        public AppFlowMetadata(string clientId, string secret, Gc2LtiDbContext context)
            Flow =
                new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow(new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Initializer
                ClientSecrets = new ClientSecrets
                    ClientId     = clientId,
                    ClientSecret = secret
                Scopes = new[]
                    // HomeController creates the assignment.
                    // Gc2LtiController launches the assignment (the LTI tool).
                    // OutcomesController saves the grade.

                    // https://developers.google.com/classroom/reference/rest/v1/courses/list
                    // While sharing to classroom, get the list of the current user's courses
                    // so they can choose which one gets the assignment.
                    // https://developers.google.com/classroom/reference/rest/v1/courses/get
                    // While sharing to classroom, get the course so it's name can be displayed
                    // in the share to classroom confirmation, and so a View button can be
                    // constructed that displays the course with the assignment. And while
                    // launching the assignment, get the course so it's id and name can be
                    // passed to the LTI tool.

                    // https://developers.google.com/classroom/reference/rest/v1/userProfiles/get
                    // While sharing to classroom, get the current user's profile so their name
                    // can be displayed in the share to classroom dialog (as a reminder of which
                    // account is signed on). And while launching the assignment, get the user's
                    // profile so their id, email, names, and photo can be passed to the LTI tool.
                    // https://developers.google.com/classroom/reference/rest/v1/courses.teachers/get
                    // While launching the assignment, find out if the current user is one of the
                    // teachers of the course so the role can be passed to the LTI tool.

                    // https://developers.google.com/classroom/reference/rest/v1/courses.courseWork/create
                    // While sharing to classroom, create the assignment.
                    // https://developers.google.com/classroom/reference/rest/v1/courses.courseWork.studentSubmissions/patch
                    // While saving a grade, patch the studentsubmission.

                    // https://developers.google.com/classroom/reference/rest/v1/courses.courseWork/get
                    // While saving a grade, get the coursework (assignment).
                    // https://developers.google.com/classroom/reference/rest/v1/courses.courseWork.studentSubmissions/list
                    // While saving a grade, get the studentsubmission for the assignment.

                    // https://developers.google.com/classroom/reference/rest/v1/courses.courseWork/list
                    // While launching the assignment, get the corresponding coursework id, title, and
                    // description so it can be passed to the LTI tool.

                    // https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/directory/v1/reference/users/get
                    // While launching the assignment, get the current user's directory entry so
                    // their SIS ID and organization (school) can be passed to the LTI tool.
                DataStore = new EfDataStore(context)
 public EfDataStore(Gc2LtiDbContext context)
     _context = context;