public EntityWithTable(
     EntityClass entity,
     ITableManager t,
     bool isTopTable = true)
     Entity = entity;
     if (!Entity.NoSave)
         Table = t.New(entity, isTopTable, !Entity.Lists.Any(), entity.PrimaryKeyIndex);
     foreach (var e in entity.Lists)
         Lists.Add(new EntityWithTable(e, t, false));
     if (entity.AggregationFields.Any())
         Aggregator = new Aggregator(entity.AggregationFields.ToArray(), entity.ParentEffectiveFieldCount);
        public SqlTable(
            ITableManager tableManager,
            EntityClass entity,
            bool isTopTable,
            bool isLeafTable,
            int primaryKeyIndex,
            int flushThreshold)
            TableManager    = tableManager;
            _flushThreshold = flushThreshold;
            Name            = entity.TableName;
            IsTopTable      = isTopTable;
            IsLeafTable     = isLeafTable;
            PrimaryKeyIndex = primaryKeyIndex;
            Fields          = entity.Fields.Where(_ => !_.NoSave).Select(_ => new NameAndType(_.ExternalName, _.FieldType)).ToList();
            if (Fields.Any(_ => string.IsNullOrEmpty(_.Name)))
                throw new ArgumentException($"Table {Name} contains empty column name");

            _dataTable = new DataTable();
            if (AutomaticPrimaryKey)
                _dataTable.Columns.Add("_id_", typeof(Guid)).AllowDBNull = false;
            if (!IsTopTable)
                ForeignKeyName = entity.ForeignKeyName;
                var dc = _dataTable.Columns.Add(ForeignKeyName, entity.ForeignKeyType);
                if (entity.ForeignKeyType == typeof(string))
                    dc.MaxLength = 100;
                dc.AllowDBNull = false;
            foreach (var field in Fields)
                var dc = _dataTable.Columns.Add(field.Name, LinkedFieldInfo.StripNullable(field.Type));
                dc.AllowDBNull = field.Type == typeof(string) || field.Type == typeof(byte[]) || field.Type != LinkedFieldInfo.StripNullable(field.Type);
        public EntityClass(
            EntityClass parent,
            entitySpec entitySpec,
            Type type,
            LinkedFieldInfo fieldInfo,
            Action <string> log,
            bool throwOnCircularReference)
            : base(entitySpec)
                $"EntityClass ctor: {}/{entitySpec.fields?.Count ?? 0} - {type?.Name} - {fieldInfo?.FieldType} - {fieldInfo?.IEnumerable?.Name}");

            TableName = parent != null && Spec.externalname == null
                ? string.Join("_", parent.TableName, ExternalName)
                : ExternalName;

            FieldInfo = fieldInfo;
            FieldType = fieldInfo?.FieldType;

            if (!Spec.Any() || isStarExpansionAndNoRealSubProperties(type))
                // not sure if this should be allowed...
                Fields.Add(new EntitySolitaire(type));

            breakDownSubEntities(type, log, throwOnCircularReference);

            // move the nosave fields to always be at the end of the list
            var noSaveFields = Fields.Where(_ => _.NoSave).ToList();

            Fields.RemoveAll(_ => _.NoSave);
            SaveableFieldCount = Fields.Count;

            // this is temporary - to be able to serialze a contract with "*" since it was digging up so much garbage...
            // need to investigae each "garbage" occurrence and handle it more elegantly
            Fields.RemoveAll(_ => _ is EntityPlainField && SqlHelpers.Field2Sql(_.NameAndType.Name, _.NameAndType.Type, false, 0, true) == null);
            Lists.RemoveAll(_ => !_.Fields.Any() && !_.Lists.Any());

            if (Fields.Count(_ => _.Spec.primarykey) > 1)
                throw new Exception("There may be no more than one primary key field");
            PrimaryKeyIndex = Fields.FindIndex(_ => _.Spec.primarykey);

            EffectiveFieldCount = Fields.Count + 1;
            for (var fi = 0; fi < Fields.Count; fi++)
                Fields[fi].ParentInitialized(this, fi);
            for (var li = 0; li < Lists.Count; li++)
                Lists[li].ParentInitialized(this, li);

            for (var i = 0; i < Fields.Count; i++)
                Fields[i].ResultSetIndex = i;

            var fieldsThenFormulas = Fields.Where(_ => !(_ is EntityAggregation)).ToList();

            _fieldsThenNonAggregatedFormulas = fieldsThenFormulas.Where(_ => !_.IsBasedOnAggregation).ToArray();
            _aggregatedFormulas = fieldsThenFormulas.Where(_ => _.IsBasedOnAggregation).ToArray();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Spec.where))
                _whereClause = new WhereClause(Spec.where, Fields, _fieldsThenNonAggregatedFormulas);

            if (PrimaryKeyIndex >= 0 && Fields[PrimaryKeyIndex].IsBasedOnAggregation)
                throw new Exception($"The primary key must not be based on an aggregation (table '{TableName}')");
 public override void ParentInitialized(EntityClass parent, int index)
     ParentEffectiveFieldCount = parent.EffectiveFieldCount;
     ForeignKeyType            = parent.PrimaryKeyIndex < 0 ? typeof(Guid) : parent.Fields[parent.PrimaryKeyIndex].FieldType;
     ForeignKeyName            = string.Join("_", parent.TableName, parent.PrimaryKeyName);
        private static IEnumerable <Entity> expansionOverStar(
            Action <string> log,
            EntityClass parent,
            Type masterType,
            entitySpec subEntitySpec,
            HashSet <Type> detectCircularRef,
            bool throwOnCircularReference,
            string prefix = "",
            Type subType  = null)
            if ( != "*")
                yield return(create(parent, subEntitySpec, masterType, log, throwOnCircularReference));

                yield break;

            subType = subType ?? masterType;

            if (detectCircularRef.Contains(subType))
                if (throwOnCircularReference)
                    throw new Exception("Circular reference detected while processing inclusion of all fields ('*')");
                    yield return(new EntityClass(parent, entitySpec.Begin(prefix.TrimEnd(".".ToCharArray())), masterType, null, log, true));

                    yield break;

            foreach (var nameAndType in LinkedFieldInfo.GetAllFieldsAndProperties(subType))
                if (nameAndType.Type == typeof(object))
                var spec          = entitySpec.Begin(prefix + nameAndType.Name);
                var subProperties = LinkedFieldInfo.GetAllFieldsAndProperties(nameAndType.Type);
                if (LinkedFieldInfo.CheckForIEnumerable(nameAndType.Type) != null)
                    yield return(create(parent, spec, masterType, log, throwOnCircularReference));
                else if (!subProperties.Any())
                    yield return(create(parent, spec, masterType, log, throwOnCircularReference));

                foreach (var liftedSubProperty in subProperties)
                    if (liftedSubProperty.Type == typeof(object))
                    var propName = $"{prefix}{nameAndType.Name}.{liftedSubProperty.Name}";
                    if (LinkedFieldInfo.GetAllFieldsAndProperties(liftedSubProperty.Type).Any())
                        foreach (var q in expansionOverStar(log, parent, masterType, "*", detectCircularRef, throwOnCircularReference, propName + ".", liftedSubProperty.Type))
                            yield return(q);
                        yield return(create(parent, entitySpec.Begin(propName).Add("*"), masterType, log, throwOnCircularReference));
                    //yield return create(propName, masterType, log);

 public ConcurrentEntityTableDictionary(ITableManager tableManager, EntityClass template)
     _tableManager = tableManager;
     _template     = template;
     GetOrNew(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);  // force creation of the first table set on current thread
 public virtual void ParentInitialized(EntityClass parent, int index)