions will be DESTRUCTIVE !!!"); Console.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n\n"); } client = new GitHubClient(new ProductHeaderValue("SuperMassiveCLI")); client.Credentials = new Credentials(Config.Github.User, Config.Github.Token); Console.WriteLine("\n\nChecking merge setting"); await new Merging(squash: true) { Client = client }.Do(); Console.WriteLine("\n\nChecking repo collaborators"); var wrapper = new GitWrapper(client); await new Collaborators(wrapper, "developers", not: admin_repos) { Client = client, }.Do(); await new Collaborators(wrapper, "alpha", not: admin_repos) { Client = client, }.Do(); await new Collaborators(wrapper, "bravo", not: admin_repos) { Client = client, }.Do(); await new Collaborators(wrapper, "developers", only: admin_repos, permission: Permission.Pull) { Client = client, }.Do(); await new Collaborators(wrapper, "admins", Permission.Admin) { Client = client }.Do(); await new Collaborators(wrapper, "devops-integrations", only: devops_repos) { Client = client }.Do(); await new Collaborators(wrapper, "chrome", only: chromeos_repos) { Client = client }.Do(); Console.WriteLine("\n\nChecking branch protections"); await new Protection() { Client = client }.Do(); Console.WriteLine("\n\nPerforming team audit"); var audit = new Audit(outputPath: Config.ReportingPath) { Client = client }; await audit.Do(); if (Config.HasTeamsStructureFile) { await CheckTeamMemberships(audit.Data); } }