A class representing an object that can move, rotate, scale and change transparency.
Inheritance: VisualObjectBase
		public void UpdateObjectState(DynamicObject obj)
			var result = obj.Momentum + _GravityVector * GameCore.Delta;
			var projection = _GravityVector.X.IsAlmostNull() ? _GravityVector.X : _GravityVector.Y;
			if (Math.Abs(projection) <= SpeedLimit)
				obj.Momentum = result;
		public void UpdateObjectState(DynamicObject obj)
			var coeff = (1 - _FrictionCoefficient*GameCore.Delta);

			if((_Direction & FrictionDirection.Horizontal) != 0)
				obj.Momentum.X *= coeff;

			if ((_Direction & FrictionDirection.Vertical) != 0)
				obj.Momentum.Y *= coeff;
		public void UpdateObjectState(DynamicObject obj)
			_TimeToLive -= GameCore.Delta;

			if (_TimeToLive < 0)
				GameCore.RegisterDeferredAction(() => obj.Behaviours.Remove<TimebombBehaviour>());
		public void UpdateObjectState(DynamicObject obj)
			_ElapsedTime += GameCore.Delta;
			if (_ElapsedTime >= _FlipTime)
				obj.TransparencyShift = (_FlipsLeft & 1) == 0 ? -1/_FlipTime : 1/_FlipTime;
				_ElapsedTime = 0;

				if(_FlipsLeft > 0)

			if (_FlipsLeft == 0)
				GameCore.RegisterDeferredAction(() => obj.Behaviours.Remove<BlinkingBehaviour>());
		public void UpdateObjectState(DynamicObject obj)
			if (!_IsActivated)
				obj.Position = _Points[0];
				_IsActivated = true;
				_Segment = new BezierSegment(_Points[0], _Points[1], _Points[2]);

			if (IsFinished || (PauseBinding != null && PauseBinding()) || GameCore.Delta.IsAlmostNull())

			// calculate the desired momentum
			var speed = obj.Speed;
			var oldPoint = _Segment.CurrentPoint;
			var newPoint = _Segment.CurrentPoint;
			var vector = newPoint - oldPoint;
			if (vector.Length() > 0)
				obj.Momentum = vector*speed;
				obj.Momentum = Vector2.Zero;

			// advance to the next segment if needed
			if (_Segment.IsFinished)
				if (_CurrentPoint + 4 > _Points.Count)
					IsFinished = true;
					GameCore.RegisterDeferredAction(() =>
					        obj.Momentum = Vector2.Zero;

				_CurrentPoint += 2;
				_Segment = new BezierSegment(_Points[_CurrentPoint], _Points[_CurrentPoint + 1], _Points[_CurrentPoint+2]);
		public void UpdateObjectState(DynamicObject obj)
			var iObj = obj as InteractableObject;
			if (iObj == null)

			var box = obj.GetBoundingBox(_Absolute);
			if (obj.Momentum.X < 0 && box.Left <= _Rect.Left)
				obj.Momentum.X = Math.Abs(obj.Momentum.X);
			else if (obj.Momentum.X > 0 && box.Right >= _Rect.Right)
				obj.Momentum.X = -Math.Abs(obj.Momentum.X);
			else if (obj.Momentum.Y < 0 && box.Top <= _Rect.Top)
				obj.Momentum.Y = Math.Abs(obj.Momentum.Y);
			else if (obj.Momentum.Y > 0 && box.Bottom >= _Rect.Bottom)
				obj.Momentum.Y = -Math.Abs(obj.Momentum.Y);
		public void UpdateObjectState(DynamicObject obj)
			if (_OriginalPosition == null)
				_OriginalPosition = obj.Position;

			_ElapsedTime += GameCore.Delta;
			var time = 1/JitterRate;
			if (_ElapsedTime > time)
				_ElapsedTime -= time;
				obj.Position = new Vector2(
					_OriginalPosition.Value.X + Globals.RandomInt(-JitterAmount, JitterAmount),
					_OriginalPosition.Value.Y + Globals.RandomInt(-JitterAmount, JitterAmount)
		public void UpdateObjectState(DynamicObject obj)
			if (!_ElapsedTime.HasValue)

			if (!_Applied)
				if (_Effect == FadeEffect.Fade || _Effect == FadeEffect.ZoomAndFade || _Effect == FadeEffect.InverseZoomAndFade)
					obj.AnimateProperty(AnimatableProperty.Transparency, 0, _Time, _Mode);

				if (_Effect == FadeEffect.Zoom || _Effect == FadeEffect.ZoomAndFade || _Effect == FadeEffect.InverseZoomAndFade)
					obj.AnimateProperty(AnimatableProperty.Scale, _Effect == FadeEffect.Zoom ? 0 : 2, _Time, _Mode);

				_Applied = true;

			_ElapsedTime += GameCore.Delta;
		public void UpdateObjectState(DynamicObject obj)
			if (!_InitialScale.HasValue)
				_InitialScale = obj.Scale;
				_InitialTransparency = obj.Transparency;

			if (_Effect == FadeEffect.Fade || _Effect == FadeEffect.ZoomAndFade || _Effect == FadeEffect.InverseZoomAndFade)
				obj.Transparency = 0;
				obj.AnimateProperty(AnimatableProperty.Transparency, _InitialTransparency.Value, _Time, _Mode);

			if (_Effect == FadeEffect.Zoom || _Effect == FadeEffect.ZoomAndFade || _Effect == FadeEffect.InverseZoomAndFade)
				obj.Scale = _Effect == FadeEffect.InverseZoomAndFade ? 2 : 0;
				obj.AnimateProperty(AnimatableProperty.Scale, _InitialScale.Value, _Time, _Mode);

			GameCore.RegisterDeferredAction(() => obj.Behaviours.Remove<FadeInBehaviour>());
		public void ActivateFadeOut(DynamicObject obj)
			_ElapsedTime = 0;
		public void ActivateFadeOut(DynamicObject obj)
		public void UpdateObjectState(DynamicObject obj) { }
		/// <summary>
		/// Set the particle's default properties.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="obj">Particle to tweak.</param>
		protected virtual void tweakParticle(DynamicObject obj)
			obj.Position = ParticleOrigin.GetValue();
			obj.Momentum = Globals.CreateVector(ParticlePropulsion.GetValue(), ParticleAngle.GetValue());
			obj.Behaviours.Add(new TimebombBehaviour(TimeToLive.GetValue()));

			// speed optimization: disable touch support for particles
			var itb = obj as InteractableObject;
			if (itb != null)
				itb.IsTouchable = false;