public async Task <models.Plan> GetPlanAsync() { if (cachedPlan == null) { var org = await Get <models.Organization>($"{Config.Github.Org}"); cachedPlan = org.Plan; } return(cachedPlan); }
public override async Task Do() { if (auditData == null) { throw new Exception("Audit data has to be set!"); } var usersDoNotExist = new List <string>(); var orgHasEnoughSeats = true; models.Plan plan = null; if (Config.Validate) { // We want to know if any of the users do not exsit, but we still want // to process all the actions we can. This is to prevent blocking a user // addition or removal. l("Validating usernames"); foreach (var team in this.teams) { usersDoNotExist.AddRange(await ValidateUsers(team.Value)); } // Make sure we have enough seats available in our plan. If we cannot add l("Validating available license seats"); plan = await wrapper.Org.GetPlanAsync(); var totalProposedMembers = teams.Values.SelectMany(m => m).Distinct().Count(); orgHasEnoughSeats = plan.Seats > totalProposedMembers; l($"We have {plan.Seats} available, and {totalProposedMembers} total proposed members", 1); } foreach (var team in this.teams) { // Filter out the users we know that doe not exist var proposed_members = team.Value.Except(usersDoNotExist); var team_name = team.Key; var team_id = auditData.Teams.SingleOrDefault(t => t.Value.Equals(team_name)).Key; var actions = new List <Acting>(); // We didn't find the team in the cache, that means this is a new team! if (auditData.Teams.ContainsValue(team_name)) { // Who should we add? actions.AddRange(proposed_members.Where(m => !auditData.MembersByTeam[team_name].Any(gm => gm.Equals(m))).Distinct().Select(m => new Acting { Action = Acting.Act.Add, Name = m })); // Who should we remove? actions.AddRange(auditData.MembersByTeam[team_name].Where(m => !proposed_members.Contains(m)).Distinct().Select(m => new Acting { Action = Acting.Act.Remove, Name = m })); } else { // This is a new team, so we should add all the proposed members actions.AddRange(proposed_members.Select(m => new Acting { Action = Acting.Act.Add, Name = m })); } // And then actually do those modifications them. foreach (var action in actions.OrderBy(a => a.Name)) { if (action.Action == Acting.Act.Add) { // We only want to process the removals if we don't have enough seats if (orgHasEnoughSeats) { l($"[UPDATE] Will add {action.Name} to team {team_name} ({team_id}) as a member", 1); } else { l($"[SKIP] Will not add {action.Name} to team {team_name} ({team_id}) as a member becaues we do not have enough license seats", 1); continue; } if (Config.DryRun) { continue; } try { await Client.Organization.Team.AddOrEditMembership(team_id, action.Name, new UpdateTeamMembership(TeamRole.Member)); l($"[MODIFIED] Added {action.Name} to {team_name} ({team_id}", 1); // Ugly update the cache :/ auditData.MembersByTeam[team_name].Add(action.Name); auditData.Members.Add(action.Name); } catch (Octokit.ApiException apiEx) { l($"[ERROR] A Github API error occured and we weren't able to add {action.Name} to {team_name}"); l($"Message: {apiEx.Message}\nStatusCode:{apiEx.StatusCode}\nException:{apiEx.InnerException}\n\n{apiEx.Source}\n"); } } else { l($"[UPDATE] Will remove {action.Name} from team {team_name} ({team_id})", 1); if (Config.DryRun) { continue; } try { var res = await Client.Organization.Team.RemoveMembership(team_id, action.Name); if (res) { l($"[MODIFIED] Removed {action.Name} from {team_name} ({team_id})", 1); // Ugly update the cache :/ auditData.MembersByTeam[team_name].Remove(action.Name); auditData.Members.Remove(action.Name); } else { l($"[ERROR] Could not remove {action.Name} from {team_name} ({team_id})", 1); } } catch (Octokit.ApiException apiEx) { l($"[ERROR] A Github API error occured and we weren't able to remove {action.Name} to {team_name}"); l($"Message: {apiEx.Message}\nStatusCode:{apiEx.StatusCode}\nException:{apiEx.InnerException}\n\n{apiEx.Source}\n"); } } } } // We make sure that we can process the authoritative teams list while excluding the not existing // members because we want to make sure the membership list is as up to date as possible. Otherwise // there might be a scenario where were a malicious employee (on us trying to remove them from // github) could rename their account to something higher in the alphabet, and could extend their // stay and wreck havoc/steal all our big balls of content. // // We eventually do want to crash as to indicate something is bonkers, but only after we processed // the valid members. var message = ""; if (!orgHasEnoughSeats) { var memberCount = teams.Values.SelectMany(m => m).Distinct().Count(); message += $"We do not have enough license seats available. We required {memberCount} but we have {plan.Seats}."; message += "\n"; } if (usersDoNotExist.Any()) { message += "Users do not exist:\n"; message += string.Join("\n", usersDoNotExist.Select(u => $"\t{u}")); message += "\n"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { // make the output a bit more readable l(""); throw new Exception("Validation of Team Meberships failed!\n" + message); } }